...Effective Listening Strategies Paper LaDonna Landry BSHS 385 Audra Stinson June 15, 2015 Effective Listening Strategies Paper Thinking and acting in ways that connect you to a person that is speaking is attentive listening. The benefits of listening are codependent and synergistic not many people are attentive listeners but if they can possess the skill of listening there are many benefits. Some benefits are respect, airtime, information, increased likability, better relationship and clarity. When you are giving you full listening attention you are showing respect and in turn gain the respect of the speaker. If you listen first to the speaker usually the speaker will return the favor. I say usually because it depends upon the individual and what may be going on with them such as self-absorption, stress or other reason that they might not lend their ear as the listener has done. Attentive listening helps to get information so that you can learn more about the person. The more you know about the individual the more you can do to assist them. People like to be listened to the more you listen to people the more you like them and the more you listen to the person talking the more they began to like you just for the fact that you listened. Listening creates a feeling of goodwill in relationships. If you are to listen to others problems non-judgmentally this gives the individual a chance to hear themselves and possibly find their own solution to their problem. Listening...
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...I wouldn’t and would ask my mom later. B. I went in my grandmother room and took $1 so I could buy an Ice Cream cone. 1. I waited for her to leave the room and go to the basement 2. Then, I stunk outside to buy Ice Cream. 3. My grandmother came outside looking for me, to find out I was licking on an Ice Cream cone. C. I got caught eating the Ice Cream cone, even though my grandmother told no I couldn’t have one. 1. I had to Apologize. 2. My grandmother made me write her a letter on why it is wrong to not listen to an adult, and to never steal from anybody. 3. My mother ended up taking my DS, and other games. plus I couldn’t go outside for 4 weeks. III. Conclusion A. Finally, I realized that not listening to your grandmother and taking money from her was wrong which resulted in a miserable summer break. B. I would say to everyone, never disobey your grandmother or steal money from her because they remember everything and my grandmother still talks about...
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...“Listening is much more than countenancing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings.” (Beebe, Beebe, Redmond, Geerinck and Salem-Wiseman, 2015, p.113). Through this we can solve someone’s problem by listening properly. “In addition, it’s vital not only to know your own preferred listening style but also to understand the listening style of your communication partner.” (Beebe et al, 2015, p.117). Section 1: Documenting Use of the Skills For the purpose of this assignment, I will analyze a communication episode recorded on October 28, 2015 at 1:11:09 pm at Simulation Lab of MacEwan University. During this, I acted as a listener and my classmate Manpreet as a speaker. In the whole communication process, I tried to use multifarious strategies of an effective listening as to attain the purposeful results. I used the skills like paraphrasing content, minimal encouraging, active listening...
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...Effective Listening Strategies BSHS 385 April 21, 2015 Dr. Barbara Hughson Effective Listening Strategies Effective listening is an important part of the human service profession. This paper will review three articles about effective listening. For each article, I will provide a summary that includes my thoughts of the article, what was learned about effective listening, and how I can apply it to my daily life as a human service professional. I will also discuss my thoughts on how I will use these strategies and how effective they may be. The first article I read is called “Listen Carefully." This article is discussing teaching listening skills to school-aged children. Some of the research reviewed shows the importance of listening when it comes to human learning and development. Learning how to listen is the first skill in language most children will develop first. Once children begin school, listening becomes even more important because the majority of what children learn is through listening. An interesting fact to me was when McPherson (2008) stated, “Teaching listening skills to middle school at-risk readers improved their reading comprehension scores and found that listening to a story while reading the story's words also improved elementary children's reading comprehension.” (McPherson, 2008) This speaks volumes to me especially when the teaching of listening skills in the classroom is not being done today. Teachers who start teaching listening strategies have...
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...micro skills that can be utilized effectively in therapy sessions. Within the context of their personal history, effective micro skill applications can encourage clients to tell their stories in colourful and extensive detail. Such effective implementation of micro skills facilitates the development of rapport and a positive therapeutic alliance thereby permitting clients to enrich their perspectives regarding problem and opportunity situations in their lives (Egan, 2007). Three important counseling techniques will be explored, all of which have been clinically demonstrated to be efficacious in a broad range of counseling settings (Egan). The skills of active listening, empathy and sharing empathic highlights will be discussed and analysed within the framework of a counselling case study. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to examine the use, efficacy and deficiencies of how these skills were employed within a counselling session with a mother, let's call her Mary. Mary presented to counselling with a five year history of frustrated attempts to get her daughter to sleep consistently in her own bed. On one hand, she had gone to extraordinary efforts to influence and sustain effective sleep patterns in her daughter. On the other, a feeling of being out of control permeated drained resourcefulness. Mary felt she was too compliant with her daughter's unwilling behaviour and sought help from a counsellor. The surface structure of Mary's communication lingered around a circular...
