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Foreign Language Academy: Student Analysis

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Foreign Language Academy is an immersion school that services students kindergarten to eighth grade. The mission of Foreign Language Academy is that they prepare students to enter high school having met or exceeded state standards in all tested areas; to be proficient readers, writers and speakers of the target language; and to be responsible citizens. There are currently 644 students enrolled in Foreign Language Academy. Of the 644 students 40% of the students are African American, 50% are Hispanic and 10% are White. Of those enrolled 63% speak English, 35% speak Spanish and the other 2 % speak other languages. According to enrollment requirements of students speaking a language other than English at home, 38% of the students are classified as ELL students. Which is ironic since Foreign Language Academy teaches students a foreign language exclusively in Kindergarten and 1st grade so that by the …show more content…
According to Erick Herrmann “Writing is also an essential life skill. People use writing on a daily basis in their personal and professional lives to share ideas, communicate with family and friends, accomplish tasks, and more. When teaching English learners, it is important to note that the quantity and linguistic complexity of writing will be dependent on the proficiency level of the student. For example, students at early proficiency levels will not necessarily be able to write complex sentences, but can certainly begin the writing process by sketching and potentially adding key vocabulary that has been explicitly taught. As students move into the early-intermediate and intermediate levels, they can continue to develop their writing skills by writing phrases, sentences and paragraphs. As students’ progress toward advanced proficiency, varying language structures with increased grammatical accuracy can be expected.” (Herrman,

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