Free Essay

Faq Interviews


Submitted By bhargavbhatt31
Words 2292
Pages 10
|Tell me about yourself. Use “Picture Frame |Answer in about two minutes. Avoid details, don’t ramble. Touch on these four areas: |
|Approach” |Your name |
| |Educational background |
| |Work experience if any |
| |Major responsibility / accomplishments |
| |Personal summary of work style (plus career goals if applicable) |
| |Prepare in advance using this frame work |
| |My name is----- |
| |I have Graduated from ----- Currently, ---- |
| |I have 2 yrs work experience ------ |
| |At work my major achievements have been 1-----2---- |
| |In case you are a Fresher speak about your Core subjects & learnings during SIP & PG prog |
|Why should we hire you? |The best way to respond is to give concrete examples of why your skills and accomplishments |
| |make you the best candidate for the job. |
| |Take a few moments to compare the job description with your abilities, as well as mentioning |
| |what you have accomplished in your other positions. |
| |Be positive and reiterate your interest in the company and the position. |
|What do you know about our organization? |Research the target company before the interview. Basic research is the only way to prepare for|
| |this question. Do your homework, and you will score big on this question. Talk about products, |
| |services, history and people, especially any friends that work there. |
|What experience do you have? |Try to cite Subject experience relevant to the company .The papers you have presented on the |
| |subject or seminars attended. |
| |Or maybe your SIP . |
|According to your definition of success, how |Be prepared to define success, and then respond (consistent record of responsibility) could be |
|successful have you been so far? |classroom based or cultural events planned & executed by you with a team |
|(Is this person mature and self aware?) | |
|In your current or last position, what were |Give one or two accomplishment statements |
|your most significant accomplishments? In your| |
|career so far? | |
|Had you thought of leaving your present |Refer to positive aspects of the job, advancement opportunities, and what you learned. |
|position before? If yes, what do you think | |
|held you there? | |
|Would you describe a few situations in which |Give only one, and tell how you have corrected or plan to correct your work. |
|your work was criticized? |what is imp are your self -learning’s |
|If I spoke with your previous boss, what would|Be consistent with what you think the boss would say. Position the weakness in a positive way |
|he or she say are your greatest strengths and | |
|weaknesses? | |
|How would you describe your personality? |Keep your answer short and relevant to the job and the organization. Project yourself |
| |positively |
| |Eg : |
| |• I 'm a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people. |
| | |
| |• I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything|
| |is just right. |
| | |
| |• I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open|
| |mind about what will work best. |
| | |
| |• I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the |
| |job. |
| | |
| |• I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely |
| |manner. |
|What are your strong points? |Present three. |
| |Relate them to that particular company and job opening. |
|What are your weak points? |Don't say you have one, but give one that is really a “positive in disguise.” I am sometimes |
| |impatient and do to much work myself when we are working against tight deadlines.” Or “I |
| |compliment and praise my staff, but feel I can improve.” |
| | |
| |Eg I used to wait until the last minute to set appointments for the coming week, but I |
| |realized that scheduling in advance makes much more sense. |
|How did you do in school? |Emphasize your best and favorite subjects. If grades were average, talk about leadership or |
|(Is the person motivated? What are his/her |jobs you took to finance your education. Talk about extra-curricular activities (clubs, sports,|
|values, attitudes? Is there a fit?) |volunteer work) |
|14 In your current or last position, what |Refer to your satisfiers for likes. Be careful with dislikes, give only one (if any) and make |
|features did you like most? Least? |it brief. Refuse to answer negatively. Respond that you “like everything about my current |
| |position and have acquired and developed a great many skills, but I am „¢m now ready for a new |
| |set of challenges and greater responsibilities.” |
|15 What do you look for in a job? |Flip this one over. |
|. |Despite the question, the employer is not really interested in what you are looking for. He's|
| |interested in what he is looking for. |
