...Are you for or against Net Neutrality? I am in favor of Net Neutrality. I believe in Net Neutrality and the freedom of speech on the Internet. Content within a site should be free to the public. By protecting open Internet, it will insure that the Internet is not own by only a hand full of key players in the industry like Google, Verizon, Comcast dominating the Internet. What are your thoughts concerning this? My major concern about net neutrality is that few key companies would dominate the Internet. It might means pushing small companies out of business due to key players in the industry would take control over the cost of Internet, speed of the Internet, and even take control of access to information over the Internet. Internet became a part of our lives and in past 10 years most of our offline activities like banking, shopping, and professional recruitment are following the trends and move to the online world. For better or for worse, the Internet is changing the way we are evolving. At “The Future of the Internet” public hearing, FCC Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn said “New and innovative media companies are constantly starting-up today, citizen journalism is on the rise, blogs have an increasing influence on public discourse, and media providers from broadcast networks to newspapers are shifting their strategies online. For these reasons and more, I say without hesitation, that an open Internet is indeed the great equalizer. It enables traditionally...
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...1. Using examples, explain the difference between obscene and indecent materials. Obscene and indecent both have different meanings but are similar in many ways. Obscene material is described as disgusting or repulsive but indecent material is described as being offensive to the public. Both obscene and indecent can be view differently by the public; however, the Constitution plays a role with indecent material. Obscene material "is not protected by the First Amendment,” (The Dynamics of Mass Communication Tenth Edition, page 377) and broadcast stations cannot air obscene material at anytime. The problem with this is that no one had come up with a set standard of what obscene material is. Due to the difference in beliefs between families and individuals, no two people have the same beliefs and will not agree to a set standard of what obscene material really is. Since obscene material is can not be banned completely and therefore can be view during nighttime broadcasting. A good example of this is the adult swim channel. During the day children can view cartoons like Spongebob and Rugrats; but when 10 o’clock p.m. hit, the channel switches to adult swim when there are show with naked women and sex scenes. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, to be obscene, material must meet a three-prong test, "(1) an average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest (i.e., material having a tendency to excite...
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...FAIRNESS OPINIONS IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Anil K. Makhija* The Ohio State University Rajesh P. Narayanan Ohio University April 11, 2007 ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Abstract Fairness opinions provided by investment banks advising on mergers and acquisitions have been criticized for being conflicted in aiding bankers further their goal of completing the deal as opposed to aiding boards (and shareholders) by providing an honest appraisal of deal value. We find empirical support for this criticism. We find that shareholders on both sides of the deal, aware of the conflict of interest facing advisors, rationally discount deals where advisors provide fairness opinions. The reputation of the advisor serves to mitigate this discount, while the contingent nature of advisory fees appears to have no impact. We also find support for allegations that fairness opinions are sought by boards for the legal cover they provide against shareholders unhappy with the deal’s terms. JEL Classification: G34, G24 Keywords: Fairness Opinions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Investment Banking ____________________________________________________________ __________________ *Corresponding author: Anil K. Makhija, 700 E. Fisher Hall, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. Tel: (614) 292-1899. E-Mail: Makhija.1@osu.edu. We are grateful for comments from Angie Low, Brian Nocco, Robert Rosholt, and René Stulz,...
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...Back when my mother was my age, the only media source they had was newspapers, radio, and television. Back then phones only had one function which was to communicate by voice and then came text. Now days our phone is a one stop shop for all media. All together though we do have: TV, phone, newspapers, radio, and the internet for our source media source. I personally don’t have cable anymore because of the dreaded news on each channel you turn to these days. I normally get my news from yahoo in whom I get an update in the morning and again in the evening. While serving in the Military, they told us that the only news we can really trust to be accurate was CNN and the Military News Network, that everyone else was exaggerated for higher program ratings. Should I be held accountable for their information? No. They should be, because the public values the truth and sometime the severity of it. According to Spark notes (http://www.sparknotes.com/us-government-and-politics/american-government/the-media/section3.rhtml) Printed media and Internet are unregulated. They can print whatever they want as long as they don’t slander anyone’s name. Broadcast Media is under strict regulations by the government. The FCC acts as a police agency over the airwaves. “Since the 1980s the government has loosened restrictions on media ownership, and Congress passed the Telecommunications Act in 1996 to allow companies to own even more media outlets. Due to the loosening of ownership restrictions, more...
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...With respect to what particular type of fairness did you score highest? What specific experiences contributed to this assessment? My score was the highest in Interpersonal justice in the area of fairness that I received. My interpersonal justice score reflects the relationship that I have with my superior and my perception of fairness by my supervisor (Greenberg, 2010). I work for the same company for many years and my last boss was one of the best ever. He was concerned with family first and always treated all of the leaders and line level with respect. He also promoted from with in. 2. With respect to what particular type of fairness did you score lowest? What specific experiences contributed to this assessment? Procedural justice was the type of fairness I received the lowest score for. The hospitality industry is tough. Often you work long hours and weekends. In the very beginning of your career, you work many holidays that keep you away form the family. When you first start off, the pay is not the best and you have to relocate to grow your career faster. 3. What kinds of problems resulted from any violations of any type of organizational justice you may have experienced? What could have been done to avoid these violations? For me, I feel there is a disconnect in the field due the informational justice. Often leaders in the corporate office fail to provide information and explanations to the field. For management to be successful...
