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Psychopathy: Nature Or Nurture?

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When defining psychopathy, many individuals use Robert D. Hare’s two factor model. It distinguishes between two opposite factors. Factor one consists of charm, being manipulative and displaying a lack of empathy whereas factor 2 consists of an inability to display emotion and behaviour that is often related to a deviant lifestyle, crime and impulsiveness (Hare, 1999).
For a long time, there has been a debate between psychologists about how exactly psychopathy occurs. The questions that surround the subject, are they born that way? Or are they somehow created? This is all part of the nature vs. nurture debate. Some might argue that in fact, both have contributing factors that can influence psychopathy in children and youth. The work of Norman …show more content…
They questioned whether psychopathy exists in youth, how early it can be identified and whether it’s biologically or environmentally influenced (Salekin and Lynam, 2010). Although they were the first to address psychopathy in children, there was little progress in researching to better understand the condition, this could have been down to a lack of assessment tools and confusion over the features of the disorder. In addition, ten years later, researchers investigated the effect that maternal deprivation had on children and its link to psychopathy. Unfortunately, what studies could offer was extremely weak due to poor research technology (Salekin & Lynam, 2010). In response to their work, Seagrave and Grisso (2002) argued that studies should not be carried out on adolescent teenagers as too many youths would meet the ‘symptomatic’ definition of psychopath due to the changes they go through during their adolescence. The views of Seagrave and Grisso should be taken into consideration when carrying out any further research into child and youth psychopathy (Seagrave & Grisso, …show more content…
The focus of Waller’s study was on Callous-Unemotional (CU), known as pre-psychopathic behaviour of low levels of empathy and guilt and a general lack of feelings for others. However, this study did not come without its restrictions, one being that the participants of the research did not represent the entirety of society, all of them were from low-income homes that included a high number of risk factors (Whitbourne, 2016). When carrying out their study, the research team measured their psychotic traits by Deceitful-Callous scale(DC), known as an assessment of the tendency to lack feelings for others and how often they lied. When measuring using the DC scale, they used five traits; the child not seeming guilty after misbehaving, punishment not changing their behaviour, refusing to share and being selfish, lying and being sneaky to get around an individual and asked their primary carer to rate them as well as their secondary carer and other caregivers and teachers (Whitbourne,

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