Words: 1998 - Pages: 8
...NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: Barry C. Archie THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN Please Follow These Procedures: If requested by your mentor, use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of the word processor file. The assignment header should include the Learner’s last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number (DoeJXXX0000-1) justified to the left and the page number justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. || CT7001|Christopher Stabile| || The Role of the Teacher Practitioner|ArchieBCT7001-4| || Faculty Use Only Personal Capacities Barry C. Archie Northcentral University Reflective Practice requires possession of specific skill-sets in order to increase pedagogical efficiency. York-Barr, Sommers, Ghere, and...
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...first meeting will be held it will also have the name of the counsellor who will be holding the sessions. A letter could also be sent to start the initiating process between a counsellor and the client. It will contain the appointment time, location and the name of the counsellor who will be conducting the sessions. Before the initial meeting takes place the counsellor will ask the reception to inform them that the client has arrived. They will prepare the consultation room by setting the chairs in a position where eye contact can be maintained, but personal space respected. They will make sure the room is at the right temperature, if warm having a window open a little. Have tissues on the table in case they are required and check that any paper work is in the right order and the correct forms if any are required. On the arrival of the client the counsellor introduces them self in formal way with a greeting such as good morning or afternoon, my name is and was it easy for you to get here. Before we go to the consultation room would you like a hot drink, this will enable the counsellor to show the client where to get refreshments and where the toilets are situated; before going to the consultation room. The first meeting will entail the counsellor getting...
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...Andrea Beachum Effective Listening Strategies Paper BSHS 385 October 12, 2015 Audra Stinson Effective Listening Strategies Paper The understanding of what effective listening is and what it means is a vital part of the role of human service provider. Effective listening means more than just hearing what your client is saying to you when they are in a session. Effective listening means that you as the provider are able to understand their body language and other nonverbal cues. By using effective learning skills the human service provider can help the client by providing the right tools and resources to help them gain control over their situation and to help them find a way to a solution. What is effective listening? Effective listening is defined as the ability to actively understand and listen to what the client is saying and to show interest into what is being discussed. Effective listening also means that you are providing the client/individual with reflective feedback that demonstrates that you not only heard what they were saying but that you understand as well. (Effective Listening Skills, 2004-2015) Ways to demonstrate attentive/effective listening skills There are many different ways to show your client and others around you that you are actively listening to what they are saying. Some of these skills come naturally while others tend to need some practice. Listed below are some of the skills that are important when communicating...
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...Effective Listening Strategies Paper Melinda Schimmel BSHS/385 1/26/2015 Barbara Hughson Effective Listening Strategies In the following paper, it is my intention to establish with the reader a link between effective listening skills and the importance they have when establishing relationships. These relationships could be with family, co-workers and most importantly, the clients that we do or will come in to contact with. (Article I) Effective Interpersonal Listening and Personal Selling is the first article reviewed. This particular article is geared toward listening strategies in the sales world. However, the key points on effective listening are all the same when it comes to our clientele and showing them that we are actively listening to what they are telling us. Even sales people need to actively listen to their customers to truly know what it is they need and want. Without actively listening, the clients will end up unhappy and the salesman will end up with no sale. Many people mix up the act of hearing with the act of listening, in reality, they are two different concepts. “Hearing is defined as the special sense by which noise and tones are received as stimulus" (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary 1991, p. 559). Hearing is just one step in how we actually listen to people. While listening is the act of not just hearing what is being said, but also responding to the stimuli being heard. We can do this not only verbally, but non-verbally as well. We...
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... Audiobooks are now a more and more accessible form of media consumption, one that, on the whole, meets with far less criticism than its visual counterparts. While obviously not a real book, the act of simply listening to an audiobook is viewed as on par with actual reading, but is this really the case? Surely the factors of comprehension and visualization must each be considered, in order to discern whether audiobooks are or are not legitimate substitutions for reading....
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...that need to be capitalized, Indent at the beginning of each paragraph, and write paragraphs in the write structure. College level writing is more in-depth and detailed than casual writing. B. My favorite hobby is listening and creating music. Music is very strong, meaningful, and a way to express feelings. C. I love listening and creating music. Listening and creating music is very fun to me, it’s also very relaxing. Music can be very useful in many ways. You can give a positive message in music and also get people to enjoy it by expressing on a rhythmic beat and words. Listening and creating music gives an outlet to express many different emotions, sad, mad, and happy. Creating music is fun from recording lyrics to mixing and creating the whole sound. Music is what I do in my free time, it’s my favorite hobby. Part2: A. I have to basic step that I think is going to be the most difficult for me is “Drafting”. The reason I chose drafting is because I never utilized that step unless it was required by the teacher, and counted as part of the assignment. I’m going to start utilizing all of the steps that where listed. When I write my text paper I’m going to sit down and plan my paper, Also planning and taking the proper steps actually make the paper easier to...