| |Address his interests, rather than yours. Use words like “contribute,” “enhance,” “improve,” |
| |and “team environment.” Fit your answer to their needs Relate your preferences and |
| |satisfiers/dissatisfies to the job opening. |
|How long would it take you to make a |“Not long, because of my experience, transferable skills and ability to learn.” |
|meaningful contribution to our firm? | |
|How long would you stay with us? |“As long as I feel that I am contributing, and that my contribution is recognized. I am |
| |looking to make a long term commitment.” |
|18 What motivates you ? |Your response will vary based on your background and experiences, but, you will want to share |
| |your enthusiasm and what you like(d) best about your job./during B School |
| | |
| |Eg I was motivated both by the challenge of finishing the projects ahead of schedule and by |
| |managing the teams |
| | |
| |I've always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I'm in. I want |
| |to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my |
| |employer. |
|What has been the greatest disappointment in | |
|your life | |
|Do you prefer to work independently or on a |Teamwork Skills |
|team? |Here are some skills you'll want to keep in mind as you brainstorm: |
| |Leadership |
| |Active listening |
| |Mediating conflicts |
| |Developing consensus |
| |Drawing out the input of introverts |
| |Delegating, setting goals and timetables |
| |Monitoring progress |
| |Encouraging slackers to pull their weight |
| |Recognizing the achievements of others |
| |Framing key issues |
| |Jumping in to do additional work during times of crisis |
|Describe your style of working |I am very focused on my work, and consequently, am able to work quickly. |
| |I keep a steady pace, and check my work as I go along, to prevent mistakes from snowballing. |
| |Because I am very organized, I am able to accomplish a lot in a limited amount of time. |
| |I'm organized and efficient and I'm able to multi-task very well. |
| |I'm always on top of my projects, but I do welcome input and will consult with team members to |
| |ensure we're all on the same track. |
|Why do you consider yourself an ideal |Make a list of the top five qualifications for the ideal candidate. Review that list and try to|
|candidate |think of how you have applied those skills, qualities or areas of knowledge to make a strong |
| |contribution in your paid employment, internships, volunteer work, academics or activities. |
|Describe what would be an ideal working |Team work is the key. Add more |
|environment? | |
|How would you evaluate your present firm? |Be positive. |
| |Refer to the valuable experience you have gained. |
| |Don't mention negatives EVER |
|Do you prefer working with figures, or with |Be aware of what the job requires and position your answer in that context. In many cases it |
|words? |would be both. |
|What kinds of people do you find difficult to |Use this question as a chance to show that you are a team player: “The only people I have |
|work with? |trouble with are those who aren't team players, who just dont perform, who complain |
| |constantly, and who fail to respond to any efforts to motivate them.” |
| | |
| |The interviewer is expecting a response focused on personality and personal dislikes. Surprise |
| |her by delivering an answer that reflects company values. |
|How would your co-workers describe you? |Refer to your social & professionals strengths and skills. |
|What do you think of your boss? |If you like him or her, say so and tell why. If you don't like him or her, find something |
| |positive to say. |
|Why do you want to work in a company of this |Explain how this size or type of company works well for you, using examples from the past if |
|size. Or this type? |possible. |
|If you had your choice of jobs and companies, |Refer to job preferences. Say that this job and this company are very close to what best suits |
|where would you go? |you. |
|Why do you want to work for us? |You feel you can help achieve & work on the company’s objectives |
| |You like what you have learned about the company, its policies, goals and management: |
|What was the last book you read? Movie you |Think this through. Your answer should be compatible with accepted norms. |
|saw? Sporting event you attended? | |
|What are you doing, or what have you done to |Talk about formal courses and training programs. |
|reach your career objectives? | |
|What was wrong with your last company? |Again, choose your words carefully. |
| |Don't be negative. Say that no Company is perfect, it had both strengths and weaknesses. |
|What kind of hours are you used to working? |“As many hours as it takes to get the job done.”-be pro active. |
