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Pre-Australopithecine Evolution

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About 7 million years ago, many species roamed the Earth but only one kind would evolve into humans; the species Pre-Australopithecine. Who would have thought that we would evolve to become Homo Sapiens living in a world of technology and cultural influences. Our ancestors have adapted to the many conditions of the habitat they were living in like how humans have adjusted to our surroundings. As the Earth gets older changing to the environment, mankind has equally became accustomed to the changes of Earth. Although, humans have adapted many skills for survival, our ancestor had also learned many new abilities to help them live leaving many similarities and differences. Humans have adapted to almost all of the earth’s terrestrial habitats …show more content…
The Pierolapithecus catalaunicus had a stiff lower spine and other adaptations for climbing trees such as small monkey-like hands, a wider pelvis and an expanded rib cage for climbing. Going ahead in the timeline were the Australopithecus anamensis which is the earliest known australopithecine and lived over 4 million years ago. The Australopithecus anamensis may have used simple tools similar to those used by modern chimpanzees such as plant materials that can be easily shaped used for obtaining food at hard to reach places. They also used stones to process hard foods such as nuts. The tooth enamel were thicker and their canine teeth that were larger and pointed than their earlier ancestors which connects to the fact that they ate many hard foods. The Homo habilis was latin for “handy Man’ because of the stone tools scientists found around the fossils and lived about 2.4 million years ago. They had a human shaped brain which possessed the”Broca’s area” which is used for speech. Their teeth were smaller than their early ancestors which gave scientists the idea that the Homo habilis didn’t eat many har foods or their teeth developed over time to become smaller but work as well as bigger teeth. It is also believed that the Homo habilis was the predecessor of the Homo erectus. Homo erectus means upright …show more content…
One similarity is the how the Homo sapiens and the Homo habilis both made tools and inventions in order to survive. The Homo habilis lived in a grassland environment which was cooler and drier which could have encouraged new feeding strategies which including the use of tools. Humans additionally made many inventions such as the plow to help farm the grasslands. Both species made tools to help their life be more bearable. Furthermore, our ancestor walked on two feet like humans did allowing them to forage Africa’s savannas for meat and plants while apes were confined to the forests. There are also differences within each evolution for instance, Homo erectus and its earliest ancestors had more body hair than modern humans. The body hair was used for insulation as they did not have proper clothes back then. However, Homo sapiens lost most of the body hair that was present in its ancestors since we developed warmer clothing like jackets to help us stay warmer in colder temperatures rendering body hair mainly

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