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My Grandpa Research Paper

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My grandpa Patrick served in the Army because there were no other job available. My veteran has 9 kids and there names are Laura,Scott,Philip,Bradley,Cory,Steven,Jennifer,Ryan,and Corey.My grandpa was a E5 specalst and curtly lives in Ottawa Lake Mi.My grandpa is married to Dorthy Elg. I found him becase he is my grandpa.My vetrans date of birth is Dec.11, 1939.

Patrick volunteered then drafted and was living in Sylvania Ohio when he was drafted. My Veteran join the Military because there was no jobs available. My grandpa chose the Army because all of his uncles were in the Army. My grandpa recalled his first days in service it was in Cleveland and it felt like a life changing experience. Patrick had Basic training at FT Knox.While he was there it was the coldest winter in fifty years. My grandpa got through bootcamp one day at a time. …show more content…
Patrick went to FT Knox,FT Devens MA,Oakland Amary SF,Clark Pipes.My grandpa remembers arriving he had three emergencey landings because they were using two engines insted of four. My veterans job was to do what he was told.Patrick's challenge was getting the job done. My grandpas most memorable experience is time off in Lingayen Gulf visit in WWII battle site. My veteran did not ask for any medals so he did not get any medals.

My grandpa stady in touch with family by mail back and forth. Patrick ate the food they served because it was edible some others complained. My veteran entertain themselves by going to the movie theater a lot and went to town and went to festivals.My vetrans sacrifice he made in the military are 3 years of life to the serive.What my grandpa did on leave was go to Japan,Tokyo ,and Oakahma. The humorous event was that him and his friends were on a beach and they made a pyramid out of people and my grandpa didn't take a picture until right before he fell. Patricks biggest accomplishment was learning what was

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