...TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter I 1.1. Introduction Chapter II 2.1. Liquidity Ratio 2.1.1 Current Ratio 2.1.2 Quick or Acid Test Ratio 1. 2. 3.1. 3.2. Asset Management Ratio 2. 3.1. 3.2. 2.2.1 Inventory Turnover Ratio 2.2.2 Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio 2.2.3 Days Sales Outstanding 2.2.4 Total Asset Turnover Ratio 3.3. Debt Management Ratio 2.3.1 Debt Ratio 2.3.2 Times-Interest-Earned-Ratio 3.4. Profitability Ratio 2.4.1 Operating Margin 2.4.2 Profit Margin 2.4.3 Return on Total Asset 2.4.4 Basic Earning Power Ratio 2.4.5 Return on Common Equity Chapter III 3.1. Calculation 3.1.1 Liquidity Ratio 3.1.2 Asset Management Ratio 3.1.3 Debt Management Ratio 3.1.4 Profitability Ratio 1. 2. 3. 3. 4.5. 4.6. Trend Analysis Appendix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Pharmaniaga Berhad, the largest integrated local healthcare company has established the reputation of a corporation that delivers value to its clients and stakeholders through impeccable quality products and services. The Group is driven by its goal to enrich the lives of the communities it serves while being guided by its business philosophy of doing business with a conscience. Hence, this cover concept coupled with the theme...
Words: 1996 - Pages: 8
...ACC 410 Assignment 1 Financial Statement / Audit Report Review Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-410-assignment-1-financial-statement-audit-report-review/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com Assignment 1: Financial Statement / Audit Report Review Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Select one (1) local government in your state or area and review the financial statements and audit report for the county or municipality. The financial statements of the government you selected should have at least three (3) funds. Refer to the continuing problem homework for Weeks 1 through 3 for this assignment. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1.Compare and contrast the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) of the selected local government entity with the city of Austin report from Week 1 homework. In your comparison, include: a.Publication method of the CAFR b.Audit and budget information in the CAFR c.The type of audit report issued d.Existence or non-existence of an internal audit function within the government entity 2.Prepare the analysis for the selected local government entity, including information on the introduction, financial section, and statistical section prepared in the city of Austin’s CAFR from chapter 2. 3.Analyze the methods used by the selected local government entity in comparing...
Words: 6670 - Pages: 27
...Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing: Each year the Los Angeles County Office of Education issues a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The most recent report as the 2012 that was created by Alexander Cherniss, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer, fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. Presently no boundary changes during the fiscal year. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of government accounting and reporting. Governmental Accounting and Reporting Budgeting and accounting are predominantly vital for a government body. Any person with the competence to make decisions relating to the prevailing body should possess the essential understanding of budgeting and accounting. “The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) sets the accounting and financial reporting standards for state and local governments, whereas the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) sets these standards in for-profit business” (Granof &Wardlow, 2011). Governmental purpose and missions differ from those of a for-profit business. For-profit business is vastly measured by increasing profits and shareholder worth. Economic metrics are based exclusively on revenue and net income margins, where there may not be as measurable for governmental financial reporting. Government financial report cannot be always measured in monetary trends but more on a service oriented and focus cannot always be measured in dollars and cents and tends to be based more so on service...
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...Week 3 Questions 1. There are three main sections of this report which are titles the introductory, financial, and statistical sections. 2. A) Their annual report for 2007 was awarded a “certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association. This certificate is awarded when the reports meet in the standards of accounting and reporting of the Government Finance Officers Association. B) The key issues addressed in the letter of transmittal are; -The overview of City’s government and economic condition and economic outlook. -Major initiatives; Waller creek Tunnel Project, Zero Waste Initiative Redevelopment of Green Water Treatment Plan & Austin Climate Protection Plan. -Others; Financial Policies, Internal Controls, Budgetary Control, Cash Management, Risk Management and Pensions. -Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. -Acknowledgements 3. A) Yes, the city received an unqualified audit opinion. B) Yes, the report contains management’s discussion and analysis. The key issues are: Financial Highlights, Overview of the Financial Statements, Financial Analysis of the Government-Wide Statements, Financial Analysis of the Government’s Fund Level Statements, and Other Information. C) The report does provide reconciliation between total governmental net assets per the government-wide statement of net assets and total governmental fund balances per the governmental fun balance...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...businesses have profit as their main motive whereas the others have service. A primary purpose of financial reporting is to report on an entity’s accomplishments — how well it achieved its objectives. Accordingly, the financial statements of businesses measure profitability, their key objective. Financial reports of governments and other not-for-profits should not focus on profitability, since it is not a relevant objective. Ideally, therefore, they should focus on other performance objectives, such as how well the organizations met their service goals. In reality, however, the goal of reporting on how well they have achieved such goals has proven difficult to attain and the financial reports have focused mainly on financially-related data. 2. Governments and not-for-profits are “governed” by the budget, whereas businesses are governed by the marketplace. The budget is the key political and fiscal document of governments and not-for-profits. It determines how an entity obtains its resources and how it allocates them. It encapsulates most key decisions of consequence made by the organization. In a government the budget is not merely a managerial document; it is the law. 3. Owing to the significance of the budget, constituents want assurance that the entity achieves its revenue estimates and complies with its spending mandates. They expect the financial statements to report on how the budget was administered. 4. Interperiod equity is the concept that taxpayers of today...
