...EXPOSITORY ESSAY LIFE Life is indeed, so short. And, oddly enough, it is much shorter for those who lives they find meaningful while it is too long for those whose lives they find meaningless. Couldn’t it be that life is what meaning we put into it? Now and then, I also ask what meaning has my life really. Often, I feel like I know but at other times, my thinking looks like a useless mental exercise. Life is just so vast, so full of mysteries that before I can put meaning to my life, part of it is gone and the meaning I try putting on it is already partly exhausted. Life, so it seems, is like dry sand slipping through my fingers. When I try to hold on to it very tightly, as if squeezing it, it slips away faster. But when I try to cast it away, it sticks on my hands. Sometimes, I think, to appreciate life best, one has neither to hold on to it tightly nor to let it go so carelessly. The sand in the hourglass is life. It is better to let it flow freely, although not carelessly. How we take life is often dictated by what priorities we have. And life, being so vast, offers everything which can be a priority to us. A student ever so eager to get out of poverty would say, “Life would be meaningless if I don’t finish my studies.” A terribly-in-love woman would say, “Should I lose him now, life would be meaningless to me.” And an alcoholic, trembling with the urge to drink, would be ready to give anything he has, even his...
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...Characteristics of Expository Essays What Characteristics make these essays expository? The two essays I chose to read were “Cochlear Implants” and “How to Clean a Fish.” When reading “How to Clean a Fish” the characteristics that make this an expository essay is that the author used facts to back up his or her opinion. The essay was very informational and used a great deal of detail on “How to Clean a Fish”; also the essay broke it down for you with diagrams and details. The essay was also presented in a non-bias manner. When reading “Cochlear Implant” the characteristic that make this an expository essay is that the author uses the facts to back up his or her opinion, the essay is very informational and gives examples of why the implants will work for someone that was deaf. This essay also was presented in a non-bias manner as well. Indentify the type of organizations each author used to develop the essay: topic, time order, space order, or informative process? Why do you think each author chose that type of organization for his or her essay? In what ways does this organizations choice make the essay effective? What effect might the author have achieved with another type of organization or another type of expository essay? I believe the author in “How to Clean a Fish” uses the informative process to arrange his or her essay. The author chose this process because his or her essay is on “How to” essay, what this means is that the essay is meant to...
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...Expository Essay Topic: Option 1 Worksheet If you selected Option 1 for this assignment, complete the following worksheet: |What general topic have you selected? | | | | | | |Education | |What components, or subtopics, are related to this topic? |History of education | | |Classroom discipline | | |Foreign education | | |Education disparity | | |Foreign exchange program | |What particular aspect of this topic interests you most? |Foreign exchange program | | | | | ...
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...There are three different types of expository essays: 1) Essay that is developed with examples and/or facts and statistics 2) Essay that is developed with steps in a process 3) Essay that is in a compare and contrast format The first step is to brainstorm ideas you may write about (list at least three but you may choose more): 1. Compare and contrast dogs/cats 2. How to make peanut butter *** 3. Give facts about trees and what they do for the earth. The next step is to do a little research. Here is a KWL chart to help you gather information (expand the sections as needed). Chosen Topic: | What do I KNOW? | What do I WANT to know? | What have I LEARNED? | Peanut butter is creamy. Peanut butter is brownish .Peanut butter is spreadable. | What percentage of peanuts does it have to have to be Considered peanut butter?How many ingredients does standard peanut butter have?How many steps are there to making it? | For it to be considered peanut butter it has to have at least 90% of peanuts in it. Standard peanut butter usually has 4 including peanuts, salt, sugar, and vegetable oil. They are basically 6 steps to making it. | Finally, pull all the information together and outline your paper (other than the thesis, use topics rather than sentences to complete the outline). Expository Essay: Title____6 simple steps to make peanut butter I. Introduction: A. Hook___Peanut butter and the making of it. ______________ B. Background information______1895 peanut...
