...on pieces of paper, then put them in a paper sack. Next, we all took a turn and pulled one out of the sack the trip ideas that were pulled trip to the Wallowa Mountains, trip to the Oregon coast, and then Yakima, Wa was pulled from the bag. Once I saw what my mum and my son pulled, my paper got tossed over my shoulder. The challenge now were to pick from the two options trip to the Wallowa Mountains or the trip to the Oregon coast. We ponder on what the Oregon coast and the Wallowa Mountains offered in actives, accommodations, and weather in late March. We were down to trip to the Wallowa Mountains and the Oregon coast. As we looked at these two, we noticed these were just a few of the more common spring break trips. These two place Oregon coast and the Wallowa Mountains are still far from being a like each other. Then my family was curious about other things such as accommodations and the weather in late March. The weather in Oregon can be unpredictable in late March at the Oregon coast also at the Wallowa Mountains. The weather can be sunny one moment to down pour rain. The Oregon coast often in late March can be foggy and stormy with high winds. Then the Wallowa Mountains in late March can be very cold to a sunny warm day, even at times get traces of snow. During some storms on the Oregon coast hotels may lose power. Although losing power would not matter camping. When the Wallowa Mountains have high wind you have to...
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...now" I replied. I took the tents to my mom, and that got our crazy camping trip started in the woods. I would always be the one to get the wood and the tents ready for my family because it was easy for me. If anyone got hurt I would get the first aid kit and fix them up the best that I could. My dad would always tell me that I was great with survival skills when we went camping. We went camping every year if it was pretty outside and it usually was. When my family and I go on a camping trip one of us always gets hurt somehow. There is always a cut or scratch on someone by the end of the trip. Cuts and scratches can be infected very easily if you aren't careful. We always bring a first aid kit with us now because one time my brother got a nasty cut and it got really infected. The kits should always have alcohol pads, bandages, and ointments. Those are some of the major items you need to have to stop or cover an infection. The...
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...Do you like to go on camping trips? I like camping trips there fun to go on and see some cool things. Now I am going to talk about President Roosevelt and John Muir's camping trip. The first thing I will talk about is on their second morning the campers awoke to find themselves covered with more than four inches of snow. My second thing I will talk about is "The sequoias deserve protection, he said simply because it would be a shame to let them disappear. My third and finally reason is, In March 1903, help appeard, Muir received a letter from President Roosevelt himself. My first reason is "On their second morning the campers awoke to find themselves covered with more than four inches of snow" In paragraph 16 it says, On their secound morning...
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...The Buffalo National River The Buffalo National River begins as a trickle in the Boston Mountains, where it flows north and then eastward through the Ozark Mountains until it merges 150 miles later with the White River at Buffalo City. The upper Buffalo offers the river’s finest scenic beauty. With its massive, towering bluffs, countless waterfalls, watchable wildlife, ties to both historic and prehistoric cultures, and remote, unspoiled location, the upper Buffalo National River wilderness is surely mid-America’s finest outdoor destination. In fact, the entire river is such a special place that in 1972, Congress designated it as America’s first national river. This unique status protects the Buffalo from commercial or residential development, along with other destructive operations such as damming and gravel mining, thus preserving its scenic beauty and natural wild state forever. Floating Season The floating season on the upper Buffalo (Ponca to Pruitt) is March through June, with early July floating a possibility on occasion. The Buffalo is primarily dependent upon rainfall for its water level, so once the rains of spring and early summer have passed, so has the chance to float the upper section. (Hiking, however, is great year-round, as is trail riding!) SPECIAL NOTE: As a river preservation measure, the National Park Service limits the number of rental boats that can be launched on any given day. Therefore, if you are planning a weekend float, it is wise to reserve...