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...Climate essay The following paper explains the importance of active listening in the workplace. It also explains how supportive and defensive climates can improve relations in the workplace. Active listening in the workplace Active listening involves being present in every conversation you have. Listening with undivided attention communicates respect for the person with whom you are speaking. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. For example if the person responds “I hear you” but their body language shows they are not. Hearing is a physical ability that the ears receive feelings and transmit them to the brain while listening is a skill. Listening skills allow one to make sense of what another person is saying. Active listening is not always embraced in the workplace because there is such a premium value placed on multitasking. Active listening is important in all situations where people are communicating with each other. In the workplace active listening allows employers to understand their employees and create a workplace that is responsive to employee needs. For example in service industries, active listening allows service providers to better understand what customer expectations are and meet those expectations. Active listeners let people know they care about what is being said and help the speaker articulate the true meaning of their thoughts and the true source of their feelings. The active listener seeks to understand and remember what is...
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...FINAL PAPER 1 Listening Audience! Brandon Picone COM425 Kristine Clancy Nov 8, 2014 FINAL PAPER 2 Listening Audience! At the root of effective listening is appreciating the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is merely a physiological process; whereas, listening is an interpretive process (Schnell, Jim 1995).We can always learn something from listening to someone. Humans are special in that way, and as listeners, we cannot have that attitude like we know everything. Someone will always have a difference of opinion, it just matters how you will use the information. Some people may think that listening is a waste of time, but in actuality, listening is never a waste of time. The more we pay attention and push ourselves to be active listeners, the better the communication will be with our peers, leaders, employees and customers. It is very important that we understand both how we listen, as well as who is speaking to us in order to become more efficient listeners. There are many different types of listening skills these days. We have to understand how listening works, in order to improve our listening skills and to be a more effective listener. We must be actively engaged when listening, so that we can understand what is being said. We have to make sure that we listen to verbal and non-verbal communication, in order to get the full spectrum of what is being communicated to us. Here are some common listening...
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...Effective Listening Strategies Paper Laura Bedford Harper BSHS 385 Connie Cucuzza September 21, 2015 Effective listening is more than just hearing what an individual is saying. Effective listening is letting go of all distractions and focusing solely on the verbal and nonverbal. Through using understandable language, detaching self from solution oriented listening and applying active listening skills. A listener will be better equip to understand and aid the speaker when the time comes. In Blyth's article from 2012, he spoke with the emphasis on word count. He expressed that for listeners to comprehend, two hundred and fifty words per minute is suggested, and however, one hundred and twenty-seven is optimal. To prove his theory, Blyth used compound words for which the listeners may not have to understand, therefore stopping to see if they were following and reading their body language. This concept resulted in comprehension of the word or giving up in attempting to understand. By doing this study, listeners missed out on what was being said during this contemplative process. Blyth went on stressing the importance of the audience comprehension of what is being said by the speaker. Floyd (2011) states that listeners develop their meaning from the dialogue, and that is presented. However, researchers suggest that the assumption of listening skills can be similar to those of reading skills. Blyth disagrees with this theory and states that when reading the individual can...
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...ACHIEVING MY SUCCESS HOW TO USE TIME MANGEMENT WISELY MEGAN BELANGER COLLEGE SUCCESS SETEMBER 14, 2015 College success to me would be using your time wisely because it is very valuable and every moment should be cherished. Time cannot be hoarded, collected, earned or bought with money but should be cherished like we would cherish a precious gem or other possession. We know how to waste so many thing but the one thing that can't and shouldn't be wasted is time. I have found that keeping a paper as well as an electronic schedule has helped me from becoming overbooked and not overwork myself. And with me working a part time job, going to school part time, working at the church part time, and trying to write all of my papers and keep on track with all the things at the school; its mandatory that I keep up on all of it. Taking notes in class is very helpful for a person and can be very beneficial. I find that not just listening to what the teacher has to say but writing what is being taught helps me to grasp what I need to learn and makes you be a better listener. Taking notes of any subject will allow you to generate meaning for content in the course done exclusively by you. Plagiarism to me is the worst that you could possibly do. I would feel terrible if I had said or done something and it had become world famous and someone else had used it without even acknowledging that it was my work or...
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