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Fish Farming


Submitted By pattyrosales
Words 303
Pages 2
The goal of sustainability in today’s global economy and society is to protect our natural environment, human health and ecological, while innovating without compromising our way of life. As a definition, sustainability is the study of how natural systems function and produce everything it needs to remain in balance. Unfortunately, many human civilizations take too much advantage of our environmental resources, to a point where these resources end up severely damaged and seriously affect people’s changes of survival. As the website Environmental Science states, sustainability is not just about the environment, it's also about our health as a society in ensuring that no people or areas of life suffer as a result of environmental legislation. An example of sustainability would be the development of fish farming.
As the articles and video showed in this lesson, many people demands sea products. As the population grows, the demand of fish increases. Many companies main goal is to please their consumers happy, so when people are constantly buying and demanding sea products, overfishing can occur. By definition, Overfishing is when so many fish are caught that the population cannot reproduce enough to replace them. So in order to meet the desired amount of fish in the population, fish farming are created. The triple bottom line of fish farming is influenced by sustainability in more than one way. First of all, triple bottom line divides into three parts: social, environmental and financial. In the case of fish farming, as the population grows, fishing increases (social). Since overfishing is causing many environmental problems, fish farming came into place to reduce the act of fishing and by doing so, many jobs were created (financial). After the creating of fish farming, laws were also developed, such as those who limit the amount of power boats and wild fishing

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