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Does Change Make A Difference Analysis

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Attention Step: How many of you went through the same routine this morning in getting to school? How many of you changed it up a bit? Did you do it because you were in a rush and had to skip a few steps in getting ready, or did you try to get out of your usual routine?
Reveal Topic: Generally, people are afraid of change and cherish steady habits, but what if a simple change could make a person happier? What if happiness is a choice?
Establish Credibility: According to, published in 2016, the American Happiness Index is 31/100. This means that less than ⅓ of Americans consider themselves to be happy.
Justification Statement: You all know which category you fall into: the ⅓ happy or ⅔ unhappy. Today, my goal is to …show more content…
However, how does change make a difference?
Visualization Step: Psychologically, it gives our brains a break from what’s expected.
Depression causes people to lose interest in the daily tasks and activities they’re used to doing, so by incorporating some spontaneity, they become less likely to feel stuck and bored in the same things they’ve been doing every day. Not only this, but our brains are more actively engaged when we think of creative ways to go about doing our everyday necessities. The neurons and hormones are fired off at a faster rate, causing greater stimulation and brain power.
It also gives people a chance to open up and step out of their comfort zone, and by staying busy, there is less of a chance for them to have time to slip into depressing moods.
Transition: Now that you know some positive and negative effects, what can you do as individuals to become a happier …show more content…
By a show of hands, how many of you would consider yourselves happy right now? Is it because things have been going well for you in your life, or is it because it’s a conscious decision you’ve made?
Everyone faces hard times and feels unhappy. It’s not completely avoidable, but we can still choose the kind of person we want to be. Happiness is like a plant (simile)-you have to give yourself the right conditions for it to grow. Your attitude and character are the most reliable factors because we can’t control everything that happens to us in life, only our reactions to them.
If you feel yourself slipping into a state of unhappiness, don’t fall into feeling sorry for yourself. Do something different on the fly, learn something new-do whatever it takes to prevent falling into depressing stages. You know yourself better than anyone else, so do what makes you happy. It’s the cliche statement that everyone says, but it’s one of the rare ones that are true. Do what makes you happy.
Foreshadow Phrase: To conclude, unhappiness has become an epidemic. The best medicine is one that only you can give yourself, because being happy is up to

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