...Hungry Jack is a franchise of the international burger king corporation and has operated in Australia since 1971. Today, Hungry jack’s is in every state in Australia with over 340 stores.. There are so many Hungry Jacks stores are located in Victoria State, but I have chosen the one, which is located on the Swanston street. As this store is the closest to our university, therefore it is the most visited by me. This is the double-store building. HUNGRY jack logo looks like this. It consists of red and yellow colors. Therefore, when u enter into the store you can notice that there is an combination of 2 colors red and yellow. From the outside you can observe what is happening in the store and also read the menu as this shop has been made of glass. There are 2 automatic doors in this shop. One door faces to the Swanston Street, and the other door faces to the Latrobe Street. People are using 2 doors to enter and to exit, depends where r they going. I usually come around 12:30-1:30 to have lunch, whenever I come its always busy. The first thing I do is line up as everyone does, some of them are reading the menu to decide what to have for lunch, and I have noticed a group of high school students where shaking their phone to get a free or half price food. Their face emotion was very excited I think for the Hungry Jack, they have designed a very good phone application device, because it can promote the place and making it more popular by making customer to check in...
Words: 503 - Pages: 3
...night gets darker and scarier, the puppy gets closer to home however he is surrounded by wolves. Unbeknownst to him, his best buddy, the horse has escaped the barn and is coming to his rescue with friends. The pup starts barking at the wolves but he is tiny. The horses arrive just in time to save him and he is reunited with his family. At the end of the commercial there is the Budweiser logo and the hashtag “ #bestbuds”. Every time I watch this ad I cry. It is just so cute, and as a dog owner pulls at my heart strings. As a human, it makes me connect with the puppy and his fear of being lost and lonely and his search for home. What draws me most to this advertisement is that there is no beer, this ad is not selling beer, it is selling the feeling that you want to have when you drink beer: family, love, friendship. Throughout the commercial, the focus is on the puppy and the horse, their friendship and bond. How they yearn for each other when they are apart, and how they will go through hell or high water to get back to each other and keep each other safe. The whole time you are watching, you do not think this is about beer; rather you are just enthralled in the commercial and want to see how it ends. But this is not a commercial you can forget. I think...
Words: 1802 - Pages: 8
...that we, humans, can have or experiment with happy, hard, sad moments and also feelings that we need to deal with our best attitude and maturity. At the moment when all this things and emotions happen, many people prefer to take their time to breath and calm their selves, sometimes they prefer to eat junk food until they feel good or just go outside to smoke a cigarette, and more things that they do depending of the age of the person, but the point is that, all of us do something to feel better. Is interesting that people have their own favorite place or environment, where they can express their feelings, communicate with their own soul or just feel safe. As I said above, all we have our hard moments in life; we are humans and we have feelings and emotions. With this essay, I wanted to express something to you that happened to me yesterday, and I didn´t know about it. Yesterday, I was so happy because my mom said that she was going to prepare lasagna, my favorite food. I went to the university very excited, wetting to lunchtime, so I can eat a big piece of melted cheese that comes from the juicy lasagna. When I finished my classes I didn’t care to say bye to my friends, I just ordered a taxi to go home fast and eat it. When I arrived, my mom said that she had a problem; she burned the lasagna. I looked at her eyes very angry; I was passing for all my bad moments because I was really hungry, and the first thing that I saw was a black burned lasagna. I said many bad things...
Words: 836 - Pages: 4
...sweetness of this treat. The chunks of chocolate are just a bonus to the ad, as chocolate is lovable by a majority of people. This ad has a lot of components and bright colors, but they all catch the attention and make the reader want and crave a perfectly sweet, delightful light snack that is also healthy to eat. The company did a fine job sending out the message to all ages and both sexes. First, Special K is a well-known brand to eat for low calorie, healthy snacks and breakfast items. When buying this product, the customer is aware of the motive of this brand. The ad shows that you can eat something that is not bad for your body but still tastes delicious. The Aristotelian Rhetorical Technique used behind this is pathos. It gives the feeling of satisfying ones cravings without it being horrible to the body, or gaining any weight. The value is health, and the ad is saying you can still have great health even if you buy this product and eat it. In addition to the low calorie snack, the ad shows a lot of red and pink colors, along with hearts, flowers, birds, balloons and even two baby angels. The colors are pretty, and symbolize fun and make the reader...
