...rich environments for information sharing, entertainment, business, and social interaction in the United States and around the world. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Lule, J. (2012). Exploring media and culture. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: The Formative Influence of Mass Media on American Culture Details Objectives 1.1. Identify the effects of mass media on American culture. 1.2. Summarize the evolution of mass media. 1.3. Explain the implications of media convergence. 1.4. Describe the value of media literacy. Read Ch. 1 of Exploring Media and Culture. Read Ch. 2 of Exploring Media and Culture. Read the “New Media, Old Models”, “The Internet’s Effects on Media Economies”, “Digital Divide...
Words: 2017 - Pages: 9
...the continuous changes in the internet industry never before has the need for a Digital Marketing Consultant been more apparent to business professionals than it is today. • At WSI, our mission is to make a difference in the lives of people the world over. • The WSI selection process is designed to take you through the steps of exploring wheter WSI will help you meet your own personal goals. • It's vitally important to ask yourself, are you looking for • A better Lifestyle? • Greater control? • A way to generate greater income? • Or build a business with real equity? • Will your current professional career give you the opportunity to meet these goals? • Throughout the process you'll be using the "decision-making checklist" to determine whether WSI is the right vehicle to help achieve your own personal goals, and to determine whether you are the right fit for the WSI Franchise. • Together we will make sure both parties come to the best possible business decision • We take special care to identify the best possible applicants that align with our culture, our values and embody the core competencies that make for truly successful WSI franchisees. • Perhaps you'll join our team of Digital Marketing Consultants and together, look forward to many years of success. Digitization of Business • Today the digital world has permeated every aspect of our daily lives and we are now digital consumers • We call this colossal shift from offline to online Digitization and...
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...A 'digital divide' can be described as an economic inequality between groups, this simply refers to the amount of people that have access to the latest information technologies and to those who do not. There is a clear digital divide in our modern society, the main denominator being age. Because of the recent advancements in technology, the modern adolescent has grown up with all things digital i.e. The internet, television, games consoles etc. In complete contrast, the adults of todays world lacked most of these ‘modern day necessities’ growing up. The complete and utter difference in lifestyles has ultimately led to a rewiring of the human brain. Children of the modern world are fully adjusted to modern technology and digital media from a very early age whereas the older generation need more time to adapt to the often complicated new technology. "We see marked differences in behaviour within countries – with a clear divide between younger and older groups. Younger people are more likely to use social media and aggregator brands and in all countries they show a strong preference for online." (Newman, Nic, NN, (2013), 'Digital News Report 2013', Uneven Pace of Change - Differences between and within Countries) There are of course many advantages of the new digital society in which we live. The internet can be used as a tool to connect with people all over the world, business conferences can be held via the internet in real time saving time and money for thousands of businesses...
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...How Digital Media has changed how people Introduction We live in a dynamic and progressive world where new ideas are actualized to better the state of human lives. Much can be said of the transformation that technological era brought to the world. However, of all the transformation nothing beats the effect that digital media has brought to the world. Never in the history of this planet has a single entity shape virtually every sector of our lives. The digital media is actually moving the world from money exchange, entertainment and communication. Communication is an aspect that has totally transformed with technology. Our view of the world and interaction hallmarks the effect of digital media and its subsequent effect on lives. On this accord,...
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...Leaning 7 Communicating Online COM10003 – Leaning and Communicating Online Assessment 1 – An exploration of the digital world My research topic in relation to exploring the digital world is on Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer is developed from breast tissues. Various signs of breast cancer include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, a red scaly patch on the skin, or even a change in the shape of the breast. There are various risk factors involved in developing breast cancer such as lacking in physical exercise, over consumption of alcohol, taking hormone replacement therapies during menopause and of course, major contributing factor is the gene inheritance. I commenced my research on the above topic using the informational website Wikipedia. I have found Wikipedia has the most comprehensive amount of information on breast cancer. It has information on Signs and Symptoms of breast cancer and how it is detected. It consists of pictures of breast showing signs like red scaly patch on skin, inverted nipple which is also a sign of breast cancer and a lump on a breast which is the most common symptom in today’s world. There is also a mammographic picture of a normal breast and a breast with cancer. Wikipedia also has information on the life style, how excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol leads to breast cancer. I did not have the knowledge that being exposed to radiation or doing shift work could also lead to breast cancer until I read this information...
