...be misinformed by government agencies regarding what a normal, healthy diet, should be, as well as what a balanced diet looks like. Eating a low-carb high-fat, or ketogenic, diet of high fat, adequate protein and low carbohydrates can provide many health benefits as compared to the alternative of an unhealthy diet. Research suggests that a ketogenic diet builds a healthier body than other diets because it will lead to weight loss, improved blood pressure, and reduce appetites. The ketogenic diet is the foundation for a healthy life. As noted by Dr. Eenfeldt (2014), The ketogenic diet has been referred to by different names, such as: the keto diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF), and to some degree the Adkins Diet. The ketogenic diet is a well known diet for being associated with consuming a low amount of carbohydrates, a moderate amount of protein and high amount of fat, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy (Taubes, 2008). With a diet high in carbohydrates your body will produce glucose and insulin. Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy, so it will be chosen over other energy sources. The insulin is produced in order to process the glucose in your bloodstream (Taubes, 2008, p.167). Since the glucose is used as the primary energy source, your fats are not used, and are therefore stored. By lowering the intake of carbohydrates, the body is induced into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketosis is...
Words: 3974 - Pages: 16
...Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University. Obesity in the USA versus Asian Countries 2 Introduction Obesity is a health condition that is characterized by an individual having too much body fat. The tool that measures body fat is called the Body Mass Index or BMI. The chart in Appendix A, outlines what is considered a normal BMI versus obesity BMI for adults age 20 and Older and children ages 2-19 years. Obesity leads to other chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart conditions. Obesity has become a focus in the healthcare industry worldwide. However, it appears to be more prevalent in the United States than in Asian countries. The causes of obesity are continually researched. Is it the environment that effect different cultures? Is it socioeconomics or is it that Americans just eat more fast food and junk food? China is the largest of the Asian countries and has the largest population. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, the obesity rates of the United States and...
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...A Pricing Strategy to Promote Low-Fat Snack Choices through Vending Machines Simone A. French, PhD, Robert W Jeffery, PhD, Mary Story, PhD, Peter Hannan, MStat, M. Patricia Snyder, RD, MPH Introduction There is general agreement that measures that would reduce the fat content of the diet in the population as a whole would be helpful in preventing or delaying the development of several chronic diseases.1-4 An important question for public health policy, therefore, is how to encourage the population as a whole to make lower-fat food choices. To date, environmental intervention strategies to reduce the population prevalence of high-fat food consumption have focused primarily on improving consumer knowledge through mass media, schoolbased, and point-of-purchase education.-"-- Such interventions have shown positive effects on nutrition knowledge, but changes in food-choice behaviors have been modest in magnitude, variable, and often short lived. Environmental strategies designed to influence food choice through mechanisms of availability and cost rather than nutrition education have received less research attention.5-14 Perhaps the most impressive of these studies in magnitude of effect was a recent cafeteria-based study that examined pricing and availability influences on food choice.'4 Prices of fruit and salad were reduced by 50%, and the number of fruit and salad items available was increased. Purchase of fruit and salad increased threefold during...
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...University Insufficient Sleep: The Silent Enemy of Fitness 2 It can be seen on television, read in the paper, and heard on the radio that it's time for America to get into shape. Obesity is up and engaging in healthy exercise is down. The obvious thing to blame is poor food choices and if that's coupled with working long hours then it's no wonder. Nevertheless, despite those issues people are finally deciding to make fitness a priority in their lives by watching what they eat and exercising more. However, they may find that the weight's not coming off, physical performance is going down, or they can't seem to put on any muscle. The culprit behind these issues may be surprising: sleep. A lack of sleep, which is becoming the norm in our society, is being proven to negatively effect several key areas of one's physical fitness. First, studies show a connection between sleep deprivation and weight control including less fat loss, changes in metabolism, and increased hunger. Next, research conducted on sleep restricted athletes resulted in less stamina, slower reaction times, and changes in mood. Finally, tests on sleep deprived subjects showed lowered testosterone, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels which all play major roles in building muscle. Getting enough sleep every night is more important to your fitness than you may think. Research suggests that an inadequate amount of sleep is detrimental to weight control, physical performance...
