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Federal Reserve System Analysis

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In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act gave way to the Federal Reserve System which began operation in 1914. The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States of America. The system is made up of the Board of Governors, who are appointed to this position by the President and are confirmed by the Senate. This elected board of members along with twelve regional banks constitute the structure of the Federal Reserve System. The regional banks are located all over the country with a wide selection being on the east coast such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Richmond. There are also banks in Chicago, St. Louis, and San Francisco among other cities across the country. The Board of Governors otherwise known as the Federal …show more content…
The Board leads committees that study current issues. The Federal Reserve Board have a part in the approving process of regional bank presidents along with other members of the bank staff including the board of directors. They also participate in what is known as the Federal Open Market Committee or (FOMC), this committee is responsible for conducting the nation’s monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Board appear to have total control over the monetary policy which to some could cause issues. To keep things in order, as a check and balance system, the Board of Governors has to testify before Congress. They are consistently in contact with other major government organizations as well. The chairman of the board reports twice yearly to Congress on the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, he or she must also testify on many other topics and also meets with the Secretary of the …show more content…
It responsible for ensuring that the nation’s economic structure and policy remains intact. It also provides assistance to the smaller commercial banks around the country by providing loans. The Board of Governors within the Federal Reserve is responsible for setting guidelines, regulations, rules and policies in place for not only the commercial banks but along with the nation’s entire monetary policy along with maintaining the U.S. Treasury. The Federal Reserve is a complex but extremely find tuned machine that has been designed to meet every need of the nation that it serves. Over the one hundred years the Federal Reserve has been guiding our economic policy, it has transformed our policies on employment and inflation. Before the Federal Reserve, full employment and inflation were not priorities for the nation economically. The Federal Reserve gave way to a new way of looking at the nation’s economic situation. Inflation and full employment were at the top of the priority list. The Federal Reserve became very concerned with full employment and keeping the unemployment rate as low as

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