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Facial Makeup Research Paper

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I'm sure most women have applied facial makeup to enhance their looks at sometime or other in their life. Most of us use it to highlight our good features and of course to try and hide the not so good features. Gone are the days when only women apply makeup, men too want to look young and have an attractive face. Using the right type of makeup will determine how you look.

It is important to keep in mind some practical tips which can help in maintaining your looks.

Some of them are as follow:

1) You must use a foundation that matches your skin. It has to be applied after the face has been cleansed and moisturized with soap or a moisturizer. It is better to wait for few minutes and then apply the foundation. While applying the make up use your fingertips or a wet soft cloth to dab the foundation on the face. Those areas include the forehead, nose, cheek, chin area, and jaw line.

2) The make up has to blend nicely …show more content…
These can tarnish your face. To help erase this, you can apply a concealer on the desired spot and blend it out towards the edges.

4) Eyes are the most important part of the face as they are the focal point and reveal many expressions. Many of us have dark circles which occur below the eye. For fair people this can be a nightmare as they can make you look like a ghost. To hide the dark circles, cover them with a concealer and blend it into the surrounding skin tone. To avoid dark circles, make sure you get plenty of rest.

5) Many women use eye shadow. It gives you that extra beauty and draws attention to your eyes. Before applying eye shadow, you should have a base of neutral color on the eyelids and choose eye shadow colors that suit your natural skin color. Eyeliner can be used to draw along the lash line giving you the appearance of thicker eyelashes and really enhancing your eyes. Mascara can be applied on both upper and lower

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