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...In March of 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt met with John Muir to discuss protecting nature. The two met in Yosemite Valley and camped while in Yosemite Valley. While at Yosemite Valley they talked about protecting forests and preserving nature in America. In the article “Bully for Yosemite” by Candace Fleming, it tells about the time Roosevelt and Muir went camping in Yosemite Valley. Muir had lived in Yosemite for thirty years and had devoted his life to try to preserve nature. Muir finally got the government to take an attempt at helping, as stated in the article “In 1890 the government formed Yosemite National park, but the new park did not include Yosemite Valley”. In march of 1903, Muir received a letter from Theodore Roosevelt asking...
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...taking your family on a simple family vacation. It can be as elaborate as a week long trip to Disney or as simple as a couple days camping or at a water park and amusement park. Whatever your budget may be there are plenty of ways to make sure you and your family have a wonderful time nobody will forget. I still remember the first time my parents, my brother, and I all packed in to our car and headed on down to Florida for the first time, it was one of the best times we ever had together. We all still talk about that, and even occasionally pull out pictures just to prove who is telling the story right. I remember driving down the coast; it was like nothing I had ever seen before. The water looked so blue and the beaches were so white, my brother and I just couldn’t wait to get out and play on the beach. As I think about these times it helps me to realize I can do the same for my kids someday. This year my son is pretty excited about the camping trip we are taking up to Central Lake, Michigan. Although, sometimes the way he talks about it I’m not sure if he’s more excited about the camper we are borrowing from our friends, or the trip itself. He’s five this year so he is finally old enough to enjoy the lake and remember the good times I know we will have. Given we have another baby on the way this is a less expensive way for us to make those memories and not spend nearly as much as a trip to Disney might cost us. We were able to get the camper for free due to us being able...
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...Rachael Himes Final essay questions AUIP North Queensland 1. What was your best experience on the AUIP Queensland trip? Why? My favorite experience during the AUIP Queensland trip was snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. I have been fascinated by the ocean ever since my first trip to Myrtle Beach in 2002. I have always been interested in marine biology but have never taken an opportunity to take a course and really learn about it. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem and all the organisms and surrounding ecosystems it interacts with. Learning about the GBR ecosystem before snorkeling made the experience more interesting and rewarding. Having two guides also made the experience better because they knew more about the ecosystem and were experienced in that area. Snorkeling was by far the best way to end the trip and I was very happy that our itinerary saved the best for last. 2. What was your worst experience on the AUIP Queensland trip. Why? My least favorite experience on the AUIP Queensland trip was camping in the outback at Tyrconnell. This was my least enjoyable stay of the trip because I personally do not like camping. I have always thought of camping to be quite boring. I also found it hard to concentrate while preparing the debate and writing the essays because everyone was working in the same area. I also felt that when we did not have the course work and debate to prepare, there wasn’t much else to do. Although I found...
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...On the first day of our unit, we will begin with a discussion about forests to assess their previous knowledge. The discussion will also be used to gauge what topics students are especially interested in, such as specific animals or plants. We will read a book about forests to spark the children's interest, as well. The next day when the children come in the classroom, the classroom will be completely decorated with different trees, animals and other forest themed items. During our outside time we will go on a scavenger hunt in the forest next to our school to collect supplies for our classroom. I will have the students find leaves, sticks, rocks, acorns and pine cones that can be used in at our sensory table, math center and art center. In...
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...My family, felt it would be a great learning experience to spend some quality time together. We were going on a camping trip. My dad is not the outsider type of man. My Mother pack us delicious subs because of this and that she doesn't like hunting. My brother just doesn't like the outdoors. Me and my brother were just wasn't this was for us but I was more pessimistically at the trip then My brother was. He thought if you try something completely out of your element, you'll will have a bad time. Realizing that I never went camping before I was anxious to learn the ropes of a hunter like what we used to do to survive before everything was given to us on a silver platter. I would have to hunt with a bow. But we all know I couldn't. We stocked up on interesting books to get lost in and relaxing sleeping bags to take off the edge and nap. We packed up the Van were we were the only other things that can fit into it and we were off. A friend of the family recommended the campsite and also he going on his own camping trip with his family so we decided to follow him since he had the directions and also he was on his own camping trip with his family. We traveled up interstate 75 into Maine because our campground was Recompence Shore Campground . Now, this is where I thought this trip was going to go down hill from there because ive had several times of bad luck when I was in Maine. One of them was I didn't fall asleep til four in the morning because of a duck. About fifteen minutes on...
