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Robert Campbell Research Paper

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Robert Campbell was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, at the Aughalane House which is now preserved in the County’s Ulster American Folk Park. By age eighteen, Campbell left his family’s farm with a great determination to get to America. Robert Campbell arrived in St. Louis by riverboat in 1824. John O’Fallon, a successful businessman in St. Louis, gave Campbell his first job as a clerk in a fur trading company. After receiving permission to head west from O’Fallon, Campbell joined a group of sixty-eight men on an expedition up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Robert’s organizational and leadership skills gained him the attention of Jedadiah Smith, a legendary mountain man, who set Campbell in charge of his own trapping and trading parties the next year. Seven years later, Campbell had learned all there was to know about the trapping and trade business. During this time, Campbell was introduced to William Sublette, his first …show more content…
Robert and Virginia moved in with seven-year-old Hugh and Hazlett (still a baby) and immediately decided to expand their home, enlarging the dining room and kitchen along with adding several bedrooms to accommodate their servants. During 1867, Hugh graduated from Washington University, while his parents went on a grand tour of Europe. Before arriving in Europe, Robert stopped in Ireland to visit his childhood home. Robert’s older sister, Anne, welcomed them to the family home. From there the family traveled to Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Lausanne, Baden, Prague, Vienna, Leipzig, Munich, Strasbourg, and Rome. By age 60 –one year before the end of the American Civil War- Robert Campbell had become one of the richest businessmen in the entire country, having amassed fortunes in trading, banking, real estate, and transportation. On October 10, 1879, Robert Campbell died at home at the age of seventy-five. Virginia followed him to the grave in 1882, only being sixty years

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