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Pilgrim Research Paper

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Duty. Duty for your country, your work, and your religion. The five pillars of Islam state that it is a Muslim’s duty to take a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and journey to the town of Mecca. This pilgrimage is called Hajj and is a pinnacle of worship for Muslims. Hajj begins on the Eighth day of the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar and refers to one of the five pillars of Islam. The Hajj remembers and commemorates the stories of Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael.
Although pilgrimage is a compulsory event, Muslims risk their lives to attend. Due to large numbers of people in one place, crowd control problems have led to many disasters. In 1990, for example, a stampede caused the deaths of 1402 pilgrims. But Muslims have faith in their god that they will not be one of those numbers. …show more content…
Upon encountering the border of Mecca, men and woman alike must enter ihram, a spiritual state of purity and peace. One must not argue, fight, commit any sort of violence or engage in sexual activity. The pilgrim must signify that they are in ihram by wearing simple white cloth. Men usually wear a two-part unsewn cloth that covers waist to ankle and shoulder, a woman may wear a simple white dress.
When the pilgrim enters the city of Mecca, they are required to walk around the Ka’ba seven times while speaking the tabiya (A prayer spoken by Muslims to show that they are going to participate in the hajj for all the honor and glory of Allah). On the screen behind me you can see this happening. They then must kiss the Black stone, pray at the Station of Abraham and then run seven times between the mountains of Safa and

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