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Rice Seal Research Paper

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The scholastic seal of Rice University was planned in 1912 by Mr. Pierre de Chaignon la Rose of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who consolidated the primary components of the arms of sixteen noticeable families bearing the names "Rice" or "Houston." Owls of Athena-typical of shrewdness were picked for the charges. The Athenian owls on the Rice seal were designed after a configuration found on a little, silver tetradrachmenon coin dating from the center of the fifth century B.C. Furthermore, on the grounds that Rice University was committed by its organizer to the progression of "letters, science, and workmanship," these words additionally were consolidated into the seal.

Rice Colors: Blue and Gray

In 1912, Rice's first president, Edgar Odell Lovett, picked as the school hues "a blue still more profound than the Oxford blue" and "the Confederate dim, charged by a tinge of lavender." It has been proposed that blue and dark were picked in acknowledgment of the way that Rice's organizer amassed a significant part of the fortune that shaped the beginning blessing of the Rice Institute by exchanging with both the North and the South amid the Civil War. …show more content…
Throughout the years, Rice's different mascots have included understudies wearing owl ensembles, live Great Horned Owls, and substantial owl statues of fiberglass and of canvas, the recent being especially popular in Rice legend (see underneath).

On May 18, 1891, Massachusetts-conceived businessperson William Marsh Rice contracted the William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Literature, Science, and Art as a blessing to the city of Houston, where he made his fortune. The terms of the contract obliged that work on the new foundation would start strictly when Rice's

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