Words: 890 - Pages: 4
...approach affects motivation. Achievement motivation is what pushes some people to their full potential because they possess the drive and willingness to surpass their peers. They want to excel over everyone else. If a person is motivated to be number one they can become big wigs in a company or even own a business. 2. Theorists vary on why we experience emotions. Discuss at least two different theories related to emotional experiences. The drive theory in a nut shell is something a person goes after in order to meet a biological need. If a person is hungry they will eat something to curve their appetite. If a person is thirsty they will drink something to rehydrate themselves. If a person is feeling lonely they will surround themselves with friends and family. When a person finds something that fills the void and makes them feel better, then the next time the same feelings emerge, the more likely the same action will be repeated to get the same satisfaction. Incentive theories state that a person’s behavior is based on end rewards, money, and recognition. If a person is participating in a game of sport, they are going to try and do their very best to receive recognition for winning or a trophy for scoring the highest. 3. Choose one positive and one negative emotion related to being a student. Provide one example for each of how these emotions may affect your performance in class. 4. Summarize two theories of intelligence....
Words: 316 - Pages: 2
... I spent a year test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific studies, and tips from popular culture. If I followed all the advice, I wanted to know, would it work? Well, the year is over, and I can say: It did. I made myself happier. And along the way I learned a lot about how to be happier. Here are those lessons. 1. Don’t start with profundities. When I began my Happiness Project, I realized pretty quickly that, rather than jumping in with lengthy daily meditation or answering deep questions of self-identity, I should start with the basics, like going to sleep at a decent hour and not letting myself get too hungry. Science backs this up; these two factors have a big impact on happiness. 2. Do let the sun go down on anger. I had always scrupulously aired every irritation as soon as possible, to make sure I vented all bad feelings before bedtime. Studies show, however, that the...
Words: 604 - Pages: 3
...frustrating. I dig it though; it’s hella nice to not think for once, and just let my limbs run on autopilot. I’m also taking an English class which is a mix of creative writing, religious studies, and philosophy—the catching being that all students are all required to partake in a ritualistic practice to enrich our interior lives (e.g. meditation, yoga, hiking, centering prayer, journaling etc.). and I’m curious to see how this may potentially shift my creative outlets. I’m certain the pursuit will still come from the same cerebral or intellectual manifestations as all my personal filth does, but this philosophy class, I think, will jolt something out of me that isn’t so damn rooted in exorcising inner demons. Ideally, I won’t leave the class feeling like I spooned myself down to my...
Words: 520 - Pages: 3
... look up, look to the sides, just don’t look at the reflection in the bar mirror She’s a red dress and thick rimmed glasses and all sorts of wit and intelligence in conversation. Next to her is a man that’s just a little more dim witted and a flannel shirt that was pressed just slightly too recently. And all around them are duplicates; replicants- people that are acquaintances or soon to be fair weather friends. All around them are life paths that they were one butterfly away from taking. The woman in the red dress is yawning now- opening her mouth so wide people near her can see the fills in her molars- but she doesn’t yawn consciously. She is uncouth without even giving a thought to it. She is feeling tired. More importantly, she’s feeling hungry- trying to eat in all the air that is around to prove to herself that her heart still beats and it’s not all just a dream. Among all of the people by the bar there is color- various colors- some bright, some subdued and pastel. The coloring of their clothing tell stories that are alike in their uniqueness. She lays one hand on the bar and shakes her head. He looks at her, concerned, and asks what’s wrong. “Nothing,” she lies. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes. Let’s dance.” She takes his hand out of his pocket, lifts him away from the bar, and they sway back and forth, back and forth, until all the notes blend into one beat. Until she can create the illusion of perfect harmony. « Older...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...young teen after all, but that time with her on those mornings meant the world to me. The difference in music we had was only skin-deep That reminds me of one small difference between us: she was an amazing cook, while I still have trouble boiling noodles. Salmon cakes, pasta, and chocolate peanut butter no bake cookies were a few of my favorites. Everything she made was all so good. You could walk into her house and pass out from the smells alone. It makes me hungry just thinking about it. As we both grew older, we grew even closer. When my mom and I would fight, which happened many times, she always took my side, even when I was clearly in the wrong. She defended and protected me. I could count on my gram to listen to me, support me in all my decisions. She would encourage me to do my best at everything I did and taught me to put my whole heart into it. There was a day where I felt a “weird feeling” like something bad happened, Hernandez Page 2 and I didn’t understand why I was having this feeling, so I called my gram, only to have...