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...cause and prevention of burnout The human service field can be stressful for the professionals and wreck havoc to the organization. Burnout affects the employees as well as the organization; an organization suffers from burnout by having high turnover rates, accidents, and so on. This paper will define burnout and describe some of the individual, cultural, organizational, and social support factors that cause burnout. The paper provides an explanation of various individual, job role, and organizational methods to prevent burnout. In this paper I have shared the ways I react and respond to personal and work related stress as well as my reaction to combat the effects of burnout. Lastly this paper discussed how human service managers assist with staff burnout. Define Burnout According to help guide (2012,” Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands”. As the stress continues it causes you to lose interest or motivation I your work role. Individual, Cultural, Organizational, Supervisory, & Social Support Causes of Burnout Human service professionals may become overwhelmed and stressed especially when dealing with large case loads, overtime, and balancing work and home duties. Some of the personal lifestyle stressors include insufficient sleep, little or no time off, lack of social supports, and so on. Cultural factors contributing...
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...Loss Prevention Policies Unit 5 IP Jessica Payne Loss Prevention Policies Each year companies stand to lose at least five percent of revenues to internal fraud. This may seem like a small percentage but it adds up. That five percent can be the difference between staying afloat or filing bankruptcy. When a company spends time and money to prevent fraud it is far less than running the risk of internal fraud. The most effective way to prevent fraud is to establish a proactive fraud prevention program. It is best if a company seeks the advice from a qualified fraud expert. A successful fraud prevention program requires three elements: education, investigation, and proactive preventative techniques. Most internal frauds are brought to attention from employees, customers, or vendor tips. Employees are the most likely source to provide tips of misconducts. So implementing a company-wide education program is a crucial part of a fraud prevention program (Coenen, 2011). Fraud education should focus on fraud awareness and should be presented to all employees. Investigating fraud is important to a comprehensive fraud prevention program. Although investigations are time consuming and costly the benefits are worth it. Investigations can have deterrent effects on potential thieves. Investigations send a company-wide message that management is aware and looking for fraud. Proactive fraud prevention techniques are the biggest asset in the company’s fraud prevention plan. Proactive...
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...Primary Prevention University of Phoenix Axia September 19, 2010 Applying the strategy of primary prevention would be ideal with the issue of child welfare. However, there is no way of educating and predicting the problems that will arise from abuse and neglect in every household. To some extent there is a potential way of identifying those who are at a higher risk of becoming abusers, but when it’s never been reported in their cases, that could also pose a problem. To the best of the knowledge and abilities those in the human services organizations are equipped with, this can be an effective way to resolve or prevent these unfortunate situations from happening in the first place. Some policies or regulations that could be enforced to alleviate some of the tension brought about with child abuse and neglect, is to engage the parents in as much education as possible when they are expecting, or already have children. Some individuals, who are in stressful situations like poverty or chemical dependency, should be a top priority to serve with the resources and tools to assist them with any struggles. Those that are higher at risk of becoming abusers should take top priority with being given the opportunity to take mandated parenting classes. As this may be a difficult process to follow through with, the idea of being reprimanded with fines and community service may be just enough to lead those with these issues in the right direction. Creating government programs for those...
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...Running head: NURSING, AN INTEGRAL PART OF HEALTH PROMOTION Nursing, an Integral Part of Health Promotion Grand Canyon University: NRS 429V September 18, 2011 Nursing, an Integral Part of Health Promotion Introduction Everyone in this global society has rights. All humans are born free regardless of race, color or creed. Everyone is entitled to these freedoms. In the pursuit of these freedoms, health is encompassed under these dignities. Everyone on this planet has the right to be healthy. This paper will examine the nurses’ role in helping people attain these rights. What and Why of Health Promotion? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO, 1998, p. 1). Health promotion is the process of empowering people to expand control over, and to improve their health. Health promotion is an encompassing process- it is social, it is political, it is economical, it is ever-changing. It not only embodies measures focused on strengthening the skills and capabilities of individuals to attain their inalienable right to attain optimal health, but it is also directed towards changing global perspective as well. Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over the factors of health, thereby improving their health (WHO, p. 1). Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Involvement is essential to sustain health promotion...
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...(O’Donnell, 2009). The purpose of health promotion in nursing is to keep people as healthy as possible. Nurses have the encounters with patients in the community whether it is in the outpatient or inpatient setting. As a nurse you have many opportunities to speak with your patients and family members and educate them on healthy behavior and risks factors that they may be involved in to prevent further illnesses if possible. Nurses use a plan of care to identify, implement, and evaluate that the goals are being met. This gives them a tool to make sure the patients are getting what they need. There are three levels of health promotion primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The primary prevention is to prevent disease. The secondary prevention is to find the disease before there are any symptoms. The tertiary prevention is to slow down the disease process. “Health Promotion is the art and science of helping people discover the synergies between their core passions and optimal health, enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health. Optimal health is a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of learning experiences that enhance awareness, increase motivation, and build skills and, most important, through the creation of opportunities that open access to environments that make positive...
