...International Journal of Accounting & Information Management The role of corporate governance in convergence with IFRS: evidence from China Yu Chen Zabihollah Rezaee Downloaded by UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH At 05:16 06 October 2015 (PT) Article information: To cite this document: Yu Chen Zabihollah Rezaee, (2012),"The role of corporate governance in convergence with IFRS: evidence from China", International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, Vol. 20 Iss 2 pp. 171 - 188 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/18347641211218470 Downloaded on: 06 October 2015, At: 05:16 (PT) References: this document contains references to 50 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1824 times since 2012* Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: Songlan Peng, Kathryn Bewley, (2010),"Adaptability to fair value accounting in an emerging economy: A case study of China's IFRS convergence", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 23 Iss 8 pp. 982-1011 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09513571011092529 Randy Moser, (2014),"IFRS and convergence in China and the USA", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 9 Iss 1 pp. 56-66 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JTMC-12-2013-0042 Ronita D. Singh, Susan Newberry, (2008),"Corporate governance and International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS): The case of developing countries", Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies...
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...March 2012. Pp. 16 - 31 Corporate Governance-Its Problems & Prospects in Banking Industry in Bangladesh Begum Ismat Ara Huq* and Mohammad Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan** Corporate Governance ensures to bring transparency, accountability and professionalism in the management system of a corporate body that enhances the credibility and acceptability to the shareholders, employees, potential investors, customers, lenders, governments and all other stakeholders. This is more true in case of Banking Industry. Since Banks deal in public money, public confidence is of outmost importance in this Industry. The study aims at finding out problems & deficiencies involved in Corporate Governance practice in Banking Industry in Bangladesh and also suggesting ways and means to remove the same in order to make the Corporate Governance practice sound and effective. In this study, both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data relating to problems involved in Corporate Governance practice and suggestions to remove the same were collected on the basis of a questionnaire by interviewing 24 randomly selected Bank personnel such as Directors of the Board as the internal part of management and the Auditors as the external group. The secondary data were collected through an extensive literature survey on the subject. The study has identified some major problems in Corporate Governance practice in the Banking Industry of the country. The prospect of Corporate Governance practice is bright in...
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...No. 15; August 2012 Corporate Governance Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Iran Pari Chalaki Department of Accounting Urmia University Iran Hamzeh Didar Department of Accounting Urmia University Iran Mohadeseh Riahinezhad M.A. student in Accounting Urmia University Iran Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate governance attributes on financial reporting quality in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) during the period of 2003 to 2011. In this study McNichols (2002) and Collins and Kothari (1989) are used for financial reporting quality measurement purpose, and institutional ownership, ownership concentration, board independence and board size is considered as corporate governance attributes. The results of the study show that there is no relationship between corporate governance attributes including board size, board independence, ownership concentration, institutional ownership and financial reporting quality. In addition, no evidence is found to support significant relationship between control variables (audit size, firm size and firm age) and financial reporting quality. Keywords: Corporate governance attributes, financial reporting quality Introduction Financial reporting quality is a major concern for all current and potential investors. According to Biddle et al. (2009) financial reporting quality is defined as the precision with which financial reporting conveys information ...
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...March 2012. Pp. 16 - 31 Corporate Governance-Its Problems & Prospects in Banking Industry in Bangladesh Begum Ismat Ara Huq* and Mohammad Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan** Corporate Governance ensures to bring transparency, accountability and professionalism in the management system of a corporate body that enhances the credibility and acceptability to the shareholders, employees, potential investors, customers, lenders, governments and all other stakeholders. This is more true in case of Banking Industry. Since Banks deal in public money, public confidence is of outmost importance in this Industry. The study aims at finding out problems & deficiencies involved in Corporate Governance practice in Banking Industry in Bangladesh and also suggesting ways and means to remove the same in order to make the Corporate Governance practice sound and effective. In this study, both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data relating to problems involved in Corporate Governance practice and suggestions to remove the same were collected on the basis of a questionnaire by interviewing 24 randomly selected Bank personnel such as Directors of the Board as the internal part of management and the Auditors as the external group. The secondary data were collected through an extensive literature survey on the subject. The study has identified some major problems in Corporate Governance practice in the Banking Industry of the country. The prospect of Corporate Governance practice is bright in Banking...
