...Far & Away by Ron Howard, 1992 Summary: The film takes place in Ireland in the 1890’s. The main character is a young farmer named Joseph Donnelly. Joseph is angry with his landlord Daniel Christie who had the Donnellys’ farm burned down due to the lack of rental. He goes to the Christie family’s estate with the intention of killing his landlord. Here he meets the beautiful daughter Shannon Christie. She is dissatisfied with the “old way of living” she is with her parents and longs after a modern lifestyle. With Joseph facing eviction and Shannon longing for a modern world, they run away towards America together. They start in Boston where they struggle and work hard to live and save money. Joseph works as a barehanded boxer, which brings him lots of positive attention, but when he is beaten their money is taken away and they are left homeless on the streets, while they are dreaming of owning their own land. When Shannon later gets reunited with her family they go separate ways. At last they meet again at the Oklahoma race in 1893 and conquer their own land together. Review: Far & Away is both historical and humorous and contains a lot of American values. We are given a clear picture of how “The new world” was appealing to European citizens and how the shaping of America took place. When Joseph and Shannon first arrive at Boston, they have nothing and they have no other solution than to start working their way up. This is a good example on the strong American belief...
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...In, Out, and Far, Far Away Micah Ortiz DeVry University BUSN258 Instructor: George Kaye December 11, 2012 In, Out, and Far, Far Away For this Case Study, I chose two companies with which I am very familiar: In-N-Out Burger, and Saberforge.com. The industry of the two companies is quite different if not polar opposites, and through my own personal experiences and research, I found the aspect of customer relations between them to be just as different. To put it into perspective from the point of view of a Star Wars fan; if the customer service from Saber Forge was like the planet Alderaan, then In-N-Out would be like the Death Star: completely blowing them away. I very recently had a long-term issue finally resolved with this company, so I will start with the bad. Saberforge.com is a website that a Star Wars fan, like me, can order custom lightsaber hilts for use with costumes and role-play, aka cos-play. The website has many selections to choose from, all made from aircraft grade aluminum, and constructed by the proprietor of the site. The site user has various options for adding sound, removable polycarbonate blade tubes for dueling, color for the light emitter, and other accessory options. Here is a brief summary of my experience with their terrible customer service: After placing an order, I waited for nearly a year just to have my money refunded because it never shipped; all while receiving almost no feedback at all from several attempts to contact them about my...
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...http://nyti.ms/1Kv55ax Far Away From Here In travel photography, as in writing, there's no shortcut to finding your own voice. By TEJU COLE SEPT. 23, 2015 Only a few slender strings were attached: two public readings and a commitment to spend the majority of the six months in the country. Beyond that, I would be left to my own devices. An apartment would be provided, and a stipend. I didn’t think about it for very long. I wrote back: Yes. The invitation had come from the Literaturhaus in Zurich, one of those wonderful arts institutions of which Europe seems to have so many. Every six months they selected one writer, from anywhere in the world, to stay in the apartment they ran with a foundation. When I received the invitation, I felt as though I’d won a raffle I didn’t even know I had a ticket for. Switzerland: The place comes with an easy set of mental associations. But I suspected there was more to it than its reputation for calendar-pretty landscapes, secretive bankers and regular trains, and here was a chance to see for myself. Besides, I had a manuscript to work on, a nonfictional narrative of Lagos, Nigeria, the city in which I grew up. Where better to write about chaotic, relentless, overpopulated Lagos than in modest, quietly industrious Zurich? There would be so little else to do in Switzerland anyway (according to my less-than-enthusiastic friends) that I would be mainly absorbed in writing during my time there. Perhaps I might even continue...
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...Intel Inside: Part 2 A paper submitted to Webber International University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Business Management By: Hugo Cedeno Date: November 13, 2013 Course: Management Semester: Fall, 2013 Instructor: Dr. Fred Fening Introduction Intel is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. Intel has also invented many others technological products such as motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memories, graphic chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing. Intel also started the beginning of a new era with the came out of the highly successful Centrino chips for laptops. Directly, Intel set out to become the leading chip supplier. Many types of challenges have Intel’s managers faced in connecting their geographically dispersed teams. These teams that we are mentioning are Cyber teams that refers to a group of people that manage a big part of their work using social media communication more than a face-to-face communication...
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...Chapter 15 Summary Yuzhe Jiang Chapter 15 talks about the role of promotion in the marketing mix, the elements of the promotional mix, the communication process. The communication process has several steps, the goals and tasks of promotion, the AIDA concept and its relationship to the promotional mix, the factors that affect the promotional mix and the concept of integrated marketing communications. First, the role of promotion in the marketing mix. Promotion is communication by marketers that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response. Promotional strategy is the plan for using the elements of promotion-advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling-to meet the firm's overall objectives and marketing goals. Based on these objectives, the elements of the promotional strategy become a coordinated promotion plan. The promotion plan then becomes an integral part of the total marketing strategy for reaching the target market along with product, distribution, and price. Second, the elements of the promotional mix. The elements of the promotional mix include advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling. Advertising is a form of impersonal, one-way mass communication paid for by the source. Public relations is the function of promotion concerned with a firm's public image. Firms can't buy good publicity, but they can take steps to create a positive company image...
