...DECLARATION I Japhet NKURUNZIZA ,do declare that this research project is my own work. I have to do the best of my knowledge acknowledged all authors or sources from where I got information. I further declare that this work has not been submitted in any university or institution for the award of a degree or any of its equivalents. Signed…………………………………………..date………./……………/………………. APPROVAL This is to acknowledge that this research project has been submitted with my approval. Signed…………………………..Date………………/……………./……………… Dr TOMBOLA M.Gustave, PhD DEDICATION To the beloved members of my family, colleagues and friends. ACKNOWLEDMENTS This thesis is yet another landmark achievement in my academic history. Yet, truth be told, I believe the completion of the same would not be possible it had to be for the incessant and unconditional help from different persons, physical and moral. My highest appreciation goes to my beloved mother Mrs. palacidia UWIZEYIMANA and my former headmaster, Etienne UWAGIWABO, my uncles, my friends Philip NSENGUWERA, Felix BIZINDA, brother and sisters for all the support and encouragement. I also appreciate the government of Rwanda for the support of financing my studies and Rwanda Tourism University College for the academic supports. Heartfelt thanks go to Dr TOMBOLA M. Gustave,PhD who devoted his precious time to the supervision...
Words: 11801 - Pages: 48
...Final Paper Food Safety Food Safety Food Safety is all conditions and actions necessary to ensure the safety of food at all stages. This refers to the conditions and practices to prevent contamination and food-borne illnesses. Food safety is an essential health function. Food can be contaminated and judged unsafe in many ways. Contamination can occur during the packaging process, by inadequate cooking or storage. Also, different food products may already have different microorganisms such as bacteria or parasites which may be allowed to multiply and cause disease if food is not appropriately handled. With regard to whether or not food safety is currently a problem the answer is clearly, yes. The concern is that daily, people get sick with what is interchangeably called food-borne disease or illness from the food they eat. Specifically, food-borne illness has a severe affect on infants, young children, the elderly and the sick. In both developing and developed countries, it is a strain on health care systems. Not only does food-borne illness affect physical condition, but economically, individuals, communities, businesses, and countries are affected by food safety problems. Data and Investigative Information Being that food safety is an increasingly important public health issue, it is imperative that governments intensify their efforts to improve food safety. These efforts should be in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising...
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... |[pic] | | |NUT GUIDANCE ON STANDARDS | | | | | |FOR FOOD SAFETY IN SCHOOLS | | |[pic] | Introduction This NUT guidance has been prepared to highlight the health and safety hazards which can exist in the absence of clear policies and procedures on the safe preparation of food in schools. It covers a range of issues which need to be addressed when carrying out risk assessments and writing safety policies for food preparation areas, including a detailed examination of the main circumstances in which food and drink are likely to be prepared, served and consumed in schools. It should be made clear at the outset that nothing whatsoever in this briefing should be interpreted as being in conflict with either the letter or the spirit of the School Meals Agreement 1968, which repealed regulations previously enabling local authorities to require teachers to supervise pupils taking school meals. The 1968 Agreement acknowledged that any...
Words: 5986 - Pages: 24
...FOOD PREPARATION AND THE TEMPERATURE DANGER ZONESafe temperatures mean 45 F or below and 140 F or above. Any temperaturebetween 45 F and 140 F is considered to be in the TEMPERATURE DANGER ZONE.Food products have to be in the danger zone at some time during their preparation.However, 3 hours is the maximum time that a food can be in the danger zone withoutbecoming dangerously contaminated. After 3 hours in the danger zone, enoughbacteria can grow to cause foodborne disease outbreaks. Unfortunately, a food doesnot have to be in the danger zone for 3 consecutive hours to become a health hazard.The time accumulates; that is, each separate period which exposes the food to dangerzone temperatures counts toward the 3-hour limit. For example, a frozen food is to beprepared. First, the food has to be thawed. The thawing period places the food in thedanger zone. Later, the food may be mixed with other food items or chopped or cut.This again exposes the food to dangerous temperatures. In addition, the food may becontaminated from contact with other foods or utensils. If the food is left sitting at roomtemperature, it once again is in the danger zone. From this example, you can see that itis very easy for food to stay in the danger zone for 3 hours or more. When inspectingfood preparation procedures at a full-service food facility, you must determine thatpersonnel are following procedures to minimize the time that potentially hazardous fooditems remain in the danger...