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...Expository Essay October-2-2011 Expository Essay Joe Chernov, public relations executive whose arms are inked from wrists to biceps with Asian-themed tattoos, applied for a position at a conservative company, where he was given a chance for an interview. Upon this interview he decided to wear a long cuffed shirt which he usually would not wear as it ended up showing part of his tattoo on his wrist. He didn’t get the job even though he was more than qualified for the position he had applied for, it could be questioned if the tattoos had anything to do with this decision made by the interviewing company (Pyrillis, 2010). Although people have tattoos and body piercings in a workplace their performance while working should matter not their appearance. With that in mind it can be viewed that tattoos and body piercings in a workplace or during a hiring process can make speculations of unfair judgment against potential employees, since it can be argued that the interviewer bases their opinion of the candidate with the tattoos or piercings work off of their appearance versus their work history, performance, and work ethics. Many persons feel as though it is necessary to cover up any tattoos or piercings while in their workplace. One example would be a survey of two thousand twenty people was taken where sixty eight percent of men and seventy two percent of women felt it necessary to cover up their tattoos and/or piercings in the workplace (Pyrillis...
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...Wildaliz Bermudez-Robles S00190130 Expository Essay The Influence of Puerto Rico Social Aspects in Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language. Humans have the ability to acquire a language that is necessary to defend them in their daily living. The domain of a language code will vary according to their social needs and opportunities that people have. In the process of planning a language education, it is vital to explore the social context to determine their real need to learn the language and the language mechanism to achieve that learning. In Puerto Rico, even when there is a consensus on the utility of English for purposes of employment, technology and global communication, natural situations that require English are limited, and some students do not want to take advantage of the learning English language opportunities. The importance of Puerto Rican students learning to speak English fluently is discussed in Puerto Rican community and by professional circles every day. Regardless of the efforts that the Department of Education has made throughout the years, the reality is that Puerto Rican children are not learning enough English in their schools. The students have not developed the basic English language skills to be able to uses effectively in oral, written and reading. In 1997, the Department of Education created the Project for the Development of Bilingual Citizens in order to remedy this situation. Besides, few years later the Department of...
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...Shannon O’Neill 9/2/15 Stephen Whitworth Expository Essay The Adjustment of College the First Year My mom said “You are going to do great, and you are going to experience something I never did.” I knew what she meant by that but even in that moment I still didn’t want to leave. “It is a fresh start and a new chapter to your life,” some people will say, but college was not something I was ready to dive in fully last year. The last talk I had with my dad, I looked out the window just so he would not see me crying. I hate when people see me cry, especially when it comes to my dad, and I definitely did not want him to see me cry. As he drove away I thought about all the times my parents yelled at me and I would think “God they are so damn annoying” but when I realized I was actually on my own, I started to miss that. Adjusting to college life is adapting to a whole new environment and the many changes that come with it: friends, academics, clubs, and sports. When I think about where I was last year and where I am this year, there are many changes that I went through to get here. I wouldn’t say I was deeply depressed, but I will say being away from home and learning everything for myself was an adjustment that I was not 100% happy about. First off I think I should say that every college student goes through a little bit of adjustment to be where they are now. Think about it: you were in high school not too long ago and your parents were waking you up before 7am to...
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...Effective Essay Writing In society today people may agree with what is on the inside of a person is more important than what is on the outside of a person. People are now starting to begin to think that what is on the outside may be just as important as to what is on the inside. Appearances on how a person looks may have a direct impact on how a person feels about himself or herself. According to “Heart Of Leadership” (2011) “More than 90 percent of girls (15 to 17 years) want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, with body weight ranking the highest” Thought out the years technology has evolved, along with some of the best surgeons in the world. Doctors are now able to provide drastic and permanent enhancements to the human body. If a person wants to make life changes or enhancement to their physical appearance through the power of comedic surgery many imperfections can be modified. Americans have spent $11.5 billion dollars on over 11 million cosmetic procedures in 2006. This is a 48% increase over the number performed in 2000 according to the National Clearinghouse of Plastic Surgery Statistics. Cosmetic procedures have been proven to provide fixtures of today’s physical problems but at what cost, or risks do these procedures come with? Why do people decided to undergo surgery? Based on the article “5 Reasons Why People Get Cosmetic Surgery” (GAGE , 2007) The top five reason why people choose to get cosmetic surgery are: One for...
