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Fiestas Patrias


Submitted By balajiram02
Words 1249
Pages 5
Spanish Assignment
Balaji Ramachandran
Spanish Assignment


About Chile

Chile is a country located in South America neighbouring Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. It is one of the longest countries in the world. It is also one of the most stable and prosperous nations in South America. It is currently leading the region in the areas of human resource development, globalization, low percentage of corruption, etc. In the past, it was under Spanish rule but it broke free from the monarch on September 18, 1810.


The month of September coincides with the onset of the spring season in Chile. And with it comes Chile’s most celebrated festival – even more than Christmas – Fiestas Patrias. Literally meaning “Patriotic parties”, Chileans gather in large numbers to celebrate their country, culture, independence and all things Chilean.

Fiestas Patrias

Within Chile the Fiestas Patrias are often referred to as the Dieciocho, or "18th" because the celebration occurs on September 18. Unofficially, the celebration can last for around a week. For days before and after September 18, the Dieciocho, the country celebrates with parades, festivities, drinking, dancing, eating traditional Chilean food, music. And so on.

The Fiestas Patrias of Chile consists of two days: * September 18,known as the “Independence Day” in commemoration of the proclamation of the First Governing Body of 1810, and marking the beginning of the Chilean independence process. * September 19, known as the "Day of the Glories of the Army".



Chileans celebrate their independence with great fanfare and exuberance. Large shelters called ramadas, which have a dance floor and are generally open-air, are constructed and this is where Chileans gather to drink, sing and dance.

These ramadas have food stalls called fondas, which serve a variety of national food favourites such as empanadas, asadas (open pit barbecues) , anticuchos ( shish kababs) and chicha (an alcoholic drink).

The national dance, la cueca, is exhibited in dance competitions across Chile and patriotic songs are played everywhere. There are also huge arenas called the medialunas, where the huaso (traditional Chilean cowboys) attract large crowds with their demonstrations of skill.

On Armed Forces Day, there are military and naval parades showcasing the might of Chile as well as celebrations of the victories of the battles won during Independence.

The region-specific celebrations of Fiestas Patrias are listed below:
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* In Tarapaca, the Independence celebrations last all month with religious ceremonies, theatrical productions, and children's activities * In Antofagasta, kite flying competitions fill the clearing skies * In Atacama, 300 cuecas in the Copiapó's Plaza de Armas, cueca competitions and many rodeos * In Coquimbo, hundreds of children dancing the cueca, kite flying competitions and religious ceremonies and the traditional Pampilla de Coquimbo * In and around Santiago, Semana Criolla which includes a rodeo, arts and crafts, food and drink, folklore presentations and children's activities * In Rancagua, site of the 1814 Battle of Rancagua against the Spanish forces in which Bernardo O'Higgins was defeated and subsequently took refuge with his men in the Cuevas de los Patriotas on the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, the exuberant celebrations include the National Rodeo Championships, much music, dance and song * In Maule, folkloric presentations, traditional Creole games, known as Juegos Tradicionales and equestrian events mark the Dieciochocelebrations * In BíoBío, the Fiesta de la Chilenidad includes dance and cooking competitions, Juegos Tradicionales, music and folkloric presentations * In La Araucanía, the Semana del Folclor is a week-long celebration of regional and national folkloric traditions, cooking demonstrations, music, history, ethnicity and everything that comprises Chilenidad * In Aysén, cooking demonstrations, national cuisine, dances, and sports events.


It’s really incredible that all Chileans put their problems aside and celebrate their independence together with festivities and fanfare for over a week. It is rarely seen that Independence Days are celebrated with as much fervour as Chile does.

In India, the Independence Day (August 15th) is celebrated by a parade and the Prime Minister’s speech along with flag hoisting ceremonies. People distribute sweets and chocolates to their friends and family. But, we rarely get on the streets and enjoy the way Chileans do. It goes to show that Chileans cherish their freedom and believe in their country.

That sort of brotherly love and patriotic attitude is something that should be embraced by everyone in every country. Also, the rich culture of Chile is on display for the world to see and so it is eternally preserved. Also, the economy of Chile grows stronger as tourists from all over the world travel to Chile to experience Chilean culture in all its grandeur and prominence. And that can only be good for a country that is a strong and stable financial power in South America.

I like the fact that the Chilean national dance, la cueca is wildly popular among Chilean natives. People are seen dancing everywhere – on the streets to posh hotels. It promotes a healthy message that you can always dance your troubles away. And that’s a very positive thing to do in life – to let go of your problems, let your hair loose and dance!!

I also like the ramadas, the tents that are constructed for people to gather and celebrate. The food they serve in the fondas is also very delectable and tempting to eat. I would visit Chile just to try out their amazing varieties of food. However, I believe that the chicha should be drunk in smaller quantities because it may lead to the celebrations getting violent and tarnishes the spirit of the festival.

The huasos are also a star attraction and their skills are on display for all to see. It is very good that their identity is preserved at least for the duration of the festival because huasos are now in dwindling numbers and for the whole of Chile to recognise the huasos and appreciate them is a sign that Chile respects its history and culture.

The Armed Forces Day parade is a display of Chile’s military might, similar to the republic day celebrated in India (January 26th). However, it is said to be dangerous for tourists to go out during this day because of the fiercely patriotic attitudes of the Chilean Army as well as some of its citizens. And this is bad because it takes away the joy of celebration from everyone.

Also, I believe Chile must stop living in the past and glorify all of its previous victories. It must instead bury the hatchet and reinvigorate ties with these countries diplomatically instead of proudly showcasing its weapons. It’s time for the world to get over their historical conflicts and build newer, stronger relations.

Spanish Paragraph

Chile es un pais grande en el continente de America. Santiago es capital de Chile. Es una potente democracia. Sus vecinos son Argentina para oriente y Peru para norte tambien Bolivia. Los chilenos hablan español.

Los chilenos celebran Fiestas Patrias el dieciocho de septiembre. Es un festival muy grande. Todo el mundo tiene vacaciones. Todo el mundo celebra con entusiasmo. Fiestas Patrias presenta la cultura de Chile.

Los chilenos beben y bailan y cantan. Ellos Bailan la cueca en las callen. Hay competitions de cueca en todo Chile. Ellos comen en las fondas. Comen empanadas y anticuchos tambien asadas. Beben chicha. Ellos ven huasos en una arena llama medialuna . Los chilenos muy felices en es momento.

“Armed Forces” dia es el diecinueve de septiembre. Hay un desfile de las armadas. Celebran las victorias de independencia . Pueblo chileno amo Chile, y tu?

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