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...including Captain Cook wrote affectionately about the beauty of communities across the Pacific using coconut oil as an integral part of their daily lives. During WWII the water of the young green coconut was successfully used as a substitute for a saline drip saving the lives of many allied soldiers. After the war, in England coconut oil was sold as "margarine" and in the USA as "coconut butter". However, this all changed in 1954. In the social environment of the USA in which coronary heart disease (CHD) was becoming the primary cause of mortality in the adult population, the young researcher David Kritchevsky published two academic papers. The initial research described the effects of feeding cholesterol to rabbits and indicated that this may lead to the formation of blocked arteries and thus contribute to potential heart disease. In his second paper he described the beneficial effects of consuming polyunsaturated fatty acids from the oil of corn, soybeans, safflower and sunflower seeds for the lowering, at least temporarily, of...
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...‘Don’t Blame Fat’ was published in Time magazine in June, 2014 in an effort to raise awareness of society’s’ misconception on fat in the American diet. For years it was believed that fat was the source of obesity and heart problems within the United States, but Bryan Walsh takes the time to further investigate these common misconceptions in an effort to disprove them entirely. Although the article is well written and at times very convincing, one can read a deeper into the content of this informational article and see that Walsh fails to ensure a real sense of credibility from start to finish. After thoroughly reviewing the article readers will see that although Time magazine does present the user with an interesting read, ‘Don’t Blame Fat’...
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...Research Paper – Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is an important issue because of the staggering proportions that this disease has reached in the past few years. Certain genetic factors paired with changing lifestyles and culture has produced kids (and adults) who are generally not as healthy as people were just a few decades ago. Widespread obesity has been the extreme result of these changes. I chose this topic because I have worked with children all of my life. I plan to continue my work with children in the future, possibly in an academic administration setting. Because schools are seen as an important player in the battle with childhood obesity, it is important that educators are aware of the health risks and that they learn what they can do to change the situation. The Center for Disease Control Website distinguishes between the terms overweight and obesity. The term overweight refers to a person with a weight that is high compared to others his same height and technically has nothing to do with an individual’s amount of body fat. For example someone could have a higher weight due to having lots of muscle mass (Defining). In consideration of this, one source points out that it is probably more accurate to say that someone is overfat when referring to a condition of having too much body fat (Insel and Roth, 237). Obesity on the other hand is defined as “an excessively high amount of body fat…in relation to lean body mass” (Defining). The prevalence...
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...obesity, the disease label encourages the perception that weight is unchangeable. Obesity a disease that is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States. This research study investigate that recognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles these completely issue that affects approximately one in three Americans. A study show in the three experiment found that presenting obese people with a passage that described obesity as disease decreased the dissatisfaction they reported about their own bodies. The term disease suggest that bodies, physiology, and genes are malfunctioning. By invoking physiological explanations for obesity, the disease label encourages the perception that weight is unchangeable. A way to talk about obesity is that it reduces blame and dissatisfaction. In this paper I will be discussing how individuals that are obese overcome obstacles throughout their lives. I consider obesity to be disease because some people cannot control what or how much they eat. Over one-half of all Americans are overweight or obese. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight puts you at risk for developing many diseases. Women generally have more subcutaneous fat than men, but appear to suffer a greater cardiovascular risk from a given degree of fat than women. Obesity is the net result of an excess of energy consumption over expenditure. Factors that must be considered as contributing to causation are: heredity...