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...characteristics on corporate social responsibility disclosure by Islamic banks: evidence from Gulf Cooperation Council countries Abdullah Awadh Bukair and Azhar Abdul Rahman Abstract Corporate social activities have become major subjects because of their effects on the quality life of citizens, in particular, and on the society at large. Therefore, today, there is an increase awareness of social responsibility due to the challenges meeting the financial institutions (particularly, Islamic banking) around the world. This paper examines the influence of the board of directors’ characteristics, consisting of board size, board composition, and the separation roles of CEO and chairman, on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in 53 annual reports of Islamic banks of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries after controlling of bank size, financial performance and relevant public. Based on the framework of legitimacy theory, the findings show that CSR disclosure has a negative and insignificant relationship with board composition. On contrast, the study found insignificantly and positive association between CSR disclosure and other characteristics of board of directors (board size and the separation roles of CEO and chairman). With regards control variables, the study indicates that bank size and financial performance have a positive and significant influence on CSR disclosure, while relevant public has no effect. Therefore, the results indicate that corporate governance structure...
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...79C FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: THE PORTUGUESE COMPANIES EVIDENCE Cristina Gonçalves Góis Senior Lecture Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Área temática: C) Dirección y Organización Palabras clave: gobierno corporativo; la calidad contable; información financiera; 1 FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: THE PORTUGUESE COMPANIES EVIDENCE. ABSTRACT The main objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the composition and characteristics of corporate governance on the financial reporting quality of Portuguese companies. The major reference case studies on the relationship between corporate governance and the financial reporting quality are not validated by the results obtained. The results show that the board composition changes and its degree of independence do not produce any influence on the quality of the accounting information. Our study shows that although the main international guidelines relating to the rules of good governance have been followed closely by Portuguese institutions, the actual implementation of these rules did not occur. 2 1. INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to contribute to the study of the influence of the type of corporate governance on the financial reporting quality in countries with a tradition of continental accounting. Despite the profuse literature about this topic, adapted to Anglo-Saxon...
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...Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation 10 (2001) 139 –156 A study of the relationship between corporate governance structures and the extent of voluntary disclosure Simon S.M. Ho*, Kar Shun Wong School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Abstract The primary objective of this study is to test a theoretical framework relating four major corporate governance attributes with the extent of voluntary disclosure provided by listed firms in Hong Kong. These corporate governance attributes are the proportion of independent directors to total number of directors on the board, the existence of a voluntary audit committee, the existence of dominant personalities (CEO/Chairman duality), and the percentage of family members on the board. Using a weighted relative disclosure index for measuring voluntary disclosure, the results indicate that the existence of an audit committee is significantly and positively related to the extent of voluntary disclosure, while the percentage of family members on the board is negatively related to the extent of voluntary disclosure. The study provides empirical evidence to policy makers and regulators in East Asia for implementing the two new board governance requirements on audit committee and family control. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Corporate disclosure; Corporate governance; Voluntary disclosure; Hong Kong 1. Introduction It is commonly agreed...
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...Length Research Paper Management accounting: An instrument for implementing effective corporate governance Mayanja MK and Van der Poll HM Department of Management Accounting, Unisa, Pretoria, 0003 South Africa. Accepted 28 September, 2011 Management accounting is not given sufficient emphasis, at the board level, as a provider of timely and relevant information to facilitate the execution of good corporate governance. Without management accounting information corporations in Botswana may find it difficult to create sustainable corporate governance. A qualitative approach using questionnaires and interviews were used to establish the extent to which management accounting tools are applied by the directors in the target companies. The research was carried out amongst listed companies on the stock exchange and the parastatal companies in Botswana. Furthermore documentation, for instance annual financial statements from the companies were reviewed. Most directors in the companies do not fully utilise the tools of management accounting in decision making. Management accountants have also failed to provide the relevant information to the board. To execute their duties efficiently, directors may need to call for the management accounting reports from the senior management level up to the board level and regularly use these reports to facilitate decision making. Key words: Management accounting, corporate governance. INTRODUCTION Management accounting, which was traditionally intended...
