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Leadership Skills In Health Care: Leadership Analysis

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Leadership, a trait a person has to inspire others and to lead them. In the healthcare field, there are managers and leaders. Managers are people that are appointed to that position while leaders have no real establishment within the company. Instead, leaders are those who take on “responsibility” during different situations. What makes them different and alike depends on the person. For example, in any clinical field, there are people that are managers who are capable of running their department in a professional way and they make sure that everything is well balanced. These managers have leadership traits. They are able to lead and inspire others to work efficiently and to work together as a team. Although, there are also people that are …show more content…
They discuss how leadership isn’t just a trait that only specific people have. Ellis and Abbott (2013) start their article distinguishing the difference between a leader and a manager. They say that a leader is a “person that doesn’t necessarily have the authority to get others to do things; they are people that others want to follow” (p.251). Unlike those that are appointed as managers; these people have the authority to get people to do things because they are held to that expectation. Ellis and Abbott (2013) use a quote that leadership and management theorists Huczynski and Buchanan use to define leadership and that is that leadership is a “social process in which one individual influences the behavior of others without the use of threats or violence” (p.251). This definition defines that a leader isn’t a person that dictates others to follow them but a person that is influential. Even though they state this difference, they do point out “the best managers are also good leaders”(2013, p. 251). With the difference between a leader and a manager in mind, it is clearly stated that anyone can execute this skill; it doesn’t have to be a person that is appointed to a specific position. Anyone in the healthcare field can perform this skill as long as they know how to use it

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