Words: 5520 - Pages: 23
...Chapter 01 Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reporting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Entities True / False Questions 1. Special purpose governments generally provide a wider range of services to their residents than do general purpose governments. True False 2. Examples of general purpose governments include cities, towns, and public schools that receive tax revenue to finance the services they provide. True False 3. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the body authorized to establish accounting principles for all state and local governments, both general purpose and special purpose. True False 4. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the body authorized to establish accounting principles for all government entities. True False 5. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the body authorized to establish accounting principles for all colleges and universities and health care entities. True False 6. Neither governmental nor not-for-profit entities have residual equity that can be distributed to owners. True False 7. A characteristic common to governmental and not-for-profit organizations is that they do not exist to provide goods or services at a profit or profit equivalent. True False 8. The needs of users of government financial reports are the same as those of users of business entity financial reports. True False 9. The Federal...
Words: 6249 - Pages: 25
...CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR GOVERNMENTAL AND NOT-FOR-PROFIT ENTITIES OUTLINE |Number |Topic |Type/Task |Status | | | | |(re: 15/e) | |Questions: | | | | |1-1 |Unique characteristics of governments and NFPs that create demand for |Identify/Explain |New | | |accountability | | | |1-2 |Distinguishing between general purpose and special purpose governments|Identify |New | |1-3 |Standards-setting bodies |Contrast |Same | |1-4 |Determining which standard-setting body sets standards for a |Identify/Explain |New | | |nongovernmental NFP | | ...
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...is being done with the money that they are paying in taxes, and if the governments are using the resources wisely. Media is also putting a lot of pressure on governments and not-for-profit entities, demanding transparency and accountability for the resources used. The principle of accountability requires that the local, state and federal governments report and answer to the citizens, and by doing this the governments need to justify the raising of public resources and the purposes for which the resources raised are used. There are three different governing boards that establish accounting principles, standards and rules on how to recognize and report accounting related transactions. There is the FASAB, which stands for Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. This is the board that establishes accounting principles and standards for reporting for the federal government. When it comes to local and state governments, the authority or the board that dictates the accounting related principles and rules is GASB. GASB stands for Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Last, but not least there is FASB, which stands for Financial Accounting Standards Board. FASB dictates principles of accounting and standards for the private sector, and the...
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...its main components? The CAFR is short for Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The CAFR reports the governments’ activities from the fund accounts and the government-wide financial statements. The Main components are the introduction section, financial section, and statistical section. Differentiating between a budget and a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The CAFR is a combination of financial reports for the transactions of the government. What makes it different from a budget is the transactions are complete and show revenues that pay expenditures.A budget represents what cash the government wants to use for the year or financial period on specific projects. This means a plan of services and actions by the government to meet public needs and requirements. Budget changes happen when revenues do not equal project amounts.This information comes from the annual CAFR to meet each period’s budget. With the CAFR the public views the amount spent and the amount in reserve. So the budget is the plan, and the CAFR is the report of completion. The breakdown of the two is different also. The CAFR is an introductory describing the government, a financial section shows spending and revenues, and the statistical section with demographic and department statistics.The budget is a breakdown of different fund accounts, the money allotted and sometimes notes for restriction to the fund accounts to allow management the knowledge of possible extra fund spending. Reference Granof...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...Education and Accountability Financial reporting ensures that school district budgetary and financial information are available, comparable and audited, and that school districts are meeting their legislated and government policy based financial responsibilities. Background of Emergency Financial Manager An interview was not conducted with the school business manager of Detroit Public Schools. Therefore, I researched the school district plan to demonstrate accountability (Detroit Public Schools, 2011). Roy S. Roberts was appointed by Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan in May 2011. Mr. Roberts, former Managing Director at Reliant Equity Investors, has decades of managerial, financial and organizational experience, having served as the highest ranking African American executive in the United States automobile industry as Group Vice President for North American Vehicle Sales, Service and Marketing of General Motors Corporation (GMC). He served as Vice President and General Manager of the Pontiac-GMC Division, presiding over the merger of Pontiac-GMC, which was the first at GM to lead such a merger. Prior to his 23 year career with General Motors, Mr. Roberts spent 17 years with the Aerospace division of Lear Siegler Corporation. Mr. Roberts earned a degree in Business Administration from Western Michigan University and completed the Executive Development Program at Harvard Business School and the General Motors Advanced International General Management Program in Switzerland. District...
