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Flint Water Crisis Case Study

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When it comes to Flint, Michigan a town that has been in crisis for many years. Once Flint Michigan was a prominent car manufacturing town, but the car manufacturing companies close-up shop and took the car manufacturing factories overseas to save money. When it comes to the water crisis yet again the small town of Flint, Michigan near Detroit was absolutely decimated with health issues and poisoning due to lead and other chemicals found in the water due to local government trying to save money. To know what the initial problem was we needed to know what the government was trying to do. Local government came up with a plan of hiring a individual/emergency manager that can make decisions on local Flint issues without the need of approval of local government.
The basic concept an idea that was used was to take Flint, Michigan off the Detroit water system and eventually create a pipeline from Lake Huron to create a cheaper water supply, but until the pipeline was built they would take water from the flint River. Which is properly investigated the idea the government would’ve found these issues in advance but since a non-government agency that they created decided to go with the plan anyways without proper results for studies this incident may not have happened. …show more content…
The problem was these water treatment facilities were not ready and was not recommended for use at this time. With the cancellation of the use of Detroit’s water supply and use of the Flint River was implemented anyways. After this fact Flint’s water supply started to become Brown and smell like chlorine and several citizens started complaining about the water. And since the water supply was not cleaned properly public citizens started getting sick from the effects of the polluted water. Some of these medical issues ever resulted from this

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