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Fragile Heart Poem

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Fragile Heart
This girl,
She takes up what's left of my heart
She's nothing special
She doesn't even love me back
But for some reason
I can't stop loving her
I want her to be mine again
Even though she will never love me back
It hurts
She ignores
But she kisses my lips
And says she loves me too
But she ignores
She ignores me when I'm hurting
When I want answers
So does she really love me?
My heart aches
Why do I want this girl's love?
It doesn't make sense
I just want her to be mine
To hold her
To care for her
Why do I want this so bad?
Her lips are so soft,
Unlike all the others
Rough lips,
Rough touch
But her
Her lips so soft
Gentle touch
Not here to break each other
Tried to forget her
With a rough man's touch
It didn't work
And I

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