Words: 253 - Pages: 2
...Name: Course Name: Lecturer: Date: Food Safety Issues Introduction Food safety is an important concern in the contemporary world. This is especially in firms that are involved in mass production. Food safety is an assurance that food being produced is safe for consumption. Rapid food poisoning is resultant from poor handling of food. Food safety is a program that seeks to streamline the handling of food to prevent food poisoning. For this paper, the context of mass production of food is assumed. Food poisoning is not only a health hazard but also leads to loss to such an organization that is involved in food production. Poor food storage and handling is expensive. For instance, it results to loss to the organization in terms of food going bad in mass or in small quantities. On the other hand, it leads to food poisoning especially for when consumed which may result to losses and heavy litigation costs and damages. This makes it necessary to institute food safety mechanisms during handling and storage. Food safety is a process and not a one-off activity. It is a mechanism that ensures that at every stage, handling and storage is monitored to ensure that no compromises are made. There are a number of systems that are employed to facilitate food safety. For instance, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) are the most commonly used systems of assuring food safety. GMP is a process employed at processing plants...
Words: 1219 - Pages: 5
...Food Safety Did you know that nearly one in six Americans suffer illnesses directly related to food-borne illnesses, and that three thousand die each year from these types of diseases? According to the CDC ( CDC and Food and Safety, 2009), “reducing food-borne illness by just 10% would keep 5 million Americans from getting sick each year”. According to (What is Food Safety, 2010), food safety is defined as the utilization of various resources and strategies to ensure that all types of foods are properly stored, prepared, and preserved so they are safe for consumption. There are measures you yourself can take to ensure that the food you purchase is safe to eat. It is important to always pay close attention to expiration dates as this can cause many illnesses. Ensure that the foods you are purchasing are stored properly. improperly stored food, such as food that is not kept at the proper temperature when stored, can develop molds, and can spoil resulting in severe food related illnesses and potentially death. Pay attention how different foods are being presented as well. Purchasing the wrong foods can lead to miserable food related illnesses, to avoid these illnesses when purchasing foods be sure to purchase produce that is free from bruising or showing any physical signs of damage. Select produce that is kept cold by ice or refrigeration. This will keep foods fresher longer. Be sure to store your foods properly as-well. Remember to keep your refrigerator set to 40 degrees...
Words: 545 - Pages: 3
...Food Safety Bulletin SCI/220 Version 6 Food Safety Bulletin COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE BULLETIN Food Safety Tips for Everyone! The community is reporting numerous food-borne illnesses to the city health department. The health department is dealing with an increase of food-related illnesses among the community and the need to educate the public on food safety is evident. The community must recognize contamination of food can occur at any stage during food purchase, food storage, and food preparation. One common safety issue related to food purchase is making sure the food is fresh or not past the expiration date. Effects from eating food past their expiration date could lead to food poisoning or physical discomfort, such as an upset stomach. Any food that is older than its expiration date may have dangerous bacteria that can cause food poisoning or an upset stomach (Lance Armstrong Foundation, 2011). It is important to pay attention to the expiration date on all food items. Do not purchase food older than its expiration date. When a person purchases food close to the expiration date, make sure to eat the food immediately to prevent any food safety issues. If the food has a bad smell, it is always best to throw the food away. To find more information on this subject one can visit the local city or county health department or go online and visit websites like usda.gov or livestrong.com. After a food item is purchased, it is important to store the food properly. Make sure...
Words: 824 - Pages: 4
...It is fact that for human survival food is an important and essential thing and now a day’s food industries use some different preservatives to preserve the foods from microbial spoilage. Preservatives not only play an important role to preserve food during its transportation but also preserve food characteristics like odor, taste and food is preserved for a long time (Gulsun et al., 2011). Antimicrobials are that substances which is commonly used for three main reasons (a) to control natural spoilage processes (b) to prevent microbial contamination (c) to increase shelf life of different food products (Bakht et al., 2012). Different types of preservatives like natural preservatives, artificial preservatives and antimicrobial preservatives...