Words: 3049 - Pages: 13
...The inclusive dates for the fiscal year for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of San Francisco, CA are 2010-11. The independent auditor for San Francisco’s CAFR is Macia Gini & O’Connell LLP (MGO) located at 505 14th Street in Oakland, California. The auditor states that their audit was in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those statements require the planning and performing of the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. The auditor did express unqualified opinions based on the audit and the reports of other auditors, on the respective financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information. However, the financial statements of the San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Water Enterprise, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, San Francisco Wastewater Enterprise, San Francisco Market Corporation, and the Health Service System were not audited. The City of San Francisco’s organization chart contains several levels: the citizens elect a mayor and the city administrator is appointed. Also elected is the assessor/recorder, Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Public Defender, Sherriff, Superior Court, and the Treasurer/Tax...
Words: 2064 - Pages: 9
...Financial Management: PepsiCo and Coca-Cola 2009 Annual Reports BUS 500 Instructor: Gary Shelton December 7, 2010 Abstract In this paper I will use the information obtained from the PepsiCo and Coca-Cola 2009 annual reports to determine financial information about these companies. I will answer questions about the companies assets and liabilities, profits, and if they can satisfy stockholders. What conclusions can you make about each company’s ability to pay current liabilities? A company’s liabilities are their legal debts and obligations. Liabilities can come up during the company’s business operations and are settled over time. They are settled through by transferring money, goods or services. A list of a company’s liabilities can be found on the balance sheet for the company. Included in the liabilities are loans, accounts payable, mortgages, deferred revenues, and accrued expenses. A company’s ability to pay its liabilities can be determined by analyzing the amount of assets as opposed to the amount of liabilities. To do this you will need to find the current ratio for the company. The current ratio is used to determine if a company’s short-term or current assets are available to pay off its short-term or current liabilities. The liabilities of PepsiCo can be found on the company’s Consolidated Balance Sheet. PepsiCo’s total current liabilities equal 8.765 million dollars. Its total liabilities equal 22.406 million dollars. Its total current assets...
Words: 1802 - Pages: 8
...ACC 410 Assignment 1 Financial Statement / Audit Report Review Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-410-assignment-1-financial-statement-audit-report-review/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com Assignment 1: Financial Statement / Audit Report Review Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Select one (1) local government in your state or area and review the financial statements and audit report for the county or municipality. The financial statements of the government you selected should have at least three (3) funds. Refer to the continuing problem homework for Weeks 1 through 3 for this assignment. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1.Compare and contrast the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) of the selected local government entity with the city of Austin report from Week 1 homework. In your comparison, include: a.Publication method of the CAFR b.Audit and budget information in the CAFR c.The type of audit report issued d.Existence or non-existence of an internal audit function within the government entity 2.Prepare the analysis for the selected local government entity, including information on the introduction, financial section, and statistical section prepared in the city of Austin’s CAFR from chapter 2. 3.Analyze the methods used by the selected local government entity in comparing...
Words: 514 - Pages: 3
...The four elements of financial management are planning, controlling, organizing and directing, then decision making. Planning allows the financial manager to identify the steps needed to become successful towards accomplishing an organization’s goals. The manager must identify objectives and steps to accomplish the goals. The financial manager then controls each department of the organization. One way to oversee a departments’ progress is by comparing past and current departmental reports. Organizing and directing go hand in hand, but before directing the financial manager must organize and research an organization’s resources. The purpose of evaluating resources, determines how effectively objectives are accomplished. Directing ensures the effective use of resources and providing supervision. Decision making allows the manager to make intelligent choices about accomplishing the goals of an organization. The generally accepted accounting principles or G.A.A.P. are accepted ways of reporting and recording organizations financial information .They are the rules used to arrange and regulate financial account reporting. G.A.A.P. includes recognition of revenue, balance sheets, and outstanding share amounts. Organizations are required to follow the principles when reporting their financial statements. Professional accountants must abide by ethical standards that standarize the way they conduct business.The Financial Accounting Standards Board, professional accounting...
Words: 635 - Pages: 3
...The County of San Diego CAFR Analysis Introduction The first recorded history of San Diego started when San Diego Bay was first discovered by the Europeans in the present state of California. Native Americans tribe which is named “Kumeyaay” had been living in San Diego area for as long as 12,000 years before the Portuguese explorers discovered this area in 1542. After about 200 years, Father Junipero Serra established the first permanent European settlements in California, so that San Diego is also considered the “birthplace” of California. In 1848, San Diego became a part of the U.S. and was named San Diego County on February 18, 1850. San Diego remained a small town for decades, due to the development and establishment of Military bases, it expanded quickly after 1880. During and after World War II, the economy of San Diego grew rapidly based on the military, defense industries, tourism, international trade, and manufacturing. San Diego County is the most southwestern county in the United State, which located in the southwestern corner of the States of California. Its county seat and largest city is San Diego and it is now the 8th largest city in the United States. According to the estimation by U.S. Census Bureau, San Diego County's estimated population for January 1, 2014 was 3,194,362 people and household population is 1,076,483 (State & County Quick Facts, 2014). An increase of approximately 1.4 % comparing with the estimated 3,150,178 people in January...
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