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...Kines 1 M 2:00pm – 4:50pm Critical Thinking Paper Obesity In America Obesity is one of the most commonly discussed issues in America today. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 68.8 percent of adults are overweight and 35.7 percent are obese. Also, 31.8 percent of American children and adolescents are overweight and 16.9 percent are obese. Moreover, the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn if Americans do not change their diet and living habits, 42 percent of Americans will be obese by the year 2030. The two main causes of obesity in America are due to diet and lifestyle. For example, fast food contains extremely high levels of fat, calories and carbohydrates that one's body doesn't need, and the lack of exercise only serves to compliment these reasons for becoming obese. However, the side effects of obesity go beyond just being overweight or having an increased risk for developing serious health conditions. Obesity in America is a crucial issue that has many causes and effects. The most significant reason that is primarily responsible for obesity is an unhealthy diet, because it fails to provide the correct amounts and types of nutrients for a healthy body's maintenance. Instead, it provides unhealthy fats and toxins that only serve to slow the body down. For example, fast food contains calories that may exceed the daily needs in just one meal, along with sodium, cholesterol, trans fats, sugars and other unhealthful ingredients...
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...Childhood Obesity Shaleta Lathon PE 112-02 Saint Xavier University In Today’s society one in three American children are either overweight or obese, which is triple the rate it was in 1963 (American Heart Association, 2014). Childhood Obesity is not limited to the United States it is becoming more of a problem for every child all over the world. Childhood obesity is defined as having excess body fat, and being overweight means that having excess body weight from fat, muscle, bone water or a combination of these factors (CDC, 2013). A way to determine if a child is overweight is by using the body mass index chart. This chart can determine if a child is at an unhealthy weight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese (CDC, 2013). There are many health issues for those who are overweight or obese such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and more. There has been a lot of research conducted on childhood obesity from kindergarten to middle school, whether or not appetite is linked to obesity, and whether or not children should have bariatric surgery to remove the fat. Obesity is a major problem because it causes many health problems. Children that are overweight or obese are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol (CDC, 2013). In a sample of obese children 70% hat at least one risk for cardiovascular disease (CDC, 2013). Children who suffer from obesity are also more likely to suffer from joint and bone problems (CDC, 2013). Being overweight...
Words: 1910 - Pages: 8
...[Name of the Author] [Name of the Instructor] [Date] Possible Health Concerns for Children Born To Overeating Mothers Executive Summary Increased using up of new energy-intense, nutrient-poor foodstuffs with very high sugar and saturated fats level, merged with reduced exercises, have led to corpulence rates that have increased three-times or more since 1980 in North America, Eastern Europe, the UK, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, Australasia and China, as said by the UN-backed World Health Organization (WHO). A recent research reveals that Obesity in pregnancy causes a tremendous danger to the wellbeing of the unborn infant. Infants of overweight mothers are born as pre-diabetics or with severe birth imperfections that can cause kidney or heart disease, besides other troubles. These issues much strengthens in the age group 1year to 10 years. Overeating in pregnancy can have significant and numerous precarious health impacts on an unborn infant.[1] In this research paper, I have analyzed several factors of obesity in pregnant mothers that lead to health issues for their unborn infants and it will affect them through their lives. I have conducted a comprehensive interview with Executive Director of “The Consumer Wellness Center”, Mike Adams, who in detail describes the dangers associated with obesity in mothers and its effects on their children. Further a latest about the issue has been analyzed with a recommendation to mothers on how they can avoid this...
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...Childhood Obesity: How Brazil and the United States are Preventing it in Schools Willian Lessa Ribeiro American English and Culture Program Arizona State University July 2014 This paper analyzes and compares the Scholar Feeding Programs which aim to prevent childhood obesity in the United States, and in Brazil. By comparing their two different programs, it’s possible to identify some of the causes of the recent changes in the epidemiological profile of the children. The study include comparison between policies for nutritional education, food sales and diseases prevention. For this research it was used data comparison as research strategy. This data was collected from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the American Centro for Diseases Control (CDC). Currently, research shows that an epidemiological change is happening in the nutritional status of the population. Previously malnutrition was predominant, now obesity is taking its place. There are several factors leading to these changes, like inadequate food intake with the predominance of snacks and junk food. However, the most important factor is the changes in the feeding in the first five years of age, which strongly influence if someone will or will not become an obese adult. Ensuring that children receive adequate nutrition, Brazil and the United States established rules in the case of school meals. Forming healthy dietary practices through actions of nutritional education contributes to educational development...
