...2.3 Feedback on Students' Writing Feedback is a key element in language learning. It can promote minimal or deep learning. Hattie and Timperely (2007) state that feedback is "information provided by an agent regarding some aspects of one's task performance". (p.81). Narciss (2008) also defines feedback as "all post-response information that is provided to a learner to inform the learner on his or her actual state of learning or performance". (p.127). Mory (2003) discusses four perspectives on how feedback supports learning. First, feedback can be considered as an incentive for increasing response rate and/ or accuracy. Second, feedback can be regarded as a reinforcer that automatically connects responses to prior stimuli (focused on correct...
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...Introduction In this brief essay, I will review Joy (2016) week five assignment utilizing the Capella University Writing feedback tool (2016). The essay will cover the body and organization of the essay and the body of evidences that was utilized in the essay. Message to peer Joy you did a good job research and gathering information for your topic. You have strong statistical elements throughout your essay that if utilized correctly will help to bolster many of your ideas. Overall this was a good first draft that holds a great deal of promise. There are some adjustments that need to made in an effort to create a more compelling essay. Body: Organization Joy, I believe the over arching idea of the paper was to demonstrate the dilemma that “high-achieving woman” face which impact their personal life. I gathered that because you attempted to demonstrate evidence of this premise throughout the body of your essay. It is important to clearly state the purpose of the essay in the introduction, so the reader has a clear expectation of what the essay will cover. The introduction of the essay should be used to structure the body of the essay and will help you to focus your writing for the topic heading that you are writing about....
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...understand what I am talking about when I mention them later on in the paper. “Good Feedback” and “Bad Feedback” are some of them. When I state “good feedback” I refer to a gentle, complex, and creative response to a paper that helps you create a better writing, provided by a caring and helpful teacher. When I state “bad feedback” I refer to a harsh and non-productive response that only drags you down making you feel that your work isn’t good enough and will never be. My purpose is to encourage teachers to give away a productive and helpful feedback in order to secure the writing development of the student as well as making sure he knows his paper is much...
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...3 An Investigation into Effectiveness of Peer Feedback Grace Hui Chin Lin Ph.D., Texas A&M University M.S., University of Southern California Paul Shih Chieh Chien Ph.D., University of Cambridge Ed.M., Harvard University Abstract Copious researches argue the effectiveness of peer-correction in writing courses (e.g., Connor & Asenavage, 1994). Also, Coit (2004) mentions using peer feedback for correcting articles through a student-centered environment is a beneficial pedagogy to extend learners’ academic-style writing practice. Therefore, this study focused on investigating effectiveness of peer feedback from communal, cognitive, cooperative and pedagogical perspectives. This study also argues that it is English writing teachers’ obligation and responsibility that they should ensure their writing learners compose articles in an atmosphere where they can learn from their peers cooperatively. According to Coit (2004), “Based on theories in collaborative learning and social cognitive development, peer review has assumed an important role in both L1 and L2 writing classrooms.” (p. 902) When students are authorized to take on the role of the editor for their peer’s papers to carry out the correction process, they seem to be more confident and motivation-stimulated in their writing courses. In order to achieve this significant goal of releasing students’ anxiety and raising their confidence in their writings, this study associated with peer correction was conducted...
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....1 Introduction According to Cohen (1985) feedback “..is one of the more instructionally powerful and least understood features in instructional design” (p.33). In support of this claim, consider the hundreds of research studies published on the topic of feedback and its relation to learning and performance during the past 50 years (Mory, 2004 and Narciss & Huth, 2004). Within this large body of research, there are many conflicting findings and no consistent pattern of results. While (Galina & Lilija, 2012) stated that feedback is ‘a method used in teaching of language to improve performance by sharing observations, concerns and suggestions with regard to written work or oral presentation.’ This involves not only focussing on correcting learners,...
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...different from my prior English class, English 114. As I began to learn about the course and its structure, it did become clear that both English classes would not be too distinct from one another. For instance, this course would also revolve around your own topic of choice, in which throughout the semester your writing would be based on that topic. I personally like this structure of the class, since I am able to grow as a writer, reader, and critical thinker while studying and researching a topic that interests me. My understanding of writing at the beginning of this course, I believed that the only way that I was going to improve would be through...