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...LANG 901 / NAS 006 North American Cultural Studies Winter semester 2013/14 Class trip to Puerto Rico This paper proposes a class trip to Puerto Rico from the 10th to the 24th of March 2014. The first period in San Juan includes activities revolving around the indigenous Taino culture, e.g. their cuisine, musical instruments and history. Guided tours extend on the history of Puerto Rico as we visit the majestic fortifications by the Spanish settlers. Other activities during the first period are salsa lessons, shopping at the fruit market and adventure tours in the reef and rainforest. The second period begins with a visit to Cappara site, archaeological evidence of the first settlement, and ends with camping at famous east-coast beaches. The third period includes a guided jungle survival tour in El Yunque, a Guánica history tour, a visit to the Art Musuem, scuba diving and wall diving. Celebrations (i.e. shows, concerts, dancing etc.) on the streets conclude the third period with the national holiday Día de la Emancipación where students are going to join in. Special attention is going to be given to the costs and educational activities of the second period to substantiate the claim that the present proposal for a class trip is appropriate and promising. We leave our luggage at the New Island Hostel and walk 2.5 km to the Tren Urbano Sagrado Urazon, the train station, where we buy a day saver ticket for $5 to get to Caparra site. The Spanish settlers made this their...
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...The Last Trip Keisha Brown ENC1101-12 Instructor Lemon August 9, 2012 Have you ever accomplished something that you did not think you could? My senior year of high school definitely proved this statement. My classmates and I climbed one of the highest mountains in the Shenandoah National Park, while facing numerous challenges. As I walked outside on my front porch, I thought it was rather cool to be going on a camping trip. I thought, “What the heck,” it was still going to be fun. As I arrived at school, I saw Curry, my teacher, and only a few more classmates. “Where is everyone,” I thought to myself. This was going to be the last camping trip high school. I kissed my grandmother goodbye and got my gear out of the car. “This is not going to be the typical camping trip that you are used to,” Curry explained. I wonder what he had in store for us Curry explained that we, as a group, had to plan the entire trip. That meant deciding what equipment to bring, what food to bring, and which mountain and hike we were going to take. We quickly figured this out and we were on our way. When we arrived at the park, I noticed that it was a bit cold. Being that I have camped in the past, I dressed appropriately. We started our journey onto the trail. “This isn’t going to be that bad,” I thought. As we were hiking, I looked at the trees that were turning into the colors of fall; red, orange, and yellow. Beautiful. As I was walking down the path, I could hear a familiar sound. It sounded...
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...FACES OF THE NAMIB AN UNIQUE TRIP TO BE EXPERIENCED MORE THAN ONCE 28 DEC 2014 – 2 JAN 2015 2015 FACES OF THE NAMIB AN UNIQUE TRIP TO BE EXPERIENCED MORE THAN ONCE 28 DEC 2014 – 2 JAN 2015 2015 A “3 IN 1” NEW YEAR DESERT TRIP WITH A DIFFERENT FLAVOUR WITH RICHARD AS YOUR GUIDE YOUR OFF-ROAD CARAVANS AND TRAILERS ARE WELCOME *************************************************************************** The Cederberg 4x4 Christmas season activities begin on 16 December 2014 where interested people will have the option of participating in any of the three back to back trips being offered. The first would be the ever popular West Coast trip, then continuing to the Namib Desert New Year trip and ending with the Richtersveld return trip. Very important, it will be your choice how many of these back to back trips you will join. You are welcome to choose the trips that will suit your time available before having to return home. Richard will be guiding all three of the trips mentioned above, starting 16 December 2014 on the West Coast and continue to Namibia spending Christmas at Amanzi camp on the bank of the Gariep River. From there he will continue to Solitaire, the rendezvous for the New Year Namib Desert trip starting 28 December 2014. On completing the New Year Namib Desert trip in Walvis Bay, Richard will head for the Richtersveld via Solitaire, Helmeringhausen, Seeheim, Hobas and Ai-Ais. The ferry at Sendelingsdrif will be used (depending on the Gariep River...
