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Va Hospital Statistics

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Statistics within the healthcare field varies; on the other hand, I work at the VA Hospital and I know statistics is used here, to determine how long patient’s stay and the percentage of discharges. Example, let say there’s 100 patients with Clostridium difficile colitis which is define as inflammation of the large intestine resulting from infection of spore-forming bacterium, this according to Wikipedia. Now, the hospital discharges 55 patients but out of those 55 patients 39 return three days later with the same symptoms. Therefore, having statistics and keeping track of these patients diagnosis and the time frame of return to hospital will help; determine if the patients are being treated successful. Furthermore, clinical informatics involves …show more content…
As far as who benefits from this kind of stats one would be the Federal Government if I am only focusing on the VA Hospitals. Why? When any Veteran passes away any monthly paychecks stop and health insurance also; meanwhile, the Federal Government will not continue to pay any Veteran if one is not living. This is also good for the Census report, this helps to keep track of the number of people in the world. The difference with gross death rate is age, gender; race and severity of illness are not even reported into the gross death rate according to Statistics and Data Presentation. Another one would be Anesthesia Death Rate this is very critical in my opinion because there are deaths caused by physician during operation. This rate indicated the number of deaths that are due to the administration of anesthetics for a period of time all this according to Data Management and use. Consequently, hospitals and medical boards used this mostly, there needs to be reports of deaths by anesthesia. When patient’s death comes into question lawyers and malpractice then comes into play, so this is a good way to keep track of stats of a particular physician losing …show more content…
Here on the floor I work on there’s a black box and only the nurse manager can access this and it’s for patients inform the hospital how one stay was. With this data it’s really for the hospital’s benefit to correct service, so patient will get the best service they need. When all the data is collect storing on computer under created folders, is the storage place. All data have year of data so years are able to compare against one another. When the data is typed it is saved on the hard drive, which the server communicates

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