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... lalitha111@gmail.com No. of contact hours : 80 (Eighty Hours) Session Duration : 90 Minutes. 1. Course Objective and Scope : • Appreciate the importance of Communication at work • Know how to overcome the barriers and communicate effectively • Get sensitized in using non verbal techniques more skillfully • Develop tolerance and empathy in listening • Practice to write concisely and with clarity • Learn to strategize writing according the contextual demand • Understand the importance of asserting and listening in group contexts Pedagogy: • Highly interactive lecture sessions, framework driven • Group discussions • Role plays and presentations • Exercises • Films 2. Required text Book: Basic Business Communication – by Lesikar, Pettit, and Flatley Additional Readings : • How to write and speak better – Readers Digest Edition • The random house guide to business writing – Janis Forman with Kathleen Kelly • Talking you way to the top – John W. Osborne • The Hidden messages managers send – HBR • Nobody trusts the boss completely – now what:? – HBR • Making judgement call – Tichy and Bennis – (2007) HBR 3. EVALUATION COMPONENTS : |Components of Evaluation for the Course |Percentage Distribution for the Component |Description | |Attendance ...
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...Writing in English in a second or foreign language situation is a useful skill for specific and well defined purposes such as the writing of reports , news items , official or friendly letters, speeches, notes and minutes. Students who are required to use English at college or university level will find that they have to have an adequate mastery of more advanced skills such as the summaries , essays and seminars and conference papers. Some students enjoy writing in English as a second language and may, as they gain confidence, wish to write descriptions, stories , songs or poems in the new language they are learning. Writing in English is also useful as a means of getting pupils to learn and to internalize the new language. It helps both the teacher and the learner to assess language mastery and to correct errors in expression. Peer editing is a technique often used in composition and other writing-intensive courses. Students engaged in peer editing trade drafts of material they have written and provide each other with suggestions for improvement. This technique can be used at any point in the writing process such as idea formation, outlining, draft revision, or copy editing a final draft. Peer response and editing are processes through which students respond to and provide feedback on their peers' writing. They are not meant to take the place of teacher evaluation, nor can they identify all the strengths and challenges in a piece of writing, but when incorporated into the writing...
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...• What feedback did you receive from the Center for Writing Excellence, your peer reviewer, and your facilitator? The feedback that I received from the Center for Writing Excellence, My peer reviewer, and my facilitator was positive and negative. The Center for Writing Excellence said that my paper was 46% plagiarized, and that is a serious issue in the school laws. My teacher informed me that I will need to be changing my paper and summarizing it up into my own words. She explained to me the policy of the school and how serious the offense is of plagiarism. My peer review went well and I got a lot of positive feedback from it. She said that I touched on some good points in the paper and had some good counter arguments. She also stated that there were some parts that I should leave out, or maybe rewrite, because they may chase some of the audience members away. The way that I wrote it may be too harsh for someone that is suffering from the problem, so I may need to look into rewriting some particular areas. There were also some areas that she said her and many other people could relate to, because mostly everybody has a family member that is suffering from drugs. I would say the feedback I got will be useful to help me have a successful paper. • Explain what feedback you will incorporate and what feedback you will not incorporate into your paper. Include a rationale for your choices. The feedback I got from my peer review and my teacher will all be used in a positive way...
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...Scholarly Writing Skill Reflection What strengths do you have in regards to scholarly writing? What areas need improvement? • Formulate paragraphs with central idea and flowing information between paragraphs. • Clearly define topic for reader to understand purpose. • Use research for citation and properly formatting reference material. • Ensure usage of concepts from materials relevant to topic. I need to improve on my citation and reference aspects of paper writing. In addition, refining my approach to passage clarity is another area could use improvement. How do you plan to use the scoring instrument to measure and improve your writing in the future? Utilization of professors scoring instrument feedback, allows me to track my progress in areas of continuing improvement. It also allows me to keep on track in areas I have satisfied to ensure I improve my writing. My keeping record of all feedback on my computer, I can analyze each class and track growth. What university writing resources will you use to improve your writing? • All tools in the Center for Writing Excellence including the reference and citing generator, plagiarism checker, write point and peer review. • APA guide What role does feedback have in the writing process? No one no matter what education stature a writer may be, criticism or critiquing is valuable to provide items needing improvement. Often writers overlook items that are vital in writing papers. Thereby feedback...
