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Force Feeding Nervosa

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Braganza, Zian Yaeve; Dejan, Jaenni Nicole
Now that the researchers have presented both sides of the argument, it is time to discover the side on which the researchers stand. The following reasons provided explains why the researchers agree that force feeding should be done to anorexia nervosa sufferers:
The researchers have presented three arguments against force feeding. First of which is,
“Force feeding violates the right of individual autonomy”. Although there is truly a right of individual autonomy, this right is not applicable to anorexic patients because again, anorexia nervosa is not just a plain illness but a mental disorder. Often the not, mentally disordered patients do not have the mental capacity to make the right choices for their …show more content…
The researchers believe otherwise. There is only a minimal chance for patients to be stubborn and will not cooperate with the treatment if the treatment is properly done by the physician. The process of force feeding is not literally forcing the patients to eat through their mouths but done with a procedure involving naso-gastric tubes and such. The tubes are there for the patient to be fed regularly and to keep them nourished. The procedure is done in a less forceful way that patients would not even feel that they are actually eating. If the patient responds positively to the treatment then there is a good chance of treating the mental disorder, anorexia nervosa, as well.
The third and final argument is “Force feeding may trigger depression”. The researchers believe that depression is already present with anorexic patients. It is actually one of the causes of the mental disorder. Accompanied by insecurities, vanity, and their struggle to be perfect, their

brain forms a pattern of thought to do things that will make them achieve the look that they have always wanted. This is what made them obsessed with losing weight. Force feeding will

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