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Fed Up: Let's Move Campaign

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Obesity is an extremely dangerous factor that is continuing to grow within America. Obesity has been proven to lead victims to higher chances of cancer and heart disease, which happen to be two of the leading factors of death in America. Due to these negative effects, many agencies, organizations, and other outspoken activists continue to try and battle this epidemic within America. Although many of their campaigns and ideas are effective, obesity rates are still drastically rising in America. Contrary to most campaigns and movements, instead of trying to present a positive approach to this problem, like Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, or just solely presenting pieces of evidence and statistics against the food industry, like Fast Food Nation, a documentary titled “Fed Up” tries to focus on showing the negative effects that this disease leaves on it’s victim and his or her family. While the other types of campaigns and movements were effective to some extent, “Fed Up” does a better job with making the viewer re-evaluate his or her food choices and become an advocate against obesity. …show more content…
While still revealing a hand full of secrets about the food industry, this particular documentary shows the victims of obesity and how they have to bear with the negative effects that it carries. By showing you the bullying, the depression, and life-threatening diseases that follow obesity, the documentary makes this epidemic appear more as a personal connection rather than statistics on a screen. For example, within the documentary, the crew follows around a 250-pound, 15-year-old boy and a 212-pound, 12-year-old girl and shows the extreme amounts of self-hatred and extreme lack of self-worth. This allows the documentary appeal to the audience’s sense of pathos, influencing them to make a stance against obesity and advocate their

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