Words: 599 - Pages: 3
...Africa', we are subjected to a variety of literary techniques. Through George Alagiah's vivid imagery and constant pathos, we are given the ability to visualise the scenes clearly and share feelings only induced by his emotive language. His personal conflict is portrayed through his blatant emotional detachment and inability to expand the relationship between a reporter and a victim . First of all, one of Alagiah's more subtle deliveries of technique. When describing the unfolding of death in the fourth paragraph, he uses specific sentence structure to clearly put across the length of the process; "That simple, frictionless, motionless deliverance from a state of half-life to death itself". By creating long, ongoing sentences, Alagiah shows that the build up to death is an almost never ending progression, until pure death itself. This, as well as evoking pity, makes the reader feel closer to the event- the death of Habiba. "The search for the shocking is like the craving for a drug" This use of a simile emphasises the addictive nature of the journalistic process. This shows that Alagiah feels shameful, like a drug user, that he can not help but continue to report on the devastating scenes. Again, we are shown that George is torn between his purpose as a journalist, and his own personal feelings. The futility of the report becomes apparent when Alagiah writes, "I resolved there and then that I would write the story of Gufgaduud with all the power and purpose I could muster...
Words: 675 - Pages: 3
...empathy often have no idea what they do; they just know that they like people, they enjoy working with and helping people, and they value people as individuals. In a recent presentation to healthcare professionals on empathy in New York City, the audience concurred that healthcare professionals do exhibit empathy most of the time - to their patients. When asked about the use of empathy with colleagues or with family or even with themselves, the audience seemed pretty certain they could do a better job. What is Empathy? Empathy is the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another person. The positive psychology definition is: The quality of feeling and understanding another person's situation in the present moment -- their perspectives, emotions, actions (reactions) -- and communicating this to the person. So you know what they are feeling, or at least you suspect you know what they are experiencing, and you communicate that to elicit further discussion or clarification. Empathy is an Emotional Intelligence (EI) competency. In the field of Emotional Intelligence, there are four clusters of competencies and eighteen competencies. The four clusters are: - Self-Awareness - Self-Management - Social Awareness - Relationship Management Empathy falls under Social Awareness. This skill reflects a person's ability to connect with others and to relate to them which is an essential skill in building and managing healthy relationships. Without the ability to understand what another...
Words: 668 - Pages: 3
...Øvelse: | Gentagelser: | Forklaring: | Lunges: | 3x8 | Stil dig med let spredte ben. Tag et skridt frem, spænd op i ryggen så den er ret. Bøj bagerste knæ, Og arbejd derfor ned ad og ikke frem! Løft dig derefter op igen og tilbage på plads. Hold øje med at dit forreste knæ, ikke kommer ud over tæerne. | Squat med vægt: | 3x8 | Stil benene i skulderbredde, og med fødderne let pegende udad. Ret ryggen. Bøj i benene som hvis du skulle tisse i naturen. Der er vigtigt at benene gør arbejdet og ikke overkroppen. Kom så langt ned du kan, men stop når ryggen ikke længere er ret. Fokuser på at presse knæene udad, specielt når du går op igen. Vælg selv vægten, men husk det er bedre at lave kvalitet med minde vægt, end omvendt. Er det nemt, skal du gå op i kilo! | Vægt hop: | 3x8 | Vælg håndvægte på 3-4 kg. Ret ryggen og gå ned i squat. På vej op skal du komme videre op i et hop, så højt du kan. Fokuser på landingen, hold knæene i fast spænding udad. De må ikke slingre og falde indad. | Full body squat m. Vægt: | 3x8 | Hold en vægtskive med to hænder ca. 5 kg. Ret ryggen. Gå ned i squat/hug til skiven rammer jorden, kom tilbage på standart position men fortsæt bevægelsen i armene så skiven bliver løftet over hovedet. | Kettlebell swings: | 3x8 | Stil dig i let bøjede knæ med tæerne let pegende udad. spænd op i mave og ryg. Sving kettlen op og ned. Ryggen skal forblive ret, det er vigtigt at det ikke er armene som arbejder. Stop svinget når dine arme er vandret. | Sideliggende...
