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Fahrenheit 451 Unit 2 Dialectical Journal

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Letting out a quiet sigh and leveling him with an uncharacteristically deadpan look, Akemi tilts her head at exactly the right angle so that sunlight reflects off of her glasses and hides her eyes from sight. Katsuki finds the action to be as eerie as ever, and he can't help but instinctively lower his head to stare at his hands. It doesn't really help boost his confidence, as the fingers tightly clasped together underneath the table only remind him of how uncomfortable and out of his element he is. As if on cue, his fingers spasm, out of his control.

It's intimidatingly quiet around them. Katsuki has the sneaking suspicion that Akemi had planned out this confrontation thoroughly, with a sense of tact that she usually lacked. He can grudgingly …show more content…
Immediately he tenses up, watching her carefully from his peripheral vision. Anything that slips from her lips is a possible weapon, and Akemi is very skilled at winning wars with words.

"Hajime Katsuki," she says, before she pauses delicately and lets the muted background noise of the student center filter into their ears for a while. The silence between them stretches. She makes no move to shift even slightly, so the sun's glare still weighs onto her lenses. Akemi looms over him, seemingly carved out of polished marble, the kind that ancient sculptors must have used to carve out leaping pillars and the stoic faces of mythical gods.

It's all a power play, and Katsuki can barely stifle his frustration at the current situation. Akemi knows him— he can't handle pressure very well, he can't sit still for very long. It's usually why he doesn't do well on written examinations and other formal affairs, the things that Akemi excels at. Akemi knows him too well, he thinks bitterly in defeat, considering that they didn't have too much in

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