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...1.0: Introduction Writing is one of the most crucial aspects in language learning. It is not an easy task as it seems as writing is actually a process; and it is the teachers’ responsibilities to help students becoming good writers. According to Hedge (2005), writing process consists of four stages that are ‘Composing’, ‘Communicating’, ‘Crafting’ and ‘Improving’ (pp. 17). Therefore, this essay presents the main principles that underlie in activities that assist learners at these different stages in the writing process which is designed by Tricia Hedge in her book, ‘Writing’ (2005). This paper will start with a discussion about the first stage of writing that is ‘Composing’, and continue with another stage which is ‘Communicating’. ‘Crafting’ will be explained next, and finally, the last stage which is ‘Improving’ will be addressed. Additionally, an example of activity will be illustrated in each section. 2.0: Composing Composing is a stage that ‘takes a writer from pre-writing to polishing a final draft for a specific purpose and a particular audience’ (pp. 81). Hedge believes that good writing is often recursive, and not linear where various operations take place simultaneously throughout writing process. There are three main activities in this stage; pre-writing, drafting and redrafting, and editing. In pre-writing, the focus will be mainly on planning the outlines and exploring possible content. The learners will be aided to identify the purpose and the audience...
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...Revision Analysis |Feedback Received |Revisions | | | | |List the details provided in your |What changes you will make to revise your paper based on this feedback? Explain your answer. | |feedback under each of the | | |following categories. | | |Example |Example | | | | |The instructor indicated that my |I will go through each page of my paper and remove the use of first person. I will rewrite each| |research paper should not be |sentence properly in third person. I will also review the material in the Center for Writing | |written in first person. |Excellence that will help me better understand how to use third person correctly. | |Instructor Feedback |I will start by add more information about the topic in which I am writing about. I understand...
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...Style and Substance/Joseph Couch 1 Introduction Academic Writing with Style and Substance Offering Opinions and Exchanging Ideas Understanding the Difference Much writing on the Internet, for high school, and for general purposes contains the personal opinions of writers. As a result, some of the phrases below are very common in these writing situations: “To me,” “I think” “Personally,” “For me,” “It is this writer’s opinion” Style and Substance/Joseph Couch 2 While everyone has a right to a personal opinion, relying on opinion in college writing usually means hiding behind that right rather than facing the fact that others can question a writer’s ideas. As a result, the common defense of “that’s my opinion” does not matter much as a reason to support an essay’s ideas. What does matter for a class that requires a textbook such as this one is writing that shows critical thought and (often) outside research. The first step towards writing with these qualities is an understanding that it does not stand alone as an opinion. In fact, college-level writing acknowledges and engages with the ideas of others who have also often done some critical thinking and outside research on the topic. Essentially, college professors want essays that exchange ideas with other readers and writers rather than present ideas on the level of opinions. This is not to say that a student’s ideas do not count in college writing. The process to a completed paper does often begin with one’s own...
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...Final Project Overview Business Writing Portfolio During this course, you will complete six writing pieces to be compiled and submitted as your Business Writing Portfolio. Each assignment, with the exception of the reflection, must be revised by incorporating your instructor’s feedback and your understanding of the writing process. You are encouraged to use the tools available in the Center for Writing Excellence; of particular importance are WritePointSM and Tutor Review. WritePointSM submission will help reduce the amount of editing and rewriting you may have to do in finalizing the documents for your portfolio. The Business Writing Portfolio, submitted in Week Nine, must showcase your best work. Deliverables List and Portfolio Document Ordering 1. Cover page 2. Reflection 3. Business Writing Graphic Organizer 4. Week Five assignments—two parts 5. Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report 6. Submission Checklist 7. PowerPoint® presentation, submitted as a separate attachment 8. Final Project Timeline 9. You should budget your time wisely and work on this project throughout the course. As outlined below, some assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete the project. 10. • Suggested in Week One: Print this Appendix and keep a copy of Appendix G in a folder with other work from this...
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...of time. While most of the following apply in general, they have been written with BTech/MTech/PhD students in mind. The comments below apply for course projects, other semester projects, technical reports, theses (BTech/MTech/PhD). That is, technical writing in general. While a google search on the topic may churn out many hits, the following is tailored for IIT (Kanpur) students in particular. I will first mention some general guidelines, then the structure of the report. Towards the end, I will also describe how to refine your writing, and how to give feedback on others' writing. Based on these, I will recommend a possible strategy for producing high-quality reports which have high potential for being published. General Guidelines These are some general things you should know before you start writing. I will try to answer the questions of the purpose of report writing, and the overall approach as well. Purpose of a report: writing to be read A key thing to keep in mind right through your report writing process is that a report is written to be read, by someone else. This is the central goal of report-writing. A report which is written for the sake of being written has very little value. Before you start writing your report, you need to have in mind the intended audience. In the narrowest of possibilities, your report is meant for reading by yourselves, and by your advisor/instructor, and perhaps by your evaluation committee. This has value, but only short-term...
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