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...but high-profit of film repurchase and having the strong relationship with retailers for selling products and printing photos with Kodak paper. This meant that the company offered customers with complete range of service from photo capturing to photo finishing, resulting in customers’ preference for Kodak rather than higher-quality products from competitors. In order to increase the growth, Kodak also continuously did the research. The company invested in R&D for color film and new cameras to medical imaging and graphic arts. As the result, this technological strength prevented the entry of competitors in the market. Kodak had the largest market share in film market and camera sales by 1976 before the digital era. 2. What are the key ways in which the structure of digital imaging is different from analog or film photography? In photography industry, I would like to divide into 3 processes: image capturing, digitalizing, storing and imaging. In term of film photography, its components are film camera as the image capture and film as the storage. Then, the captured film will be processed through photo finishing and the images will be presented on photo papers. This technical photo-finishing process acquires the specific method,...
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...handwritten during the 15th century. Newspapers has steadily increased since its earlier days, but a new form of mass media was on the horizon with the introduction of the radio. Radio was first introduced in the “early decades of the 20th century” (pg. 31). This allowed for millions of people to access anything from presidential elections to advertising. The next form of mass media to come was the television. Following the end of World War II the television revolutionized the way we communicated through mass media. With continual enhancements to the television like the VCR and cable television, this allowed individuals the freedom to record and view television whenever and however they wanted. It wasn’t until the creation of the personal computer sometime around the 1960’s that the world witnessed such an enormous breakthrough in mass media. The personal computer has also enhanced since its beginning stages. The internet and RAM has helped along in the evolution of the personal computer. The internet has opened the world to endless lines of communication through mass media. Aside from the personal computer, the internet has been a powerful...
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...industry is going through? Where do you think the “technology” of news on paper is in its lifecycle? Where is it likely headed? The newspaper industry is undergoing a radical change in three primary areas caused by technology. First, the underlying two-sided business model is changing. With the Advent of internet, news content is easily and freely available from various sources but lacks quality journalism and credibility. Revenues from online advertising are not large enough to compensate for decline in revenues from print advertising & subscription. Newspaper industry is experiencing new realm of new content delivery and in process of understanding and establishing sustainable sources and revenue model. The change from print media to digital media has provided a big challenge for the newspaper industry. Their main revenue streams have always been based on advertising. Online advertising brings much lesser revenues than print advertisements and a big gap appears. The internet causes on the one side the move from consumers to online consumption and on the other side a lot of retailers are using their own website as an advertising tool or are using free websites to reach their target groups. The technology itself is going through rapid changes as is in early stage of adoption by news agencies and consumers. Exhibit 4 indicates a decline in Print subscription for NYT and Exhibit 8 demonstrates steady rise in web traffic for online newspapers. Technology is making the cost of publishing...
Words: 1943 - Pages: 8
...Question 1. How have the characteristics of digital media supported eBay’s growth? “Digital media refers to audio, video, and photo content that have been encoded”. (n.d) “Today media can be accessed in many ways, including with hand held devices like mobile phones, laptops, desktops, mp3 players, and more”. (n.d) Nearly twenty years ago, the term internet was almost unknown to many people. However, today, the internet has become the one of the most powerful communication tools available, with eBay being one of the first websites to take advantage of the many possibilities the internet had to offer. It showed how the characteristics of the digital media and the internet can help expand a business. Having the internet at the center of the business, eBay has been able to offer buyers convenience and accessibility. Users with access to internet connection, whether on a computer or mobile device, can visit eBay at any time to compare prices and make purchases, without having to leave their homes or offices anywhere around the world. By being independent of a location, eBay has been able to reach into global markets and increase their consumer base. Digital media has impacted positively on the growth of eBay because through the use of digital technology business owners can: * create content of marketing messages * deliver these messages across diverse media * optimize these messages through systematic targeting and measurement of impact * build strong brands ...
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...Cyber Bullying in Mass Media The internet can reach a worldwide audience and it has made it easier for people to communicate from around the world. Internet has given a way to communicate or broadcast news, and other types of information worldwide. With so many advancements in technology people tend to abuse and misuse it. People tend to blame technology for the ways it’s used against others. Violent behavior has been around longer than technology. This paper will look at the link of cyber bullying in mass media. As technology grows so do the ways people abuse others with the use of technology. With so many advancement in technology social networking sites is a huge advancement. Social networking sites superseded the email sites on the net. According to the textbook, “These communities are often defined by common interests such as hobbies, professions, or schools, but as the name suggests, users usually visit them to socialize; once there, however, users can gravitate toward groups, more specific categories of interest-bound socializers.” (2012, p.271) Some of these social media networking sites are; Classmates, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. Many of these social networking sites are mainly used by teenagers. With technology growing at a fast pace teenagers have access to this entire social networking site through many plethora of technology devices. “A decade ago, technology had not advanced to the point where cyber bullying was even an issue. Times have changed...
