...Porter Dr. Wang MIS 220 Case Study #2: Facebooks Dilemma 1. What concepts in this chapter are illustrated in this case? The concepts that the case study entitled, “Facebooks Dilemma” highlights out of chapter 10 of Management information Systems: by Kenneth Laudon & Jane Laudon are based around what is identified as Electronic commerce. Electronic commerce is the use of the internet and the web to perform business transactions more specifically, to perform commercial transactions between organizations and individuals alike. Facebook is what is known as virtual community, it falls under a more specific kind of virtual community known as a social networking site. Online communities are used by individuals for expanding business or social contacts, and social shopping sites; in which users swap shopping ideas. The case study goes into a detailed analysis of how facebook has become an opportunity for electronic commerce to take place, however the process of allowing this electronic commerce to take place has been hampered due to legal issues concerning the users privacy in these interactions that private companies use to create their advertising. Currently face book is not generating the expected amounts of revenue that it is capable of based upon the beliefs of some, one of those select corporations that does believe it will someday soon be a Mecca of advertising commerce is Microsoft, who bought 1.6% of the facebook company for $246 million (Laudon pg 409). Surely...
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...“GONE BABY GONE” En esta película se observa el comportamiento y los dilemas que día con día debemos de vivir cada uno de nosotros. En esta historia se relata el secuestro de una niña de 4 años que vivía en una zona marginal, donde dos detectives se ven inmersos en una investigación. Vemos como el protagonista toma decisiones tan duras y contradictorias a la ideología que lo rige como persona. Esto nos demuestra que aun siendo una persona justa y llena de valores morales, nos vemos envueltos en un dilema que solo ocasionan un conflicto entre lo bueno y lo correcto, y que debamos acudir a acciones justas pensando en el futuro. Este pensamiento lo podemos relacionar desde un punto de vista microeconómico, cuando el gobierno pone un impuesta o un precio tope, sabemos que este causará muchos problemas en el mercado de competencia, pero no nos ponemos a pensar que el gobierno no solo lo está pensando desde el punto de vista económico presente sino también futuro. Está pensando en el bienestar de la sociedad, y no siempre lo correcto es lo justo para todos. Tener en nuestras manos el bien y el mal; las decisiones correctas o aquellas que no lo son siempre representan en nosotros un papel difícil y más aún cuando en nuestras manos está el bienestar del otro o la desdicha. Los modelos económicos nos sirven para saber si ante un determinado cambio, el individuo queda en una mejor o una peor situación que la original, y cuánto ha cambiado su bienestar. Al evaluar la situación...
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...DILEMAS • Alianza frente a competencia ○ Considerar al superior como un aliado incondicional o como un competidor del que hay que desconfiar • Explicación de lo que se espera frente a suposición a posteriori ○ Pedir explicaciones de lo que el superior quiere o quedarse con la duda sobre sus expectativas y arriesgarse a un malentendido • Iniciativa frente a dependencia ○ Sugerir y fomentar formas de lograr los objetivos de la organización y promover el propio desarrollo o esperar que el superior se encargue y modifique las aspiraciones personales • Competencia frente a inferioridad ○ Sentirse capacitado en el trabajo debido a la propia experiencia y formación o sentirse un inepto y desfasado con respecto a sus colegas • Diferenciación frente a identificación ○ Aceptar que se es muy diferente del superior en lo que se refiere a capacidades, aspiraciones, valores y metas profesionales o identificarse con el cómo alguien a quien hay que emular • Relación personal frente a relación impersonal ○ Considerar al superior como un ser humano enfrentado a los mismo problemas de familia y carrera y aceptar la posibilidad de que surja una amistad, o considerar el mundo del superior como algo diferente y, por lo tanto, relacionarse con él o ella únicamente por motivos prácticos • Interés mutuo frente a interés propio ○ Tener en cuenta seriamente el progreso y bien del superior o estar totalmente ocupado por el propio éxito • Integridad...
