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Factory Farming Argument Essay

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Data provided by the Food and Drug Administration has recently reported that eighty percent of all the antibiotics distributed in the United States are given to farm raised animals (“The Issue”). This statistic reveals the tremendous quantity of steroids and growth promoting substances that are being implemented into the livestock that is dispersed around our nation to provide an unnaturally rapid growth and production rate. The modern era of industrialized agriculture has abandoned agriculture’s initial ethics, affecting the quality of the goods produced through agriculture and damaging the environment as a whole. An entirely different view has been placed upon the organisms used in mass food production. This new perspective has adversely affected the quality of the goods provided by these industrialized agricultural companies. Since these organisms are viewed solely as goods moving down a conveyor belt, …show more content…
Astonishingly, it has been determined that ninety-seven percent of the animals that are tortured and killed every year are animals used in factory farm production (“Factory Farming”). Many animals fall victim to harsh treatment such as physical force, overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions, and improper nutrition (“Factory Farming”). Under traditional farming circumstances, the animals raised for food are diligently maintained and cared for to ensure the best quality of their livestock. The pride of a farmer’s product once came from the toil and care they put into raising their stock, but the disregard of these feelings of sentiment is the aftermath of a vile motivation for more money in their pockets. The

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