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...Hayao Miyazaki attained global acclaim for both Princess Mononoke, released in the United States in 1999, and Spirited Away, released throughout North America three years later. These films are clearly products of the same visionary; each film presents a protagonist of strong will and sound ethic and, in each case, he or she is forced to embark on an epic journey. Both films were very successful in Japan; however, although both were critically acclaimed in the United States, only Spirited Away saw continued box-office success. In order to explain the disparity between these films’ earnings, I will discuss the different approaches, which these films take, to the theme of duality. Naturally, the idea of a double nature is unsettling. However, whereas Spirited Away addresses this theme in a way that invigorates and provides closure, Princess Mononoke leaves the audience feeling uncertain. In order to understand the disparity between these films’ earnings, one must examine not only thematic differences between these films, but also patterns among high-grossing films in the United States. In other words, what are American audiences looking for, which Spirited Away offers and Princess Mononoke does not? When reviewing the history of box-office successes in the United States, one becomes aware of an unfortunate truth: that there is little correlation between what viewers recognize as ‘good cinema’ and what they will pay to see. So what is the formula for a box office success...
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...Far and Away is a romantic drama with western influences. The 1993 film, directed by Ron Howard, is the story of two people immigrating to the United States in the hopes of having different lives. The main characters, Joseph Donnelly and Shannon Christie come from two very different worlds. Joseph lives on a farm and is barely making enough money to pay the rent, where Shannon lives on acres of land with horses to ride and butlers to boss around. As it turns out, Shannon’s father is the landlord of the land Joseph and his family lives on. When they are evicted Joseph goes to the Christie house declaring revenge on them. This is where he meets Shannon. She tells him that she is not going to end up like her mother and that she is going to America for the free land they have. This captures Joseph’s attention. Since Joseph is poor, Shannon pays for his boat ticket but makes him her serving boy during the trip. Once they land in Boston, Shannon’s silver is stolen, the only form of money she has. This forces the pair to find jobs. For Shannon this is harder than it is for Joseph. Most of the movie is set in Boston developing the characters and slowly transforming them before they go west. Far and Away shows how the west purifies and transforms people in order to achieve the opportunities it has to offer. Through the entirety of the film the characters’ class status, attitudes, style and surroundings change as they get closer to the west. By the time they get there the movie is ending...
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...When looking at today’s world, many think of how far we have come as a country. From fighting in the wars that gave us our rights to having the amenities many poor countries do not have, many can say we have the best of both worlds. What many don’t understand is the amount of progress has happened since the post-modern era for American women. During the postmodern era, women were not able to vote, own land and in some cases, leave the house without a male companion. This was especially prevalent in minority women who were viewed as even less. Over the last fifty years, women have earned the right to vote and do many things such as run for president and hold high positions of power. Looking back at how far we have come as a nation, most people...
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...Books by Saul Alinsky John L. Lewis, An Unauthorized Biography Reveille for Radicals The Professional Radical (with Marian Sanders) Rules for Radicals RULES FOR RADICALS A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals SAUL D. ALINSKY RANDOM HOUSE New York Acknowledgments This chapter "Of Means and Ends" was presented in the Auburn Lecture Series at Union Theological Seminary. Some of the other sections of this book were delivered in part in lectures before the Leaders of America series at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California; Yale Political Union, New Haven, Connecticut, April, 1970; The Willis D. Wood Fellowship Lecture, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, May, 1969; American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C., 1968; U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.; March, 1968; A.F. of L.-C.I.O. Labor Press Association, Miami, Florida, December, 1967; American Whig-Cliosophic Society, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967; Centennial Address, Episcopal Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968; Harvard Medical Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Copyright © 1971 by Saul D. Alinsky All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. ISBN: 0-394-44341-1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 70-117651 ...
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...Guy Ritchie hit upon a successful formula when directing his first two films, bringing his unique sense of style and panache to the crime thriller genre, but then blotted his copybook when he attempted new things in his following two movies. The husband of mega-popstar Madonna cast his famous wife in one his biggest commercial and critical flops, but has since tried to get his career back on track after divorcing her in late 2008. Guy Stuart Ritchie was born in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, to successful marketing executive John Vivian Ritchie and Amber Parkinson. His parents divorced when he was five, and his mother would later marry Sir Michael Leighton, a baronet. Ritchie spent a fair amount of his childhood at the Leighton estate, although his mother and Sir Michael would divorce seven years later. Ritchie was born with severe dyslexia, and at 15 was expelled from Stanbridge Earls School, a specialist school for dyslexics. He worked as a labourer before getting into the film industry at age 25. He began as a film runner (an odd jobber on film and TV sets) before trying his hand at directing music videos, doing “20 videos back to back, really crappy ones with sort of German rave bands”. This gave him some valuable experience behind the camera, and he moved on to doing commercials. With the much-needed grounding, he went on to direct a 20 minute short, ‘The Hard Case’ (1995), which aired on Channel 4. As it did so, it caught the attention of Trudie Styler, the wife of...
