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Organic Gardening


Submitted By melissafskipper
Words 1346
Pages 6
The number of consumers purchasing organically grown produce has been on a slow but steady increase in recent years. Organic produce refers to fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, or grains that were grown using only natural means. Recent studies have shown that some chemicals are allowed to be used by federal guidelines and the produce is still deemed “organic”. To receive the freshest produce, gardening is the key, this will ensure that the food is truly organic and will save you money. Many consumers have made the choice to garden organically due to the concerns of synthetic chemicals on their food. Research studies have found that ingestion of synthetic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) from conventionally farmed produce can increase the rates of cancer and other disorders. Some known synthetic chemicals also decrease the nutritional value in the food. Other consumers have swapped to organic gardening themselves due to the affects of modern agriculture on the environment. Organic gardeners grow plants according to a sustainable perspective in regards. This differs from the conventional method that emphasizes maximum profit. Conventional farming with it’s use of pesticides, herbicides, over farming, and other questionable practices have led to erosion of mineral quality of soil and the decline in quality of soil, air, water, and plants. Organic gardening can be simple. Even if you live in an apartment, you can actually grow fresh tomatoes and peppers in a pot indoors. Some avid gardeners go all out and live by a motto, “Grow food not grass”. Long before the growing season you will first need to build your own compost pile. This can be done very simply. You will need a pitchfork, square pointed shovel, and a water hose with a sprayer head. Select a dry, shady spot. Mix dirt and compost material as you collect them. A few of the things that can be added are: egg shells, fruit and vegetable waste, coffee and tea grounds, and shredded brown paper. Once your compost pile is established moisten it and bury it under at least ten inches of green material. Green material can be grass clippings, straw, and dried leaves. Cover all with a tarp to keep the moisture locked in. When the material at the bottom is dark and rich in color your compost is ready to use. This process takes from two months up to two years. Once you begin your journey into organic gardening you will need to do research. A key element in organic gardening is soil. You can have your soil tested by contacting your county agent at your local Agricultural Department. Once you receive the results of your soil test you will need to research what type of plants grow best in your climate and soil type. Also you should think in advance about crop rotation. Crop rotation is an easy way to control diseases and insects at no cost. For example, tomatoes, cauliflower or cabbage planted in the same location each year will actually encourage buildup of certain diseases in the soil. By rotating crops, you are removing the host plant and preventing the spread of disease. Also, as overwintering insects emerge from the soil in the spring, they expect to find the same plant in the same place. By moving garden plants around, insect pests will have a harder time finding their target. After your research and plan is made you are ready to begin your garden. You will need to make your bed. Nine weeks prior to planting you should remove all weeds and loosen the soil and moisten the soil. Cover the area with thick clear plastic and bury the edges. This will “cook” any remaining weeds. This plastic should stay in place for six weeks. About three weeks before you are ready to plant you will need to remove the plastic and loosen the soil again and add compost. Once you add the compost you will rake across the soil surface to blend. In the next three weeks, pull all weeds that may pop up and rake the surface. When your bed is set you will need to think if you want to plant in rows. This is a common practice but is not necessary. Soil should be watered lightly before seeds are planted not after. Sow your seeds in a trench or planting hole. Always read the seed packages for depth they should be planted and other necessary information. Cover all seeds with soil and pack firmly. Sprinkle water on the seed bed whenever the surface is dry until you see the sprouts. Weeds are a hazard to any garden, as they take water and nutrients from your garden. However, toxic herbicides are not necessary. An organic remedy to this common problem is mulch. Mulch can be mixed with your compost or can be applied alone. Mulch is made up of straw, dried grass clippings, and shredded leaves. A thick layer of mulch in your garden is beneficial to the soil as it decomposes and aids in the prevention of weeds. When a weed does spring up it is better to pull it up by the roots that to merely cut the weed. Persistence is the key to an organic garden. The garden will need to be checked for weeds, removing any that show up and mulched regularly. Repeating these simple steps for a few reasons will slowly expel problem invaders for good. There are many commonly used pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Such names that are mass marketed are Sevin, Roundup, and Miracle-Gro. For each of these there are organic counterparts that work just as well. Miracle-Gro can be thrown aside for a fertilizer made out of fish and seaweed. Clove oil herbicide will give you the same results as Roundup. In place of Sevin dust or spray try using an insecticidal soap. Insecticidal soap can be made easily. For the process you will need a sprayer, pure soap (Castile or an all natural soap). Mix five tablespoons of soap with one gallon of water. Insecticidal soap solution works differently than pesticides. Other ways to deter insect infestation are to intergrate and not segregate your plantings. Mix vegetables, herbs, and flowers into the same row or grid. This will keep insects from pin pointing on one type of plant. Placing a bird bath close by is a good idea. As song birds like to snack on the pests. Placing a birdhouse for “Martins” in close proximity is another good move. Organic gardening only takes a small amount of time a week. The work is not hard, but again you must be persistent with everything that you do. Your local Agricultural Department has many different types of literature and your County agent will prove to be most beneficial. The benefits of gardening span many aspects of our lives: Socially, growing gardens brings people together. Physically, growing gardens gives the grower the opportunity to be outdoors. Fresh air and water prove beneficial just as tilling and working the ground is good exercise. Mentally, growing an organic garden offers a deep satisfaction in knowing that you are doing your part for your health and you are helping the environment.
Gard, N. and M. Hooper, An Assessment of Potential Hazards of Pesticides and Environmental Contaminants, pp 294-310, in Martin, T. And D. Finch (eds), Ecology and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds, 1995. Oxford Univ. Press

Stinson, E. and P. Bromely, Pesticides and Wildlife: A Guide to Reducing Impacts on Animals and Their Habitat, Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, Publication # 420-004, 1991.

Williams, T., Silent Scourge, pp 28-35, Audubon, Jan-Feb 1997.

"Bayer Pesticides Cause Mass Death of Bees." Organic Consumers Association. August 25, 2008.

"Does Organic Farming Benefit Biodiversity?" Biological Conservation. Volume 122, Issue 1, March 2005

Retrieved July 27, 2012:
Retrieved July 27, 2012:,5
Retrieved July 27, 2012:

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