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Flirting Vs Flirt

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Something that disturbs me People are disturbed about many things but what is that one thing that really gets us going? One thing that has always disturbed me so much as other boys flirting with someone’s girlfriend but especially mine. Also, one thing that ticks me off the most though is when other boys with girlfriends flirt with mine! When I see this happening, I just think that they have a girlfriend to flirt with instead of mine. In truth, I really don’t know why this bothered me so much and why boys can’t just flirt with their own, so I did some research. According to my research, people flirt because they want to alter the closeness of their relationship. Sometimes we may flirt simply because it is fun or the interaction is playful; at times we flirt for instrumental reasons. Some flirters are driven by exploring motive meaning a person flirts to gauge the interest of the person he or she is flirting with you. There are many sides to flirting and over advantages girls and boys could gain. …show more content…
Our flirtatious messages are sometimes driven by fun motivations.When flirtatious messages are driven by this motive, we are flirting to achieve a goal. Perhaps you want someone to do you a favor, buy you a drink, or complete a household chore? Flirting in order to get someone to complete those tasks describes this motive. Sometimes when guys flirt with girls, they might get the attention of the girl; like I said before a closer connection or relationship. Flirting can also be driven by the esteem motive. This motive encompasses those times when individuals flirt to increase or reinforce their own self-esteem. Namely, flirting with people, and being flirted with, can make us feel good about ourselves (unless the person is a

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