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...Connection and Web Evolution PHI 339 One piece of art that I really like is called Acceptance vs. Rejection (Username Squish-Squash). This piece was a semi-finalist in Wacom’s 2009 Bring Your Vision to Life deviantART contest. This 2D image depicts a little girl hugging a strange creature that upon closer inspection appears to have the sad face of a pretty girl but the large, monstrous, decaying body of rejected attempts at existence. It is acknowledged to have been inspired by Hayao Miyazaki’s film, Spirited Away (2001). An open property, which I feel is appropriate and which this work incorporates, that will necessarily make every piece of art with its inclusion pleasing to me would be personal connection at a high degree. When I say that I connect/ relate to a piece of art at different degrees it is to acknowledge that I fundamentally relate to all art simply by coexisting with it and that there are also other levels of connection between that and true pleasure. The highest of these levels is elicited by a wild variety of connection “triggers” in my many different mental approaches to the artwork. For example but not exclusively, perhaps if the subject looks like me or an experience I’ve had or vividly imagined, if it’s a subject I’ve studied out of personal passion, if it tickles my brain, if it’s a brand new concept to me, if it’s a polar opposite, if it’s my current favorite color, etc. The triggers that will strike my mind are of such a range that they...
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...‘Spirited Away’ is an anime film by Hayao Miyazaki. ‘Spirited Away’ tell us the story about a young girl who has developed from a weak/vulnerable girl to a much more independent and stronger girl. It is highly entertaining and insightful partly because of the education on Japanese culture, but what I believe makes it more entertaining and insightful is the life lessons within the film. Does culture and gender provide entertaining and insightful material for the audience? I don't believe that the culture and gender title is the only factor that makes the film entertaining. Many of other things within the film make it much more entertaining. In my eyes there isn't much of Japanese culture that gives me interest apart from the buildings and more. The gender stereotype is mostly shown in Chihiro not any other characters which doesn't make it a large factor in the film other although it's put in the main character. Many more different factors of ‘Spirited Away’ make it entertaining and insightful, such as life lessons within the film and how some characters are exaggerated also known as a caricature. Life lessons teach more about what we should know more in general rather than Japanese culture which isn't necessarily important for the majority of us in the future. Hayao Miyazaki has used many...
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...CHAP. II. the State of Nature. Sec. 4. TO understand political power right, and derive it from its original, we must consider, what state all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking leave, or depending upon the will of any other man. A state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another; there being nothing more evident, than that creatures of the same species and rank, promiscuously born to all the same advantages of nature, and the use of the same faculties, should also be equal one amongst another without subordination or subjection, unless the lord and master of them all should, by any manifest declaration of his will, set one above another, and confer on him, by an evident and clear appointment, an undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty. Sec. 5. This equality of men by nature, the judicious Hooker looks upon as so evident in itself, and beyond all question, that he makes it the foundation of that obligation to mutual love amongst men, on which he builds the duties they owe one another, and from whence he derives the great maxims of justice and charity. His words are, "The like natural inducement hath brought men to know that it is no less their duty, to love others than themselves; for seeing those things which are equal, must needs all have...
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...Castaway The films castaway was directed by Robert Zemeckis. The film is about an Express Systems Analyst who lives and dies by the clock’. He is very obsessed with his job and time even he has put his relationship in the second place but when the plane crushes in the Pacific Ocean, he finds himself strands on a small isolated island. He has all the time to figure out how to survive. In the film we can see the use of visual techniques in showing changes of the main character. Camera shots are used to demonstrate different aspects of character. A wide shot is used after the plane crushes, When chuck was struggling on the yellow life raft floating alone in the big ocean and at that time the weather was bad, heavily raining. This is shows us how small and how powerless he is. The director also uses a when shot when Chuck first arrive the island to show a empty place with no life, no ship and no technology so this means he has to finds water, food shelter and a way to prevent himself from being destroyed by loneliness. Another camera shot that the director uses is close up shots. The close up shots are focusing on his face and hand when he was making a fire to show us that it is huge progress from him because we can see he bites his lip, grills his teeth and there are some sweat on his face. He is concentrating very hard. There are other close up focused on his hand when he used his finger to draw eyes, nose and mouth and gives it a name ‘Wilson’ He shares his feelings with it...
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... | | |Date: | | Introduction After visiting the "Studio Ghibli Layout Design" exhibition in Hong Kong Heritage Museum, I was shocked by the original layout sketches and the fine storytelling. The 1300 layouts of films contain the cut of camera work, camera speed and space relation between characters and backgrounds; it gives me an insight of the process of animation making. Hence, I would like to comprehend more about the film produced by animation powerhouse-Studio Ghibli, especially the masterpiece-“Spirited Away”, which helps to promote Japanese animation to worldwide audience. “Spirited Away” is an animated film written and directed by the director of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki (Cavallaro 2004) in 2001, which have won awards in a number of international film festivals, including Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film and a Golden Bear at the Berlin International Festival (Reider 2005), and become the top-grossing movie in Japanese history. In the following, the film’s themes based on the plot, use of photography and camera angle and aesthetic symbols and motifs will be analyzed throughout the essay to understand the key of success of this fantasy...
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