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...uk/BJASS.aspx Corporate Governance and Performance of Saudi Arabia Listed Companies Yahya Ali Al-Matari Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia matariyahya@yahoo.com Dr. Abdullah Kaid Al-Swidi College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia swidi@uum.edu.my, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faudziah Hanim Bt Fadzil Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia fhanim@uum.edu.my Abstract: This study aims to provide a concise view of the background of Saudi Arabia‟s legal system, important regulations and monitoring policies related to the corporate governance followed by the Saudi government to enhance the attractiveness of the business environment. In so doing, this study attempted to provide an overview on corporate governance in the emerging markets and more specifically in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, this study has shed lights on the main monitoring devices which play a significant role in regulating and developing the Saudi business environment. The focus was on some corporate governance mechanisms that might affect firm performance including board composition (BODCOM), CEO duality (DUAL), board size (BSIZE), audit committee independence (ACIND), audit committee activities (ACMEET) and audit committee size (ACSIZE). Keywords: Corporate governance, firm performance, emerging countries, Saudi Arabia. 1 British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences ISSN: 2046-9578, 1. Introduction The topic of corporate governance is assuming growing...
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...Module code: P13505, Level 3 Autumn Semester Module Outline: Auditing, Governance and Scandals (AGS) |Module Convenor |Dr. Kevin Dow, AB474 | |Lectures |Dr. Kevin Dow | | |TH 4:00-5:30, TB 329 | |Additional Staff |Cass Lai, AB247 | |E-mail addresses |kevin.dow@nottingham.edu.cn | | |cass.lai@nottingham.edu.cn | |Office Hours |Dr. Kevin Dow: Th, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, every Thursday until Exams (except December 11 and 25) | | |Cass Lai: Th, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm | KEY POINTS • This is a Level 3, 10 credit module; • Assessment basis: a one and a half hour Examination (100%); • Keywords: Audit; Governance; Corporate Scandals; Audit Theory and Practice; Accountability; • Pre-requisite module: P12307 Financial Reporting. MODULE AIMS To use a mix of textual and case-based material to...
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...Introduction Good corporate governance (GCG) in a corporate set up leads to maximize the value of the shareholders legally, ethically and on a sustainable basis, while ensuring equity and transparency to every stakeholder - the company's customers, employees, investors, vendors-partners, the government of the land and the community (Murthy, 2006). GCG is a must for ensuring the required values to different stakeholder groups. It enhances the performance of corporations, by creating an environment that motivates managers to maximize returns on investment, enhance operational efficiency and ensure long-term productivity growth. Consequently, such corporations attract the best talent on a global basis. It also ensures the conformance of corporations with the interests of investors and society, by creating fairness, transparency and accountability in business activities among employees, management and the board (Oman, 2001). Again, GCG increase public confidence in a corporation, and lowers the cost of capital for investment. According to a McKinsey study (2002), over 60% of investors cite Good Governance practices in a corporation as a key factor in their investment decisions. Today, GG becomes a slogan and a pride. Here, we can uses accounting as a mean for establishing and retaining corporate governance. Accounting is a process of compiling information for reporting the internal affairs of any entity to different stakeholders at the end of a certain interval. It is defined as...