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...Running head: HEALTH PROMOTION Health Promotion: Educating The Nurse and The Public Kurt Luedtke Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Vicki Denson Health Promotion The Healthy People 2010 report designates nursing as one of the prime proponents of health promotion. Nurses are the largest single group of health care providers in the United States with an estimated 2.6 million registered nurses practicing (ANA) throughout the country. As the largest field of health care providers nurses will have a huge affect on health promotion and health education through community, hospital and legislative based activity. More importantly, health promotion will need to be a greater part of the nursing education curriculum as nursing education has had a heavy emphasis on acute care and health education but only recently has there been an emphasis on health promotion. The World Health Organization [WHO] defines health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health (WHO, 1986, p. 1). WHO broadly describes health as well being in the social, the mental, the environmental and the physical attributes of an individual or group not just a state from being free from disease. The idea that health promotion can help achieve health by assisting individuals and groups to become more active in their own health by various means such as education, promoting positive lifestyle choices, health...
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...DATE: January 12, 2012 TO: All Employees of Denver Branch FROM: Leonard Schwartz, Branch Manager SUBJECT: New Loss-Prevention System As you may have heard, we received news from corporate headquarters that it would be in the best interest of the company to pay more attention in matters of preventing accidents or any safety related measures. This would include both office and field related activities. Every employee should be mindful in this regard, so that each and every one is efficient and effective in their performance of everyday tasks. With this goal in mind, I believe that we should put more emphasis on safety. Everyone should consider their training they received in the beginning and also throughout their employment at M-Global, so that we are always aware on how to operate in a safe manner. Also, the training vehicle should provide each of you with the elements of safety that relate to the specific requirements of your particular job. I’ve come to a conclusion that we need to give greater scrutiny and analysis in a way that we can prevent accidents and emphasize the concern of safety for every employee. Kendra Jones will be assembling a written training program for every employee that will take effect June of this year. When this plan has been approved and written, I will be conducting a meeting with every department to emphasize the major and minor components of the safety program. It is my great pleasure to announce that effective February; I will be giving...
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...Health Promotion Initially when health promotion was developed it grew and improved the healthy status and health conditions of the public. Health promotion is a relationship between actions, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and health outcomes from the individual to the societal level. In the past the focus was more on disease prevention and control of communicable disease, when contagious and communicable disease like measles, polio and small pox were present. As government and health care agencies are involved communicable disease are under control and now focus on health promotion. This paper explore the concept of health , health promotion, multiple health models , nursing roles and responsibilities and multiple health models and its approach taken towards health promotion. According to each individual health is defined and can be affected by many factors. According to World Health Organization (WHO) (World Health Organization, 2003) health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. “Health is a complex state of metabolic efficiency that represents the biological integration associated with physical, mental, and emotional stability of a person. It represents the ability to identify and realize aspiration, satisfy needs and to change and or adapt to its environment. Health is therefore a resource for everyday life.” (Green, 2010) Health promotion is “the art and science of helping people discover the...
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...Primary Prevention: Single Parenthood Week 6 Individual Work Charryse Mason University of Phoenix HSM/210 Human Services in the United States April 22, 2014 Primary Prevention: Single Parenthood State and federal prevention programs direct their resources based on the level of prevention. This three-tiered system includes primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention. To address the issue of single parenting, primary prevention was chosen. The goal of primary prevention is to aid in minimizing the occurrence of single parenting, promoting awareness and recommending positive coping techniques. The text states that “Primary Prevention involves building strengths, resources, and competence inn individuals, families, and communities that can reduce the flow of a variety of unfortunate outcomes.(Burger and Youkeles,2004,p. 308) I think that this ties in with single parenting because it can help people cope well with difficult problems. For instance, a single parent may run into technical difficulties and may need help. This prevention can provide help like counseling or something to help prevent any psychological orders like depression. I know from experience that depression can take a toll on someone’s body. A single parent can have so many emotions. Primary prevention can help them cope with depression if it shall arise. Social Policies and Government Regulations A single parent comes across so many different obstacles. In today’s society the...
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...Heath promotion as well-defined by the World Health Organization is the course of empowering individuals to upsurge control over, and to progress health. The theory of wellbeing advancement can be described as the art and science of serving individuals modify their life style attain a state of ideal health (Edelman and Mandle, 2010). This paper will present an integrative review upon the health promotion and its three stages of health prevention. The nursing roles and responsibilities sprouting in health promotion and the implementation of health will also be discussed in this paper. Purpose of Health promotion The goal of health promotion is to stimulate the health behavior of persons and societies and in same manner the physical and operational circumstances that affect their wellbeing. In other words, the aim of health promotion is to emphasis on “to focus on the person's potential for wellness and to encourage him or her to alter personal habits, lifestyle and environment in ways that will reduce risk and enhance health and will being (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006).” The chief motive of nursing in health promotion is to instruct inspire and support the patient to preserve an prevailing class of life by avoiding ailment, decelerating the advancement of a disorder or handling an sickness. Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Nurses have a significant impact in supporting community health. There have...
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