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Free Market In Peru

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As the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation (2008-2009) stated: “poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter” (1), this means that you live in such a way that, literally, you have to survive the present day, and so on and so on. I chose this topic because I’ve made friendships with poor people in my district. This opened my eyes to a reality I was aware that it existed but I was not conscious of how unforgiving and tough to live on it was. I’ve overheard people every so often ask “why don’t they just get jobs?” It is this sort of ignorance on how actually the economic opportunities works which made me choose this subject, as I was once one of those uninformed persons as well.
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Peru has a mixed economy, combining capitalist markets and private ownership with key government controls (Britanica Kids, n.d), this has helped over the years to reduce it poverty index. On 2005 58% of Peru`s population was poor. By 2016 this number dropped to 20.7. On those 11 years, Peru always kept a free market economy, what changed was the way that the people managed it. The free market in Peru has worked its way to some of the most rural areas, giving chance to all citizens to be part of this economy. With this not only more products are offered but more people earn money and that was one of the key factors to such a decrease in the poverty …show more content…
We live in a world in which is practically impossible to live without money (with the exception of micro-communist societies as well as some native communities around the world). Sadly nowadays, I feel that society is being divided in a way in which people are separated depending on their economic income. Although I don’t have an economic income, as I don’t have a job because I´m underage, I´m related to one. I believe we are all related, in one way or another, to an economic source. What varies from one person to another is how much profit we are able to make out of it. I’ve been visiting a lot of Peru´s countryside (Huaraz to be precise) and I hear poor people say that the reason they are poor is because they are farmer and they don´t have the same opportunities as everyone else. I believe that the reason why they don’t have the same opportunities is because those people are mind-settled that way, it is not true. Education is also a crucial factor in these circumstances. Take China as an example. China has a mixed market economy which has lifted 600 million people up from poverty in the last 30 years. "China invested in agriculture to reduce poverty and successful agricultural projects were built up from the grass roots” (Brett Rierson, China representative for the World Food Programme, Friday, 29 March, 2013) (6). And yes, I understand that the market economy does not work as well in

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