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Fatema Mernissi Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered why we as women worry so much about our outward beauty? Why we obsess over having the perfect outfit, the perfect hair style, how contouring our face to make it look thinner has become such a viral thing? Fatema Mernissi a woman from Morocco who stepped into a New York City department store and experienced what women in America face daily. Fatema was planning to purchase a skirt to wear, not knowing that by American fashion you have a size established to fashion, when In her country you bought fabric and took it to a seamstress and she made the dress for you. But in America you go to the department store and you know the size that your needing to purchase. Fatema was taken back by such a thought that women are categorized by a number on a piece of clothing. She compares being restricted to a size is “more violent restriction imposed on women than is the Muslim veil” (Mernissi 276). Fatema Mernissi’s confusion and outrage about the Western fashion restrictions is just as infuriating to me. For myself I take the stance of beauty being from within, I do not think a woman should be considered beautiful because she’s a size 4 or 6, I believe a woman should be considered beautiful by her inward self. …show more content…
Isn’t that insane to think that we look to so many different things to identify as beautiful. When I think of beauty its not a size or any outward appearance, I think of beauty from within a person. Mandy Hale says “Outer beauty pleases the eye. Inner beauty captivates the heart.” This statement is bold. Having an outward beauty is nothing without having inward beauty, being a loving, graceful, peaceful person. When Peter spoke about 1 Peter 3:3-4, he was speaking to the woman who would spend endless amounts of time preparing their outfit, adorning their hair and face instead of spending that time focusing on the inward beauty which last a

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