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...Charles Williams UNV-104 May 11, 2014 Jason Williams Exercise and Obesity A lack of exercise is a worldwide problem that leads to obesity. The global population refuses to be more mobile which cause heart disease, along with many other gravely illnesses. People try to take short cuts by consuming diet foods, cutting calories, or go as far to have an operation to reduce their (BMI) body mass index. Because of the unhealthy nature of mankind this has cost society billions of dollars in medical cost. We can see less children exercising and becoming more obese by the day because they are less prone to get out and move around. People can be a healthier society by eating healthy, taking part in physical activity, and commitment. Eating healthy with proper exercise can be the key to unlock a long life of well-being. Most people have been raised on an unhealthy diet with things like fast food, processed foods, and foods with a high fat content. Children today struggle with the fact they want to eat every meal from a box and when they are prepared something that’s healthy they won’t eat it. Things like carrots, greens, and fruits are just a few foods that will put them on a path to healthy living. The schools are starting to incorporate healthier foods on the menus and in the vending machines, and they are taking out the sugary soft drinks and snacks. Children need to become more involved in physical activity in order to maintain a healthy (BMI) body mass index...
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...Every day when we watch TV or listen to the radio media has an effect on us. Whether it’s about those new shoes I just seen on the commercial or that new song I just heard and need to download. We as a society are very easily influenced. We love to gossip about Hollywood stars and see what is tomorrows new tend, but we never sit and think about how it truly affects some people. Hollywood is seen as a place of glamour, riches, fame and beautiful people everywhere. Almost like a fairytale, the streets are lined up with stars and models wearing the hottest clothes in the most expensive rides imaginable. To some, they want to be one of those beautiful people that looks like a model and will do anything to make it possible. After all, in the media beautiful is what is in, skinny models that weigh less than a hundred pounds. (Von, Schlegal, Amanda, 2012) When we watch movies and TV shows we notice that the leading actor is always skinny. Most of the time, they are well liked surrounded with friends and if there so happens to be an overweight actor, it’s usually the main actors best friend. Weight is portrayed in almost everything we watch and listen too. Of course you won’t see a big neon sign saying, “Be skinny no matter what” but you hear the jokes and see what glory weight makes. When a movie like James Bond 007 has a part for the sexy villain, who is cast? Not an overweight woman, no you see a young woman that is skinny. These images show us that skinny is what is beautiful and...
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...“My Walk with God” As a child I was forced to attend church functions four or five days out of the week. I was a member of countless organizations and groups. Playing the part was always easy for me because that’s what I was accustomed to. I sang, and played piano for numerous choirs, I even lead a bible study group for three years. With all of these opportunities to feel this infamous spirit that I heard about for as long as I can remember, it just did not happen. At least this is what I foolishly believed at that point in my life. I’ve learned that as a child my mind needed something tangible to hold on to and believe in. Just hearing great testimonies from people made me feel that it was a hoax or brainwashing. There was no-way possible in my young mind, that a being that can’t be seen or heard is the grand architect of everything. In high school I explored the idea that there may not even be a God. I read almost everything that had the word God in it, and I kept coming up the same conclusion, there isn’t a God. I now realize that God is always in your heart. He gave us free will so it is now our decision whether or not we want eternal life. I was too “smart” for my own good, instead of opening my heart to receive the blessing that he had already bestowed upon. I was trying to understand with my mind everything that is God, when it says in the bible that God is not to be understood but revered and loved. I must have missed that during my intellectual exploits. I remember...