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...tienen en nuestro mundo de las profesiones. Por consiguiente, presentare un ensayo, donde trata de esclarecer los asuntos éticos que enfrentan los profesionistas de las organizaciones del siglo XXI en los negocios; ello no significa que pretenda dar consejo moral a la gente en los negocios, ni que pretenda persuadirla de actuar de ciertas maneras morales. El mayor propósito del ensayo es proporcionar un conocimiento más a fondo de la naturaleza de los principios y conceptos éticos y un entendimiento de cómo se aplican éstos, a los dilemas éticos que se presentan en las profesiones. Pues este tipo de conocimiento y entendimiento puede ayudar a los profesionistas a ver más claramente su camino a través de incertidumbres éticas a las que se enfrentan en su vida en el medio de los negocios actualmente. De este modo no hay mejor camino para iniciar el ensayo sobre el rol de la ética en las profesiones, que considerar la descripción de un dilema ético que tienen que enfrentar los profesionistas, en este caso, un Licenciado en Administración llamado Jorge que tiene el cargo de Gerente de Ventas, de una importante empresa de alta tecnología “ABC” en un sector competitivo, se le presenta la siguiente situación. Las ventas andaban flojas desde hacía casi seis meses y su jefe inmediato de Jorge lo acosaba constantemente en...
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...que se denomina un juego y los agentes que “juegan” un juego se llaman jugadores. Cabe destacar, que la teoría del juego nace del hecho de que en situaciones problemáticas en donde se debe tomar una decisión, se debe evaluar el comportamiento de cada uno de los involucrados o participantes para así obtener respuesta a cuáles son los resultados más probables de obtener, tomando en cuenta en todo momento que son aquellas decisiones que se toman mediante un trabajo en grupo o por medio de la búsqueda de un fin o beneficio en común, aquellas que generan una mejor solución al problema planteado. Así en la Teoría del Juego se consideran dos supuestos muy famosos y con gran influencia en la resolución de problemas en la actualidad. Estas son: “El dilema del prisionero”, diseñado por A.W. Tucker, que plantea un...
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...part of the Molson Coors Brewing Company which holds the fourth largest amount of market share globally (Qureshi, 2008, p.1). In 2007 when firms were just starting to see Facebook and other social networking sites, like Twitter, as valuable places to market to consumers and communicate with them, Molson also decided to create a Facebook account to connect with consumers and increase brand awareness. One of the first promotional activities Molson established using its Facebook account was a contest called “Cold Shot” which was targeted at Canadian college aged students between the ages of 19 and 24. This contest was set up to be a competition between Canadian colleges, awarding the title of “number one party school in Canada” to the college with the most pictures posted by students while also giving a spring break trip to the student from that winning school who submitted the best picture (Qureshi, 2008, p. 5). Molson had to pull the promotion, though, because many administrators and other students from the various colleges were not happy with the contest since they thought that it not only gave their schools a bad image, but they also saw it as Molson encouraging irresponsible behavior and underage drinking. Therefore, Molson’s problem is to determine if it should continue to use social media, like Facebook, when marketing its brand, and if it does choose to continue, how the company will use these sites to promote its brand in the future. Another issue this company is facing...
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...Stephanie Miller English 1020 11/26/13 Research essay Your life is busy and you try to keep up with your family and friends. What better way than social media? Most people use things like Facebook, twitter, Myspace, emails, and Skype. When your single and looking to date or a way to meet new people you also use social media, such as eHarmony, match or other dating sites. Social media has made it very easy, and plays a big role in our lives every day, but does it affect your personal relationships? How did the world communicate before cell phones, internet, and e-mail? We used a land line to call people if we wanted to talk. We used the postal services and sent thing though the mail. If something was really important we faxed documents. If you wanted to meet new people you went out and socialized. Many decades of people communicated and had relationships without social media. Before social media if you wanted a job you went out and went job hunting. Now if you want a job you just pick up the computer and look at sites online. You fill out applications on line and wait for the phone calls. The new age of social media has made socializing very easy, but do you really know who is on the other end of the message you just sent? Social media is a new way to get information from people and use it for other things. You have been talking to this guy for six months, and you believe that you are in love. Now this guy is asking you to send him money, so you send him some money just...