|(Does the person match job and criteria?) | |
| | |
|What would you do for us? |Relate past success in accomplishing the objectives which are similar to those of the |
| |prospective employer. |
|What has your experience been in supervising |Give examples from accomplishments. |
|people? | |
|Are you a good supervisor? |Draw from your successes. Yes, my people like and respect me personally and professionally. |
| |They often comment on how much they learn and develop under my supervision. |
|Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the|If you haven’t, say so, but add that you could do it, if necessary. |
|reasons and how did you handle it? | |
|How have you helped your company? |Refer to accomplishments. |
|What is the most money you ever accounted for?|Refer to accomplishments. If you haven't had budget responsibility, say so, but refer to an |
|Largest budget responsibility? |accomplishment that demonstrates the same skill. |
|What are the most difficult situation you |Remember, you are talking to a prospective employer, not your best friend. |
|ever faced on the job? |Don't mention a catastrophe that resulted in a personal or corporate failure. |
| |Never digress into personal or family difficulties, and don’t talk about problems you've had |
| |with supervisors or peers. |
| |You might discuss a difficult situation with a subordinate, provided that the issues were |
| |resolved inventively and to everyone’s satisfaction. |
|Describe some situations in which you have |Refer to accomplishments. |
|worked under pressure or met deadlines? |Everyone has had a few of these pressure situations in a career. Behavior-related questions aim|
| |at assessing a candidates character, attitude, and personality traits by asking for an account |
| |of how the candidate handled certain challenging situations. |
| |Plan for such questions by making a list of the desirable traits relevant to the needs of the |
| |industry or prospective employer and by preparing some job-related stories about your |
| |experience that demonstrate a range of those traits and habits of conduct. |
| |Before answering the questions, listen carefully and ask any clarifying questions you think |
| |necessary. Tell your story and conclude by explaining what you intended your story to |
| |illustrate. |
|How do you handle rejection? |Rejection is part of business. |
| |People don’t always buy what you sell. |
| |The trick here is to separate rejection of your product from rejection of yourself: “I see |
| |rejection as an opportunity. I learn from it. When a customer takes a pass, I ask him what we |
| |could do to the product, price or service to make it possible for him to say yes. Dont get me |
| |wrong: You have got to makes sales. But rejection is valuable, too. Its a good teacher.” |
|In your present position, what problems have |Refer to accomplishments |
|you identified that had previously been | |
|overlooked? | |
|Give an example of your creativity. |Refer to accomplishments. |
|Give examples of your leadership abilities. |Draw examples from accomplishments. |
|What are your career goals? |Talk first about doing the job for which you are applying. Your career goals should mesh with |
| |the hiring company goals. |
|What position do you expect to have in two |Just say you wish to exceed objectives so well that you will be on a promotable track. |
|years? | |
|What are your objectives? | |
|(How does the person handle stress? What is | |
|their confidence level?) | |
|Why should we hire you? |This may sound suspicious, negative, or just plain harsh. Actually, its a call for help. |
| |The employer wants you to help him/her hire you. Keep your response brief. |
| |Recap any job requirements the interviewer may have mentioned earlier in the interview, then, |
| |point by point, match your skills, abilities and qualifications to those items. |
| |Relate a past experience which represents success in achieving objectives which may be similar |
| |to those of the prospective employer. |
|You may be over-qualified or too experienced |“A strong company needs a strong person.” An employer will get faster return on investment |
|for the position we have to offer. |because you have more experience than required. |
|Why haven you found a new position before now?|“Finding the right job takes time. I am not looking for just any job.-mention it’s a career |
| |that you are chasing. |
|If you could start again, what would you do |No need to be self-revealing. “Hindsight is 20/20; everyone would make some changes, but I have|
|differently? |learned and grown from all my decisions.” |
|How much do you expect if we offer this |;0 ;0 ;0 |
|position to you | |
| | |
| | |
| |th |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Throw |
| |(;0: |

