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Fossil Record: What Is Embryology And How Does It Work?

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Evolution is real because it's been proven so. It's been proven from samples of DNA , the discovery of fossils, matching traits from common ancestors , watching evolution happen over time, and identifying vestigial traits. Vestigial traits are traits that other species have also. For an example we have ears and so do monkeys. Although we are two different species and do a lot of stuff differently our ears function the same. Stuff like that makes you think ¨Did we both descend from the same ancestor?¨ That's something that evolution proves.

What is a Fossil Record? A fossil record is basically something that shows what kinds of creatures existed in the past. The fossil record is somewhat like a timeline too. It tells you what events happen ,when, and in what era . The Fossil record is also very useful for scientist because it's really the only thing that can help them with the trace back to early life. The fossil record can also tell you what kind of environment the animal lived in. Over all I would use the fossil record to compare things from billions of years ago to today's world. …show more content…
Embryology is ¨The science dealing with the formation, development, structure, and functional activities of embryos.¨ The formation of babies and how they come to be. In 1914 Franklin P. Mall introduced embryos, then his successor George L. Streeter refined that there are 23 steps before you're an embryo. ¨An embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development, from the time of fertilization until birth, hatching, or germination.¨Germination is the process in which plants

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