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...society, everything we do is at the tip of our fingers and comes with a simple click. Connecting to people has never been easier especially when using sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and CafeMom. Staying in contact with friends, family, or co-workers in this digital age is as simple as logging onto Facebook. Missed a function? Most likely anyone who was there and you are friends with will post pictures of the event making you feel like you were there. Facebook offers the ability to load pictures, post what you are feeling at that moment, share information, join support pages, or just plain say hi to someone you haven’t seen in awhile. It’s the ability to connect international and never leaving the comforts of your home. Friendships are formed and often relationships have developed from Facebook. Pinterest lets you tell people your hobbies and what gets your attention whether it be reading, eating at a certain spot, or your favorite place to visit. It lets you organize things and helps others into what you could suggest for them. CaféMom is for mothers and mothers to be. It’s a local online support community that lets mothers or soon to be moms express their concerns, joys, cravings, and ups and downs before and after birth. Oddly enough, you these pages are linked together because you can like or share the sites on Facebook. Having access to the sites can be a big help or pose as an underlying problem. There are many advantages and disadvantages in having social media...
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...Social networks are becoming more and more of an outlet that our citizens are engaging in. Not only are they recognized universally, but for some they play a vital role in one’s life. These social networks such as Facebook exercise itself through disciplinary power and subsequently act as the new panopticon in the following ways; it monitors and regulates the behavior of individuals as well as it produces relationships. This paper will discuss who this effects, what data exists on the topic, and how relevant it is. Insight will be given on what implications this will have for Canadian society and in return some possible solutions will be offered. An Article written by by Calvert and Pempeck states in one study, college students reported using Facebook an average of 10 to 30 min daily. Considering Focault’s ideology of power, which in essence relates to the availability in which one provides their time and attention, Facebook, is incredibly powerful. Facebook currently has over 845 million active users with many users visiting the site at least once on a daily basis. Because there is no one physically forcing individuals to visit these social networks much less sign up for them to start with, this is a great example of disciplinary power. For some these social networks act as journals or personal diaries, providing them with a sense of expression, while for others it is a way to reconnect with old friends or family that may have started to become more distant. Whatever the...
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...organization of your choice. Discuss the implications of the SWOT on elements of the marketing mix. SWOT Analysis : Facebook Mission Statement: Give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them. Statistics Statistics 819 million monthly active users who used Facebook mobile products as of June 30, 2013. 699 million daily active users on average in June 2013. Approximately 80% of daily active users are outside the U.S. and Canada. 1.15 billion monthly active users as of June 2013. Industries served | Internet | Geographic areas served | Worldwide | Headquarters | U.S. | Current CEO | Mark Zuckerberg | Employees | 5,299 (2013) | Main Competitors | Twitter, MySpace, Google+, LinkedIn, and many others. | Strength: 1) Social networking site available to consumer 24/7 via mobile to share and connect with friends and family 2) Global reach with 80% of active users outside U.S and Canada 3) Targeted advertisements based on demographic factors such as location, age, gender, education, work history and the interests users have shared on Facebook 4) Provides a platform that enables developers to build social apps, websites and devices that integrate with Facebook and reach millions of people. 5) Number of products/feature to enhance the user experience like, news feeds...
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...Organizational structure and culture “ FaceBook” We can start by defining and understanding what is meant by the term organizational structure. This can be defined as “The typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization” . This structure is not only guiding and setting the “scull” of the organization but it also determining and effect the role, the power and responsibility in the company. Organizational Culture As we studied, organizational culture exists on national and organizational level, and it guides the social control mechanism as well as sets values that guide behavior. In the last years, Facebook had an exponential growth mainly thanks to the freedom the president Mark Zuckemberg gives to his employees. The atmosphere in Facebook’s offices it is in fact described by its employees as being very relaxed and free, as staff is given time to work on their on personal projects. This is triggered by the fact that they are not given a standard working schedule as well as they are truly motivated thinking that if their idea is “good enough” it is going to be in front of millions of Facebook users in all the world. As said by many employees in a GlassDoor interview, they are extremely inspired by their colleges thanks to “the caliber of talents all concentrated in one place” as said by content strategist Melody Quintina. Facebook’s success as a private company can be largely attributed to the freedom...
