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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

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The trans-Atlantic slave trade resulted in the force migration of Africans by Europeans to the New World; they would eventually become the slave labor for the plantations in the New World. Even though Europeans were staunch defenders of political and economic freedoms at home, they had no problems with being involved in the practice of slavery overseas. Historians have attempted to analyze the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on both the Old and New World. Historians have focused their scholarly examinations on the global context of the Atlantic slave trade as way of getting a better understanding of why it was that Europeans came to settle on Africans as their preferred work force in the New World. While the focus of the field of study has been on the commercial and economic aspects of the slave trade, there have been attempts at shifting the narrative from that of economics to the cultural aspect of it. There needs to be a comprehensive analysis of the social and economic impact of the slave trade on the development of Africa. Also, gender roles during the slave trade should become a point of emphasis for historians.
Historians have pointed to the economic development of the colonies in the New World coupled with the decimation of the native population as the genesis of African slavery in the Americas. As Herbert Klein …show more content…
In the African Diaspora: Slavery, Modernity, and Globalization he makes the argument that African slavery in the New World came about because of economical and racial factors, and as a result the New World became an economic power house. He examines the effect that African slavery has had on the modern world and how it has shaped it to become what it is now. He argues that because of the African diaspora, Africans slaves had become connected to global events. In a wider context he explores the relationship between slavery and

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