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Soda & Cm

...increasingly rich models, rather than move towards abstraction or simplicity. And it sees strategic management in terms of changing thinking and action rather than planning. Furthermore, it aims to develop high levels of ownership for a problem through the attention paid to problem definition and negotiation. Etc. General steps 1. Planning meetings: Where the project is set up and an initial view of the problem / situation is achieved. At this point it is important to decide who the participants will be and what the outputs will be in order to manage expectations. 2. Client interviews: Here the key people involved with the issue are interviewed, in a relaxed format, for an hour or so to obtain their individual views of the problem area / situation. 3. Development of causal maps: Causal mapping is used to get depict the interviewee’s perception of the situation. 4. Check-back interviews: To check with the interviewees that the causal maps have correctly interpreted their views. If not, they are modified until they are a true representation. 5. Merging the maps: The individual maps are combined to form a single map. 6. Presentation: Both the individual and combined maps are presented to the participants,...

Words: 569 - Pages: 3

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My Tg Experience

...waste since I know there are other girls who are way better than me and that I will never have the chance to be chosen. Several days have passed and I taught about it again. I don’t know why but I suddenly decided to join the search for Jr. Tg Team and apply for Art Director. I opened my laptop and started making my essay and artworks for my application. When I already completed my application requirements, I immediately submitted them through e-mail. After I had submitted my application, I taught about it again and told myself not to expect too much and that I should expect for something worse, which is not getting a call for an interview by March 26,2011. The 26th day of March came and I was so dazed when I received a call from Ate Denise of total girl. She told me that I have to go to their office in Summit Media on the following Monday for an interview. At first, I was so speechless. I really couldn’t believe that I’m a few steps away from my dream. My mom and I splurged thousands of money and crossed thousands of kilometers after the day Ate...

Words: 580 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

How to Write a Case Study

...Case studies can be used in any academic discipline. The purpose of a case study is to provide a more thorough analysis of a situation or "case" which might reveal interesting information about that classification of things. For the business student, a case study could be done on a particular company; for the political science student a case study might concern a particular country or government/administration. Case studies could be written about individuals, such as how kids learn to read, for example, about organizations and their management practices, or the results of applying a computer science program or process to a problem. You might be trying to figure out how to solve the problem of illiteracy or environmental degradation. The sky is the limit. The key is to take your large problem and bring it down to the level of the individual or single unit.  A case study is an analytical piece. It involves heavy research and application of theories, concepts, and knowledge commonly discussed in the field of study. It highlights common problems in the field and will illuminate those problems through the in-depth study of its application to one individual, one company, one government, or one of whatever you are studying. Most case studies are an attempt to solve one of these problems that are known in the field.  Steps to Writing the Case Study  1) Determine what your case study will be about. Think about the problems you have discussed in class or you have come across in...

Words: 665 - Pages: 3

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...“think entrepreneurship” podcast. It is well design and managed with problems sound clarity and some technical problem, some improvement can be done to make them even better. Maybe I found it interesting because of me being a business major, or because I like to hear stories of different people how they became success, and what kind of hardships they have to go through to achieve their goals. Think entrepreneurship episode 4 The podcast was 20 minutes long and audience were any one who is interested in entrepreneurship. It served the audience pretty good because interviewer was an entrepreneur and sharing his story of success, which could be very help to people who wants to be an entrepreneur. The content of all of the podcast is to interview different entrepreneurs, so it started well with the interviewer introduction and with some intro music and advertisement. He introduces the entrepreneur who was about to be interviewed. The one problem I noticed was there was a lot of background noise, kids speaking, typing, mouse clicking, and breathing sound. Moreover I think microphone was placed kind of far from the interviewee, because the sound was not that clear as it should be. I can also hear when they move the microphone. There was a lot of reverb in the podcast. It ended with outro music, but kids noises and speaking in background was almost in whole program. To improve the podcast they could have done is to do it in a quite place, or edit it so they could have removed some...

Words: 615 - Pages: 3