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Health Care Reform Research Paper

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95 percent of the people have either had some point in their life where they had to go to the doctor or needed some sort of medication for a sickness, if so then even you have had experience with the health care system. In this paper I am going to explain all about the health care system by explaining what the problem is with our health care program. And even many of us would like to know how we would solve this problem and improve the entire system. Think about it this way say u or a family member or friend had a severe crisis, bad car accident, or needed emergency surgery and ended up in a medical facility for months, doctor bills on top of more doctor bills, treatment, therapy, numerous of medications and other types of health things to …show more content…
It could be a greater problem or yet be beneficial unless these individuals believe that they benefit from reform in some way and are not bearing the burden of the inclined health care costs. Taken a look at what is happening in the world with the people needing healthcare and the expenses of what people are having to pay for, and the ones who have healthcare insurance, it makes health care somewhat difficult to resolve. As we see the current health care reform is once again a top priority. As current President, Obama has made a promise to provide affordable, comprehensive, and portable health coverage for all Americans in the Health Care reform plan. The issue over health care system revolves around how to pay for it and whether it should be implemented at all. Health policies that tax the wealthy in order to redistribute and improve health care resources and access and quality of care for the poor will result in strong opposition from those who benefit from the healthcare. Take a look at the scenario on how Henry Aaron and his coauthors summarize the implication of these numbers in their book, “Most health costs are incurred by a small proportion of the population whose expenses greatly exceed plausible limits on out-of-pocket

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