Words: 1111 - Pages: 5
...Food Safety Assignment List of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Relative importance of pathogens 3. Trends in foodborne illness 4. Emerging issues 5. Intervention strategies 6. Conclusion 7. References 1. Introduction From the very dawn of the mankind people have suffered from an array of infectious diseases. Advances in the ways of diagnostics and treatment allow us to ease this burden on the humanity. Information technology has provided scientific community with a chance to better control and, which is the most important, prevent foodborne diseases by gathering, analyzing and interpreting epidemiological data from a vast number of sites. Conclusions drawn as a result of such surveillance (trends in incidence, prevalence, endemicity of important pathogens, number of outbreaks, most common vehicles of infection, etc.) can be used to design intervention strategies to eradicate a disease as well as to assess a degree of success of food safety measures. Initially, epidemiological surveillance was limited to scientific trials or a certain disease; collection of data on a wider, national, scale was passive. But even these scarce results were able to convince authorities in many countries to approach this issue seriously, in a systemic manner and with bigger amount of resources. In the USA the best known at the moment program, FoodNet or Foodborne diseases Active Surveillance Network, was launched on January 1, 1996. At first it covered only the territory with 13.2 million residents...
Words: 1455 - Pages: 6
...Food Safety Bulletin The city of Phoenix, Arizona has reported a drastic rise in food-borne illness cases resulting in this public service bulletin. State and local governments responsible for inspecting restaurants, grocery stores, and retail establishments, dairy farms, grain mills, and food manufacturing establishments have identified pathogens in our local food supply. It is reported that 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 people a year actually die from food-borne illnesses. Although the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is in place to provide safe food to the market place, it is essential all consumers take extra care and precautions keeping food safe in the wake of this drastic rise in food-borne epidemic. Pathogens in our food are: • Bacteria in Food • Viruses in Food • Moldy Foods • Parasites in Food • Prions in Food Phoenix has experience and increase in bacteria and virus in food incidents. Bacteria in food can be contaminated before harvested and make their way to the dinner table of unprepared foods. Good agricultural practices can reduce the risk but contamination can also occur during processing, transportation, handling, or storage. It is up to the consumer to learn to handle, store, and prepare food safely to prevent food-borne illness. Viruses in food are the most common causes of food-borne illness, which include bacteria, viruses, molds, and parasites. This can cause flulike...
Words: 323 - Pages: 2
...------------------------------------------------- University of Phoenix Material Food Safety Worksheet Read each of the following scenarios. Scenario 1: Jeremiah went grocery shopping on a hot summer day. He bought food for an upcoming family BBQ; ground beef for hamburgers, a couple of steaks, and the ingredients for making potato salad. When he left the store, he put his groceries in the trunk and stopped by the sports outlet store to pick up a Frisbee and croquet set. It took about 10 minutes at the sports store, and then Jeremiah headed home to prepare the food. He was concerned that it had been too hot in the car, but everything was still cold when he got home. Jeremiah took the groceries home and put everything in the refrigerator. The meat fit well on the top shelf, right above the potato salad ingredients. Later on, he got the groceries out to prep everything for the BBQ. He cooked the potatoes and used a sharp knife to trim some excess fat off of the raw steaks. Then he cut up the rest of the vegetables for the potato salad with the sharp knife on a cutting board. Jeremiah formed the hamburger patties, seasoned the steaks, and finished making the potato salad. With only about 45 minutes to go before leaving for the BBQ, Jeremiah left everything sitting out on the counter while he showered and got ready. When he arrived at the BBQ, he set the potato salad on the picnic table and went to grill the steaks and burgers. He cooked both to about...
Words: 1560 - Pages: 7
...University of Phoenix Material Food Safety Worksheet Read each of the following scenarios. Scenario 1: Jeremiah went grocery shopping on a hot summer day. He bought food for an upcoming family BBQ; ground beef for hamburgers, a couple of steaks, and the ingredients for making potato salad. When he left the store, he put his groceries in the trunk and stopped by the sports outlet store to pick up a Frisbee and croquet set. It took about 10 minutes at the sports store, and then Jeremiah headed home to prepare the food. He was concerned that it had been too hot in the car, but everything was still cold when he got home. Jeremiah took the groceries home and put everything in the refrigerator. The meat fit well on the top shelf, right above the potato salad ingredients. Later on, he got the groceries out to prep everything for the BBQ. He cooked the potatoes and used a sharp knife to trim some excess fat off of the raw steaks. Then he cut up the rest of the vegetables for the potato salad with the sharp knife on a cutting board. Jeremiah formed the hamburger patties, seasoned the steaks, and finished making the potato salad. With only about 45 minutes to go before leaving for the BBQ, Jeremiah left everything sitting out on the counter while he showered and got ready. When he arrived at the BBQ, he set the potato salad on the picnic table and went to grill the steaks and burgers. He cooked both to about medium doneness, meaning both were pink in the middle...
