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Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer

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Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system that is part of the immune system. It attacks the white blood cells that are called lymphocytes. Normal cells have a lifespan, they do their job and die after they are done and the cycle continues. Abnormal cells that do not die and continue to bloom in a large supply and become out of control is what makes up cancer. The cells become dangerous and begin to attack the body instead of protecting it. Once cancer takes over the lymphocytes, it moves down through the bloodstream and takes over the body, this is what makes up lymphoma cancer. The lymphatic tissue is connected throughout the body and when the cancer enter the system it makes it very easy for the disease to spread to different …show more content…
It is not the most common type that is found in patients. It affects one lymph node after another in a patterned sequence. A lymph node is found in your body and they act as filters for bacteria and other illnesses. When they get swollen it usually caused by an infection and they go away after the infection is healed. But when it doesn't, it usually due to the cause of cancer.
Non-Hodgkin is the other form of lymphoma that is most commonly found in patients that have lymphoma cancer. It is a tumor that arises in diverse areas sometimes skipping some nodes. This disease can be classified into an array of subtypes. The way they are classified depending on the characteristics of cells such as B-cells or T-cells. They are classified to help with what type of treatment should be received by the patient.
Even though lymphoma has no cure, there are many forms of treatment. They vary from any form of therapy to transplantation, and from surgery. The most common forms of treatment that are used to treat lymphoma is chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Chemotherapy is combative drug therapy that is used to kill the cancer cells. This is the hardest form of a drug that is treated and it often leaves the patience weak, loses their hair, and causes them to lose a lot of weight from the loss of appetite. Usually, radiation therapy is used after chemotherapy because it focuses on small areas of cancer. If the patient has an organ that is badly infected by cancerous cells, then surgery is considered. Lymphoma most commonly affects the spleen, lungs, and

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