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...written in present time with an omniscient third person narrator. The narrator takes us into the main character's thoughts, so that we see things from his point of view. "It's OK, the boy decides, that his dad hasn't looked at the torch, hasn't studied or handled it like Jim." (p.2, l.49-50) The main character is an eight-year-old boy, who is caught in the middle of his parents' separation. He lives with his mother and her boyfriend Jim. His father has arranged a camping trip for the two of them, but his mother doesn't like the idea. She thinks it is too impulsive and too dangerous. "Mad! The first time in four mouths he has his eight-year-old son and what does he plan to do? Take him camping up a mountain! Talk about macho avoidance activity!" (p.1, l.18-20) She also doesn't trust the boy's father to be careful. "Now you will be careful? Don't go camping too near the edge." (p.3, l.112). But because of her son's excitement about the trip, she lets him go. Unfortunately, the boy's father doesn't look forward to the trip like him. "... when the care slid out of the drive and felt, after all, he didn't want to go. That was another reason the...
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...the great risk of making yet another error. In Mark Slouka’s Crossing a divorced man takes his young son out on a camping trip, seeking to rebuild their relationship by conquering the river Quinault. But few circumstances can be controlled when you’re dealing with nature and the risk of making a fatal mistake whilst crossing the thin line of trust and the river might be too big. In this essay the characters and the relationships between them, the narrative technique and the setting will be examined in order to understand the core of the story. The protagonist of the story is a divorced man who has arranged a camping trip with his young son. It is clear from the start that the relationship between the two of them and his ex-wife/girlfriend is damaged. When he comes to pick up his son from the mother, he enters the house ‘’…ducking his head like a visitor…(line 16)’’ and is very cautious of how the mother observes the interaction between him and the boy. During this scene it also becomes clear that he has a desire to make things right between the three of them, thus arranging the camping adventure. As the father and son drive into the woods it is revealed that it isn’t just any random trip; it’s the same trip that the father used to take with his own father every year when he was young. This puts a further emphasis on the bonding that is supposed to happen on the trip and also it subconsciously puts an added amount of pressure on the father to do everything right. He responds to...
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...Composition 101 Narrative Essay Due: 10/13/13 A Lesson Learned From a Terrifying Camping Trip Sometimes people don't follow simple directions. However, these campers learned the hard way just how important directions are. Sometimes people don't follow simple directions. However, these campers learned the hard way just how important directions are. It was a wonderful week to camp in the great outdoors, even if some of their friends thought it was a strange way to spend a romantic vacation. Alliyah and Shane were looking forward to their week at Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. Little did they know what a learning experience this trip would be. After a scenic drive through the glorious mountains, Alliyah and Shane arrived at the camping area. A tall, skinny ranger dreesed in a blue uniform who stood at the booth handed them a map and asked, “Have you ever camped with us before?” “A better question would be if we ever camped before,” Shane answered wryly. “You’ll be fine. Just remember, this isn’t a hotel. We do have bears and other animals in the area, so lock your food up in the car,” said the ranger as he handed them a lists of Do’s and Don’ts. After they were handed the list they continued a safe drive until they arrived at the campsite. They started to set up camp. Alliyah and Shane were very excited to start their first camping experience. Exhausted from their first attempt at setting up a campsite, Alliyah and Shane crawled inside the tent...
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