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Healthy Babies Month Research Paper

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October is “Healthy Babies Month”; a time to bring awareness to birth defects and the efforts of the March of Dimes to prevent them. One of the best ways to prevent birth defects is to not drink any alcohol while pregnant. In fact, a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says alcohol exposure is the leading preventable cause of “birth defects and intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities in children.”
The warnings about moms-to-be drinking alcohol have been out for years, but apparently not everyone is getting the message. A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says one in ten pregnant women drink, with a third of them admitting to binge drinking.
The CDC surveyed more than 200,000 women, including …show more content…
More pregnant women said they’d binged in the last month compared to non-pregnant women.
While some doctors will say a little alcohol won’t hurt, most doctors will tell you there is no safe amount of alcohol use and there’s no safe time to drink during pregnancy. The AAP and CDC stress all alcohol —beers, wines, and liquors-- is not safe. Doctors add, if you’re trying to get pregnant, you should not drink because you could harm the baby you don’t yet know you’re carrying. Doctors say alcohol doesn’t just affect the mother’s brain. It also affects the baby’s developing brain.
Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications including miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). If you do give birth, your child may be born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), or what used to be known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Children with FASD may have speech and language delays, learning disabilities, abnormal facial features, small head size and several other problems. While there’s no cure for FASD, experts stress the child has absolutely zero risk of the disorders if the mom stays off the booze while

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