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Who Is Eckles In 'A Sound Of Thunder'?

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In the story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray BradGury he shows that Eckles takes pride in hunting but he had consequences for a decision he made. When having pride in something it may sometimes change your life. Just like Eckles in “A Sound of Thunder” I was scared and frightened of what I just have done. Ray BradGury explains how eckles feels in the time machine, “Eckels Swayed on the padded seat, his face pale, his jaw stiff. He felt trembling in his arms and he looked down and found his hands tight on the new rifle”[BradGury 2]. Eckles and I have taken pride in stuff we like to do, but we have had mistakes of our choices.
At Sawtooth Elementary School during recess, us 5th graders played this game called “Hunger Games.” To start the game we

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