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...Maia Kurland July 12, 2017 Response to prompt #3 Prompt: A topic of interest in digital health, for big companies and startups alike, is patient or consumer “engagement”. Companies across the healthcare ecosystem want to know the best ways to engage people in their healthcare and in using digital health products and services. Just a few days ago, during their annual 30-hour day of deals commonly known as, “Prime day”, Amazon achieved the unthinkable. The tech company broke sales records growing over 60% from last year. We live in a world of consumerism. Companies are most likely to succeed if they are able to master consumer engagement. This idea is nothing new in retail and most other service based industries. However, in healthcare, this...
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...- Lessons in Post-Merger Integration - Jan Daniel Laufhütte 2304958 Individual Written Case Study Report in Strategic Management IHS-3-422 London South Bank University 17/12/2003 Table of Contents List of Figures................................................................................. i Introduction ................................................................................... 1 1. The changing world automobile industry .............................. 1 2. Reasons for mergers and acquisitions .................................. 3 2.1. 2.2. Daimler-Benzs’ motives..................................................................... 3 Chryslers’ motives ............................................................................. 5 3. The Post-Merger Integration Structure................................... 7 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Preparations for the merger .............................................................. 7 Integration Structure of DaimlerChrysler......................................... 7 Expected Synergies ........................................................................... 8 4. Cultural Issues ......................................................................... 9 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Daimler-Benz’s Culture...................................................................... 9 Chrysler’s Culture ............................................................................ 10 Key Integration Problems and Post-Merger Business Culture ....
Words: 3210 - Pages: 13
...today’s business communication are rapidly changing this is due to outsourcing, teamwork, technology. “Business depends on communication” (Locker & Kienzler, 2008, p. 4-23). With the use of technology companies from across the world can remain connected through the different use of technology. With the increase of these devices employees can stay connected when they are out of the office; some examples are portable media players, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), cell phone, team work and Social network. Portable media players – “is a consumer electronics device that is capable of storing and playing digital media. Digital audio players (DAP) that can also display images and play videos are PMPs. Like DAPs, the data is typically stored on a hard drive, microdrive, or flash memory. Other types of electronic devices like cell phones are sometimes referred as PMPs because of their playback capabilities.” For example, a person that workers on a assembling line; this employee can remain on the line with production continuing while he / she is listening to the latest changes the company has made to a policy. The cost of sending someone to a meeting can vary; by sending the whole department will allow the company to decrease its overhead costs. Personal digital assistants (PDA’s)-“is a mobile device which functions as a personal information manager and has the ability to connect to the internet. The PDA has an electronic visual display enabling it to social networking include a...
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...Strategic entrepreneurship - Innovation as source of competitive advantage Global organizations face the challenge of adapting frequently to meet the needs of their customers, suppliers, and share-holders. Creating value for stakeholders is becoming increasingly difficult even for leading players like General Motors (GM) and Ford. A stream of continuous value-creating innovations by global competitors (e.g., Toyota and Honda) has challenged GM & Ford to reinvent themselves continuously. The challenge of continuous and dynamic change is affecting firms across multiple industries. These include even the IT Services Industry such as Accenture / IBM / Infosys & TCS and their business models & Service models are changing the nature of competition. The winners and losers resulting from changes in this particular industry remain unknown. Consider a situation where Complete Customer relationship management service for any organization ( which will have been implemented, supported & serviced ) by any of the traditional players being replaced by a cloud offering from an organization Salesforce.com for which payment can happen on pay-per–use model & supported by niche player whose entire business model is predicated on this. Being able to create a more attractive value proposition for customers is making it quite difficult for some of the more traditional players like IBM or Accenture since that means cannibalization of their existing revenue stream, changing the Business model...
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...separated into four business groups – Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Since the 1990s Samsung has increasingly globalized its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, have become its most important source of income since to became perfectly positioned as one of the world’s recognised leaders in the digital technology industry. At Samsung Electronics, every challenge is seen as an opportunity. Looking forward, it’s making historic advances in research and development of its overall semiconductor line, including flash memory and non-memory, custom semiconductors, DRAM and SRAM, as well as producing best-in-class LCDs, mobile phones, digital appliances and more. Leader in digital, Samsung, engaged in social work at the global level, it is multi-faceted group of companies for ethical. In Samsung Group and Samsung Electronics, products, people and business approach reflects the highest standards, putting the company in a position to contribute more effectively to the creation of a better world. At the gates of this new decade, Samsung Electronics is ready to "inspire the world and create the future", making this new vision of its new slogan. This vision...
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