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Fear Persuasive Research Paper

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Fear: it controls all humans. Fear prevents people from standing up for what they believe in, even if those around them share the same beliefs. During the Holocaust (1933-1945), the main group the targeted by the Nazis were the Jews. Despite the fact that the Jews constituted about ten percent of the Poland’s population in 1933, they still lived in a “constant state of fear and uncertainty” . With a populace this large, the Jews could have stood up for their religious ideals. Unfortunately, the fear of being persecuted overshadowed their beliefs and subdued the population. Fear is such a strong emotion because unlike other emotions, it reins us back and prevents us from undergoing certain actions, whereas other emotions compel us onward. Other groups being subjected to inhuman treatment included homosexuals, mentally disabled people, and those who didn’t possess the “most valuable racial elements” . The Slavs were easy to prey on …show more content…
Fear can be established from many situations such as: fear of those you love getting hurt, fear of others viewing you in a negative light, or fear of suffering and death. While fear does prevent people from acting on their emotions, it also causes people act out and violate their own moral values, making them feel immensely guilty in the aftermath. Additionally, fear can cause people to experience a lapse in their judgement which makes them to act radically without any reason. Fear may have a cynical connotation, which is fitting seeing as it causes people to repress their opinions, defy their moral values, and do irrational things. Although it’s reputation as a negative emotion persists, fear has allowed the human species to thrive for centuries. Human need fear to keep them from acting rash and impulsive, which could result in possible death or injury. Overall, fear is a complex emotion that can be used to control humans, or simply allow them to excercise better

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