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Far Away And Lovely Not Like Monclova Analysis

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When looking at today’s world, many think of how far we have come as a country. From fighting in the wars that gave us our rights to having the amenities many poor countries do not have, many can say we have the best of both worlds. What many don’t understand is the amount of progress has happened since the post-modern era for American women. During the postmodern era, women were not able to vote, own land and in some cases, leave the house without a male companion. This was especially prevalent in minority women who were viewed as even less. Over the last fifty years, women have earned the right to vote and do many things such as run for president and hold high positions of power. Looking back at how far we have come as a nation, most people …show more content…
She had liked the sound of it. Far away and lovely. Not Like Monclova. Coahuia. Ugly. Seguin, Tejas. A nice sterling ring to it. The tinkle of money. She would get to wear outfits like the women on the tele, Lucia Mendez. And have a lovely house, and wouldn’t Chela be jealous (Cisneros3).
Clearly shows readers the picture Cleofilas has painted in her mind of what migrating to America would bring (Cisneros1). The American Dream did not help the less fortuned woman achieve their dreams of a better world. They were not prepared for the culture change or even for them being the primary bread winner of their household. In the past, it was not acceptable for women to hold high positions of power and no one saw it as wrong or degrading. Many men still think that to this day women do not need to hold professional positions and must stay at home and care for children. This form of thinking is closed mined and is the reason many women are in need of a job today. Women are more than capable of doing a man’s work and should not have to bow down to anyone to please them. What many don’t understand is that in the post-modern era, women waited on hands and feet for their men and sat idly by while being ridiculed and abused. Now is the time for women to shine because, they have had time to fight for their rights and gain the recognition they …show more content…
Men stood by and let them be oppressed because of a twisted power complex and did not want to seem weak by letting a woman help provide. Even when forced to provide for their families, the job market cannot properly provide them with a well-paying job or force them to work twice as hard. Most white-collar jobs do not hire minority women which makes it hard for them to singlehandedly sustain a family. Because of the gender bias during this time period, the American Dream does not apply to minority women. Many immigrants, both male and female, moved to America in hopes of providing for their families and living comfortably. This turned out to be a nightmare and reality check for those who did not fully understand the new world. For a long time, many did not see any issue with oppressing women. This does not show progression as a country and needs to be stopped. More specifically, minority women have to work twice as hard as white women to break even despite the fact that they take care of household more than them. The postmodern era did nothing for minority women and caused them to fight for their rights and things that should have been given to

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