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First Year Seminar Writing Ii


Submitted By hawkins
Words 998
Pages 4

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture.At a government level the people of the country try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas. This has an effect on environment, culture, and economic development. This subject will always be very controversial, because it has great pros and cons depending on the way you interpret the meaning of globalization. Some of the pros of globalization are increasing the standard way of living, improved ability to interact and coordinates with different governments, and having more options with foreign countries. The cons are taking away jobs, interaction with different cultures decrease, and mismanagement of natural resources.
Increasing the standard way of living is a positive effect of globalization. Depending on someone’s moral beliefs determine how people decide on what to do or how they feel about this topic. Appiah gives insight on how different cultures have conflict by sharing the same value, but also having a mutual understanding. He stated “But moral conflicts come in different varieties” (Appiah 380).Taiwanese college students have done a recent study; instead of seeing the exigency of global participation, they held a series of conflicting ideas toward the often taken-for-granted global community imagined for them, their roles as legitimate and competent members in the community, and the kind of learning investment they are expected to make. This study calls for a more student-centered review of current internationalization policies and practices to better support.From a different perspective Foer was focused on the meaning of culture. (Chang p.75)Foer stated that he "kept noticing the ways that globalization had failed to diminish the game's local cultures, local blood feuds, and even

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