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...A New Era Arises - But are Tattoos and Piercings Wrong for the Workplace? COM/150 August 14, 2011 Timothy Mcknight Abstract Many people from the age of 40 down have begun a new trend, one that seemed to catch on and run wild with many, including the youth. Take a good look around regardless of the time zone or area code you live in, and you will notice something that I would call a phenomenon among ages. A large number of men, women, boys, and girls will display their meaning of art. A piece of art that symbolizes different meanings to different people. Regardless of the meaning that an individual may have for their body art, there are some employers who do not agree with this type of display of individuality. Are they wrong, or are they right? No matter what anyone may feel about tattoos or body piercings, it is prevalent that they exist among us, and each of us will come face to face with a dilemma that is widespread one day. A team concept should be strongly considered prior to making any drastic decision and placing a tattoo or body piercing in a visible location. Individuality may be preferred but that will only work if you happen to own the company you work for. Otherwise be mindful of this and place your tattoo or body piercing in a discreet location. A New Era Arises - But are Tattoos and Piercings Wrong for the Workplace? Living in an ever-changing era, times are difficult for many to grasp today, especially concerning permanent markings on one’s...
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...People with absolute power can either have a positive influence over society and make positive changes to the world, or the detrimental kind resulting in catastrophic loss of human life causing anarchy within societys. Some leaders with absolute power have used their power to change the world and inspire freedom and independence; other leaders have been positively evil and have used their power for influence, personal gain and notoriety. This essay will consider both points of view relating to how it affects the human lives and what effect it has on the society. Idi Amin was best known for his brutal regime and crimes against humanity while in power as President of Uganda from 1971-1979. In his time as leader he sent out killing squads to hunt down and murder those opposed to his views, which included people from every order and rank, including journalists, lawyers, homosexuals and students. He also expelled all Asians from Uganda in 1972. He then soon became known as the “Butcher of Uganda” for his brutality. It is believed that 300,000 people were killed during his presidency. He was once known to of said “You cannot run faster than a bullet” and this just is an example of his evil mind. A further example of a leader using he’s powers in a fatal grievous manner was Kim Jong-IL who was a dictator from North Korea who starved and tortured his people. 200,000 prisoners were held in labour camps, when they were too weak to work as they had been starved, he would either torture...
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...Unit 2 Assignment 1 Essay 2 Expository Essay “Crystal Balls” The author Kim Pittaway remembers more than 20 years ago when the question “Where will you be in 2000?”was posed at a New Years Eve party. She remembers what she said and it makes her ponder all the accomplishments of Canadian women since then. She wonders whether the past “trailblazers” have done the future women any favors in fighting for equal rights. She wants to feel proud of how far women have come in terms of rights, just treatment and appropriate monetary compensation but does that have to be at the cost of principles? “Parts of her” want to be that person that is a section of a relay team that carries the torch for women’s equality and rights. To be proud to prove that women can conquer in their multi-tasking skills and show men’s shortcomings and limitations. Other “parts” of her balk at the thought of proving female achievement at the cost of establishing the deficiencies of men. The victory would not be complete if received while minimizing the contributions of the opposite gender. She thinks of her mother and grandmothers that were working parents and brought home paychecks that equaled the value of their male partners. Generations back when females were only hired out of grudging necessity is a time better left to history. She doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea that it’s women’s turn to enjoy the rewards of the future and for men to taste the unfairness of the past. She doesn’t feel...
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...Childhood obesity is a condition that causes medical and psychological issues and can be prevented by proper diet and exercise to protect our children now and in the future. Children today are bullied more than ever due to the increase of obesity. Society sees a story in the news about crib recalls or toys made with a product that is deemed poisonous or dangerous and we immediately throw the toys out or take the cribs back. We care enough of our children to take away the dangerous products that could hurt our children; rather, we won’t do anything to take away the dangerous food products that could potentially hurt our children and their health. This is as a deadly issue as the recalled toys. We all may think we are doing the right thing in teaching our children the proper food to eat, or teach them right from wrong. We teach our children to buckle up in the car. We get them the necessary immunizations to make sure they don’t get sick. We wouldn’t let them play with fire or a loaded weapon. So how could we let them consume food that could give them health or medical problems in their future? Today, one in three teenagers are considered obese. This tops the major health topics of teens next to smoking and drug abuse. Yet when there is a story in the news about the rapid increase of childhood obesity or television programs such as “The Doctors” or “The Biggest Loser” we change the channel. Parents today seem to avoid this issue because it...
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