Words: 1758 - Pages: 8
...TITLE: HACCP PLAN FOR SURIMI CONTENTS 1.0 : SCOPE OF HACCP PLAN & FOOD SAFETY OBJECTIVE(S) 2.0 : PRODUCT DESCRIPTION & INTENDED CONSUMER 2.1 : PRODUCT NAME 2.2 : IMPORTANT PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 2.3 : STORAGE 2.4 : PACKAGING 2.5 : SHELF-LIFE 2.6 : INTENDED USE & CONSUMER 2.7 : WHERE THE PRODUCT WILL BE SOLD 2.8 : LABELLING 2.0 : PROCESS FLOW CHART 3.0 : HAZARD ANALYSIS WORKSHEET 4.0 : HACCP SUMMARY PLAN 6.0 : SUMMARY OF PRE-REQUISITE PROGRAMMES 1.0 : SCOPE OF HACCP PLAN AND FOOD SAFETY OBJECTIVES Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a science-based system that aims to prevent food safety problems from occurring rather than having to react to non-compliance of the finished product. The HACCP system accomplishes this by the identification of specific hazards and the implementation of control measures. An effective HACCP system should reduce the reliance on traditional end-product testing. The objective of this research is to explain the principles of HACCP as it applies from production and until to handling and processing of Surimi processing. In this research, the researcher only explain on how to use the seven principles of HACCP and offer suggestions as to the type of hazards that may occur in the Surimi product. The researched HACCP plan was documented and it has been simplified. This section demonstrates one format that may be considered in the development of an HACCP plan. From the research...
Words: 4012 - Pages: 17
...Food safety has become a recent phenomenon in the United States. Over the years, there have been outbreaks of E. Coli in restaurants for example, Chipotle and Jack in the Box and salmonella in peanut butter and cucumbers. The only way that citizens will feel serene with the food they eat is if they are assured that the food is safe to ingest. The United States Department of Agriculture is an organization that educates the public about the importance of food safety, but do not actually do anything to prevent infection and contamination. Although the Food Safety and Inspection Service confirms that the nation’s supply of meat, poultry and eggs are safe and properly labeled (Food Safety | USDA), it does not mean that the food could not become contaminated later. Even though the FDA says they are trying to better the food safety system, they are not doing an efficient job because too many restaurants are getting contaminated and closing down (What Government Does). The issue of food safety is of great importance to the American society because it is a health violation that is not being accounted for. Passing more food safety legislations, including effective tests run by the FDA will be the best solution to resolve food safety issues and will decrease infection in American citizens. E. coli and...
Words: 2140 - Pages: 9
...FOOD SAFETY KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES OF FOOD RECOVERY AGENCY WORKERS BEFORE AND AFTER FOOD SAFETY TRAINING A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in The School of Human Ecology by Sara Katherine Waggoner B.S., Texas Christian University, 2002 May 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Michael Keenan who served as one of my major professors on this project. His concern for his students and colleagues is extraordinary, and his enthusiasm regarding the field of nutrition is inspiring. A sincere expression of gratitude goes to my other major professor Dr. Elizabeth Reames. She is an excellent mentor, and it has truly been a blessing to work with such an amazing person. I would like to thank Dr. Maren Hegsted, a committee member who has been an incredible support to me during my time here at LSU. She has always been there to offer advice and to answer my endless questions. Also, I would like to show appreciation to Dr. Georgiana Tuuri, a committee member whose energy and smile were always sources of encouragement. A very special thank you is also extended to my family and friends for their patience, understanding, and support throughout this endeavor. Finally, thank you to the entire faculty, staff, and students of the School of Human Ecology for their thoughtfulness...
Words: 8468 - Pages: 34