Words: 1228 - Pages: 5
...paraphrasing is important because it is a way of validating that you have understood accurately what was said and allows the patient to verify their statement (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008, p. 54). It is more to the point and shorter than the patients initial statement allowing you to focus on the main features of the first statement (Arnold and Boggs, 2011 p. 186). Times when you would use paraphrasing would be just after a patient has told you a statement about feelings or thoughts and you need to confirm what you are hearing is correct, it is important to paraphrase correctly so the patient dose not think you are trying to change what they have said or think you are putting words in their mouth. Below are two examples of paraphrasing with Mrs Johns. Example 1: Mrs Johns: “I am a little bit anxious today because my ulcer has been hurting for a little while now and I have had trouble walking around I hope it wont always be like this”. Me: “Mrs Johns what you are saying is that your in pain and feeling anxious because you think your leg ulcer might affect your mobility?” Example 2: Mrs Johns:...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...5, 2014 University of Phoenix PSY/355 One very popular method for uncovering basic emotions is through facial expressions. From the moment we are born we demonstrate emotion through facial expressions. In babies, it is very important that they are able to demonstrate their feelings through facial expressions. There are many different kinds of emotions that every human being experiences during certain situations. Some emotions would be anger, sadness, fear, happiness, love, surprise, anxiety, amongst many others. Facial expressions make it very simple to be able to notice what kind of emotion the individual is going through. Babies are unable to communicate by speech or bodily gestures when they are born or in their first years of life, therefore it is very important for people to be able to associate the baby’s facial expression to their emotion. When a baby is sad they will make a certain facial expression letting the parents know something is wrong. Same goes if the baby was in pain, hungry, or tired. Because kids and adults are able to speak and communicate both through speech and body language, it might make it seem as if facial expressions were no longer needed to know how someone is feeling, but in research it is still very important. For example, a doctor would be able to tell if his patient is in pain or afraid even if they do not want to let the doctor know something is wrong just by the patient’s facial expression. Social workers understand that facial expression...
Words: 986 - Pages: 4
...another animal or human, its emotion would be aggressive and it would show on its behavior. Lots of people opine that animals are capable of a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness; empathy, grief, curiosity, anger, anxiety and fear. Example: A naughty dog that goes on the carpet and gnaws up everything is probably not actively trying to punish its absent person for being gone so long. But it might be feeling lonely and anxious, and not know how to behave when left on its own for so much time. (Taken from: http://animal.discovery.com/animal-facts/animals-have-emotions.htm) 2. Yes, it does have several emotions, mostly shown when attacked. Emotions in octopus: The octopus changes their skin color, pattern and texture because of certain specialized skin cells. This change matches their mood. It also changes to communicate with or warn octopuses. Also, it does this to hide from predators. In captivity, Pacific octopuses even show both personalities and emotion. Some octopuses are shy, others are bold. Some are aggressive and others are fearful. When hungry, they have been found to invert their bodies, pointing their suckers upward, in a bowl shape-like a person’s begging hands. If the octopus does not receive food, he or she will swim back while turning a bright red color. This is believed to be an invertebrate’s display of the anger emotion Octopus can eject a thick, blackish ink which means it is being attacked and it is scared. FACTS: -The octopus's brain...
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