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...In order to succeed as a social network for wine lovers, Cork’d must address the following critical issues: 1. How to differentiate the website in order to obtain a competitive advantage in an industry with many competitors that already have an established customer base. 2. How to increase the customer base to prevent wineries from thinking twice about the value of signing up with Cork’d. 3. How to determine a pricing model in order to increase revenues, keep the business afloat, and maintain current clients. 4. How to determine which target audience the business should appeal to in order to effectively market and gain new customers. Analysis Cork’d is a social networking website that has attracted a niche market of wine enthusiasts through the use of its celebrity owner, Gary Vaynerchuk. As shown in the SWOT analysis (Exhibit 1.0), Cork’d has been able to use the success of Gary’s YouTube page and “Wine Library” website to leverage itself and attract to individual wine enthusiasts. However, there have been concerns from the wineries that they are unable to determine the value they are receiving from signing up with Cork’d for the $999 annual fee. Although many individuals are happy with the services they have available, the main revenue stream comes from the wineries. Cork’d has used an ad-free system for their website in order to maintain their customers. This system hasn’t been working because of their inability to keep customers; their user stickiness dropping from 49%...
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...Small Businesses and the Use of Social Media Networking Rasheeda Saboor Managerial Applications of Information Technology – MIS535 DeVry University, Keller Graduate School of Management June 16, 2013 Abstract Social media has grown to be very significant to small businesses in the past few years. In this study, I will analyze how a small business currently uses social media, how the business can expand the use of social media and precautions small businesses should consider when utilizing social media. The business owner interviewed for this research study is a small restaurant owner. The conclusion of the research will include recommendations for why a small business may consider the utilization of social media as a strategy to gain or maintain competitive advantage. Brief Company Background Stonewall Fish, Wings & Things (SFWT) is a small take-out restaurant located in Atlanta, Georgia. The restaurant is owned and operated by Kariem Abdul. The restaurant has been operating for 10 months. The restaurant has 4 employees that are responsible for providing customer service and preparing orders. I have established that Stonewall Fish, Wings & Things has a need to get its name out to more locals in the area. This need is brought about by the limited use of technology and marketing by SFWT. I propose that the company begin to use social networking outlets that are available as well as setting up a website. I will provide SFWT with the many advantages...
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...Case Study: Google's Orkut in Brazil 1. How do social networking sites work? What has contributed to their immense popularity? It is a data platform on a website that enables people to exchange information about themselves on the internet. Users are able to create their individual profile and to communicate with friends or new people. It's popular because it helps people meet others with similar interests and similar tastes. It creates virtual communities among people who want to connect with each other, but might never meet without the mediation of the networking site. 2. Why was Orkut so successful in Brazil? What caused problems later? Google was already well known and had very good reputation in Brazil. Besides, it served a Brazilian market gap with its social networking site, which attracted the extremely community-oriented Brazilians. Orkut was also popular because it was brilliantly marketed. Managers used known cultural attractions like the name of a popular yoghurt drink, the colors of the Brazilian Football World Cup team, and such to make the site attractive. Orkut had problems with their internet security. The site was abused by some users who turned it into a meeting place for illegal activities, such as child pornography and drug dealing. The company did not control such users and did not even react when other users complained. Google even resisted requests from Brazilian legal authorities to share information, when the courts were investigating...
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...specifically throughout Twitter and Facebook first thing in the morning instead of reaching for a newspaper. Since people are spending such a large amount of time surfing social networks, it is important to point out some of the positive and negative effects that social networking can have on a society. The positive effects of social networking sites are allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. And the other is social networking sites make people share everything that they want and bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. Social networking could be your business media promotion for examples a marketers at small companies can post on Twitter, in addition to generating revenue this way, companies also can get positive and negative feedback directly from consumers. While social networking sites have a positive effects, they also have negative effects for society. Social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face to face. The sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Also social networking sites make cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities like twitter and facebook. Social networking sites may result...
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