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...Reference: Corporate governance –The new focus of interest.[ Editorial].( 1993, January). Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-3. Jordan, C. (2012). Cadbury Twenty Years On. Villanova Law Review Stiles, P. and Taylor, B. (1993) ‘Maxwell-The failure of corporate governance’, Corporate governance-an international review, 1(1), pp. 314-327 Boyd, C.: 1996, ‘Ethics and corporate governance: The issues raised by the Cadbury report in the United Kingdom,’ Journal of business Ethics 15(2), 167-183 Parkinson, J. and Kelly, G. (1999) the combined code on corporate governance, Political Quarterly, 70, 1, 101-7 Lutz, S., Eberle, D. and Lautter, D. (2011) ‘Varieties of private self-regulation in European capitalism: corporate governance codes in the UK and Germany’, Socio-economic review 9(2): 315-38 Thomas, C. W. (2002, April). The rise and fall of Enron. Journal of accountancy, 103(4), 41-48 Davis, S., Lukomnik, J. and Pitt-Watson, D. (2010) Corporate governance in the wake of financial crises Mintz, S. (2012). Whistleblowing and bystander apathy. Available at http://www.workplaceethicsadvice.com/2012/08/whistleblowing-and-bystander-apathy (Accessed 24 February 2015) Fitzergaland, D. J. (2013) Whistleblowing Cohan, J. A. (2002), ‘I Didn’t Know and I was Only Doing My Job. Has Corporate Governance Careened Out of Control? ‘A Case Study Of Enron’s Information Myopia’, Journal of business ethics, 40, 275-299. Kar, P. ‘Looking for patterns in corporate Failures, ‘corporate governance:...
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...creating demand for a corporate culture of integrity driven performance and a new corporate transparency. Management and boards now feel compelled to ensure that proper governance processes are in place to protect corporate reputation, brand image and share holder value. According to Pricewaterhouse Cooper’s 8th Annual global CEO survey (Dec 2004), 50% of retail industry CEOs believe that there is a strong relationship among all elements of GRC (governance, risk and compliance) and that effective governance can be a value driver and a benefit versus a cost, to their companies. Effective corporate governance requires management and board involvement, accountability, embracing the processes, compliance, and structure required to direct and manage the affairs of a corporation. Its overall goal is to ensure the financial viability to the enterprise and enhance share holder value. For the retail and customer industry, globalization, which entails multinational operations, various financial reporting systems, and complex supply chain with wholesalers, distributors, and multiple types of retailers, not to mention multiple brand portfolios, and various types of outlets, provides significant rationales for management and boards to develop an effective GRC program. Successful corporate governance depends largely on trade-off among the various conflicting interest groups like government, society, inventors, creditors and employees of the organization. This study critically discusses the...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper investigates about the Enron Corporation and Arthur Anderson. This assignment is to identify the background of Enron and Arthur Anderson and Enron fail. Other than that, identify the business risks that faced by Enron. Moreover, determine the responsibilities of board of directors and steps to improve corporate governance. Besides that, differentiated between rules-based accounting and principle-based accounting and the uses. In addition, there are discussion about auditor should allowed to provide non-audit services. There are also critical discussion on the reason audit partners struggle with making tough accounting decisions and a good recommendation of changes to be made. 1.0 Background of Enron Corporation and Arthur Anderson and fall Of Enron. 1.1 Background of Enron Corporation Enron was established in the middle of a recession in 1985, when Kenneth Lay CEO of Houston Natural Gas Company (HNG), persuaded a joining among Inter North Incorporate (Peterson). There was a young consultant named Jeffrey Skilling who had a background in banking organization (Peterson). He planned an innovative solution for Enron profit in the natural gas business (Sridharan, Dickes, & Caines). For instance, Enron buy natural gas from suppliers and sell to customers with the higher price (Sridharan, Dickes, & Caines). It is because the demand of natural gas increased (Peterson). Kenneth Lay was very impressed with Skilling’s new solution in 1990 and...
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...The Relationship between corporate governance and firm’s performance of Pakistan’s banking sector Ahmed Waleed M.Phill Scholar (Business Administration) National College Business Administration & Economics, Multan 1. Introduction We study the relationship between the corporate governance practices and the firm’s performance of the banking sector of the Pakistan. During the last 20 years, corporate governance issue have become essential in policy debates. Corporate governance is the framework of regulation, relationships and processes within and by which authority control the organization. A definition would be to define corporate governance. The definition which is used by Sir Adrian Cadbury, head of the Committee on the Financial Aspects...
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