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...Rosemarie Rojas February 6, 2013 ENG-302-BA Paper 1 Obesity It is important to understand that our country is facing obesity in an alarming rate. What is obesity? According to Mayo Clinic definition of obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat (Staff). In the last two decades, adult obesity has increased by 80 percent. According to the surgeon general and the National Institutes of Health, overweight individuals are at increased risk for hypertension, stroke, cancer, psychological disorders, and other infirmities (J. Eric Oliver). Furthermore, Americans obesity will keep increasing by 42 percent by 2030 according to the Boston Globe (Neergaard). Given these disturbing statistics I believe the government can provide positive solutions to this shocking epidemic without infringing on our personal freedom. There are various ways our government can help to reverse the obesity downward spiral. One way is to make the consumer aware of their calorie intake choices by providing food facts in restaurants and fast food chains menu. In public schools we can reduce fatty, greasy, and sweet foods and incorporate tasty healthier choices. Also, the government should invest in complimentary weight rooms in public parks and recreations. If the government does not address this matter and it is left for Americans of this country to tackle this massive outbreak of obesity on their own, it might take longer to receive the message of a healthier lifestyle to the citizens...
Words: 1294 - Pages: 6
...How Does the Supplementation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) affect Human Fat Mass? Abstract Research Question: How does the supplementation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) affect human body composition? Literature Review: Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers to a family of geometrical and positional isomers of linoleic acid. The predominant sources of CLA are from ruminant animal fats (cow, dairy, sheep, goat, and deer). Over the past 20 years, CLA supplementation has produced positive effects in animal studies, such as significant body fat reduction, anticarcinogenisis, antiatherogenesis, immune modulation and improved bone health. Conversely, human studies have not produced all of the aforementioned results. Nonetheless, there have been many human studies supporting a minimal but significant body fat reduction. These results have been mainly attained with a 50:50 mixture of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 of purified CLA isomers at various doses. There is evidence indicating that a dose of 3.0g CLA/day may lead to fat loss, whereas the average Canadian consumes between 0.1-1.5 g CLA/day. Therefore, a supplement may be warranted in the future, once further research has been completed on the efficacy and safety of CLA supplementation. Implications to dietetic practice: Clinical dietitians involved in research should experiment with various doses and isomers, but they should particularly investigate the long-term implications...
Words: 4114 - Pages: 17
...African Americans and their involvement in Olympic Swimming; Why are there so few African American swimmers? Marcos Mendez Georgia Southern University Abstract This paper explores the phenomena that we see in Olympic Swimming. Whites dominate this sport and African Americans hardly ever participate in this sport. This research paper explores why that is, by examining numerous sources. These sources were obtained using the internet. From the research conducted, their seem to be varying answers to this question. However the main ones are genetics and socioeconomic factors. Consequently, the genetic research is not a direct correlation to why African Americans don’t participate in swimming. Genetics only points out that differences in muscle composition, bone density, and buoyancy have some effect on a person’s ability to swim. The major cause for this goes into the past to segregation and economics. History of Olympic Swimming Swimming was learnt by prehistoric people in order to cross bodies of water. This can be proved in ancient egyptian paintings( 2011 Olympic. Org). Swimming did not truly become an organized sport until the early 19th century when British swimming clubs began to hold competitions. Swimming was added to the Olympic in 1896. History of African American Swimming Now lets look at African swimming. In 1451 when Europeans began exploring Africa. Europeans regarded Africans as “ The best swimmers in the world.” They attributed these swimming skills...
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