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Farmed Bees Research Paper

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Bees are miraculous in their own ways. Humans are intrigued by their social structures, their mechanisms and how within a hive each bee has their very own role. Within a hive there is only one queen that lays eggs and keeps reproducing. There are also drone bees, or male bees, that have one purpose and that is to fertilize new queens. Lastly, the most essential and largest quantity of bees are the workers. They forage for pollen and nectar, contribute to the care of the queen and drones, feed larvae, protect the hive and perform other tasks to ensure the survival of the colony. Overall, each bee works together in a very organized and harmonic way to strive for survival every day. Every since bees were put on this planet, they have been a vital …show more content…
Around 2006, when an epidemic of hives started to cease function and the bees were vanishing and dying, researchers and commercial bee farmers became alarmed. They investigated and found out that the main cause were parasites. On the other hand, most of the public didn't raise a finger about this phenomenon. Although farmed bees are out of the weeds of the vast epidemic, farmed bees and wild bees are still in danger. They are still in danger from the constant side effects of humans. More people need take action and alter the way we do things to help come to the aid of bees. Bees are very important to the human race and if they are being effected then we will be effected to. One of the most important things that bees do for us is pollination. Pollination is critical in the reproduction of new plants, …show more content…
Rachel Bale from "Everything You Wanted to Know about the Bee Die-off" further explains, “In reality, some combination of the four P’s is the culprit: parasites, pathogens, poor nutrition and pesticides.” We as a human race are responsible for ll of these attribution. The main action that we do that causes harm to bees is the use of pesticides to protect our crops from insects destroying them. Todd Woody from “Scientists Discover What’s Killing the Bees and Its’s Worse Than You Thought” replies with a scientific research on how there were nine different pesticides and fungicides that contaminated pollen, the most being 21 agricultural chemicals in one sample. Brain Walsh from The Engaged Reader further explains that after a landscaping company sprayed insecticide on trees, 50,000 wild bumble bees were killed, making this the largest poisoning in record. Many researchers found that a brew of pesticides, fungicides and many other chemicals contaminate the pollen that bees collect to feed their hive. As a result, this effects bees individually and eventually kills them. Even though using chemicals is a big thing to help our crops grow, we need to veer away from using it or find other alternatives to protect insects that help our crops and not destroy them. In addition,

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