...Time Management Gen/200 Foundations for general education and professional success. 3/15/2010 University Of Phoenix Instructor Name: One of the most difficult tasks that student face, that is often underestimated is time management. Time management is probably one of the most cherished skills we can have and something a student needs to maximize in order to be successful in their studies. Time is something that is always against students no matter what they do. Learning the skills to prioritize what is important and needed is valuable to a student’s success. As a college student, you are required to think in greater depth and complexity than ever before (Carter, Bishop, Kravits, 2007, p. 76). The first thing needed to do in order to mange your time appropriately is to break down the average day of a full time working student. This may include but not limited to work, school, relaxation, gym, family time, and unforeseen situations that may arise. It is always better to be over prepared than under prepared. As for most working students breaking down the average workday may help analyze and clarify the priorities in a given day. For most work may be the first priority and take up most of the day. The workday can range from eight to 12 hours a day. The second priority may be School and the time needed in order to receive a good grade and achieving their long-term goals. Relaxation is another priority needed when breaking down the time spent in an average day. In the...
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...Personal Responsibility and College Success Personal responsibility means only holding oneself accountable for their success and/or their failures. Studying the materials needed for the furthering of one’s education and management of time to ensure they fully understand all courses taken. It’s only when these things are taken to heart in its fullest meaning does college success become their light at the end of the tunnel. Even though cheating is an option, personal responsibility and college success go hand in hand, because they’ll receive a rounded formal education and it creates self-satisfaction which implements personal development. Personal responsibility and college success goes hand in hand. Time management leads to completing assignments on time. When managing time, one can schedule their daily task appropriately to whichever is most important. When one is sound minded they can excel in classes. Being able to be at ease and not stress, results in the ability to accomplish an assignment promptly and correctly. Self-respect affects one’s respect towards their classmates. Establish a mutual respect and consideration towards peers. Creating self-satisfaction implements personal development such as self-confidence which can boost one’s self-esteem. To have appraisal of his or hers own worth. When self-esteem is achieved, happiness follows. Happiness boosts peoples health and their well-being. Being in a great physical and mental state, improves ones abilities to excel...
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...Diversity Trends in Education Major Assessment: Diversity Trends in Education EDUC 3008-1 DeWayne Feenstra Major Assessment: Diversity Trends in Education EDUC 3008-1 DeWayne Feenstra 2014 2014 Education reform is a constant and pressing discussion at the state and local levels. There is no shortage of opinions on how best to serve the growing student population. One of the fastest growing populations in the educational system is not the honor society or even remedial students; it is special education students. The population of students served under IDEA (Individuals With Disabilities Education) has grown at nearly twice the rate of the general education population (New America Foundation, 2013). The principal reason for this increase was the widening of the definition of "disabled" under IDEA by Congress in 1997 to include children ages three to nine that are considered to be "developmentally delayed." Since the 1980’s there has been a movement in the education of Special Needs Students (SNS) to move the students from the isolation of a dedicated special education classroom and to have them work alongside “typical” students. This development, often referred to as ‘Inclusive Education ,' ‘Mainstreaming’ or ‘Integration ,' is a hotly debated topic. As with any movement in the educational system, the question of funding comes into play. The impact and change on a typical student’s education, as well as the educational and social experience of an SNS, is one...
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...My Personal Philosophy of Special Education Christina L. Richardson Grand Canyon University: SPE-529N November 18, 2012 My Personal Philosophy of Special Education As educators, we need a foundation for why we want to teach, where students with different disabilities fit in that foundation, a rationale for how we teach, and a principle that keeps us striving to be the best educators we can be. The purpose of this essay is to point out what I believe the foundation, student location, rationale, and principle are for why I want to become a teacher. Special Education Philosophy I believe every child is entitled to an education no matter what race, socio-economic status, or disability. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) ensures that every child is given the opportunity to have a highly qualified education while Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires children with disabilities be given a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that meets their individual needs. The latest version of IDEA also works together with NCLB to give children with disabilities the same opportunity of high quality instruction. This causes the responsibility for the progress and performance of children with disabilities to be shared by the general and special education teachers. (Cortiella, 2006, p. 10) As a special education teacher, I will work with general education teachers and collaborate to make sure the individual needs of students with disabilities are met. I believe that...
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...Christian Education DR.JT. Roberson Final Examination December 7, 2011 Robin Johnson 1. How was Christian Education conducted for African Americans during slavery and while was operational? Christianity and Education was of utmost importance to the African culture. Africans came to America with a rich and dynamic heritage, which they tried to preserve. Black religion, like Black people, began in Africa. In trying to find a starting point of Christian Education, many scholars believe it may be found in the sacred text of the New Testament. Africa’s contribution to Black religion is well known and John Jackson is an advocate of this position. He has cited several legacies of Egypt to Christianity. Education was an experience that was required by each person in a tribe. The community to which one belonged defined what it meant to be human. To be human was to belong to a community and participate in beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies of that community. African Education was the oral instruction that emerged through their music, dance, folk tales, rituals, proverbs, poetry, and so on. These tools served as instruction. Slaves during the Antebellum Period formed new ideas and practices on their own that pronounced longing for freedom. These meetings were held in the brush harbors and praise houses, and were thus coined the “invisible church”. Story and song were the sources of education during this period of slavery. This oral communication was used as the education structure...
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...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2014 CONTACT: Adam Sachs, 301-628-5034 adam.sachs@ana.org Jemarion Jones, 301-628-5198 jemarion.jones@ana.org American Nurses Foundation Receives Inspirational Gift of $100,000 To Endow Leadership Fund SILVER SPRING, MD – The American Nurses Foundation (ANF) today announced that long-time ANA member Major General Irene Trowell-Harris, USAF, Ret, EdD, RN, has made a $100,000 gift to support the development of nurse leaders. The Irene Trowell-Harris Endowed Leadership Fund will support initiatives that give nurses a greater voice in influencing health care delivery and policy. In 2014, the fund will provide matching grants to state nurses associations to send nurses to the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Advocacy Institute. The institute, created in 2009, is designed to help nurses become effective political leaders in their communities and expand state grassroots capacity. The Institute features a two-day program in Washington, D.C., and a year-long mentoring program. “Maj. Gen. Trowell-Harris’s life is a lesson in leadership and generosity. She has used her passion for education, nursing, and helping others throughout her remarkable career to advance the nation’s health and well-being. Her investment in the work of the Foundation and ANA will enable us to ensure that nurses’ expertise and insight have the greatest impact on health care,” said ANF Executive Director Kate Judge. “Investing in nurse leadership as a legacy is important to me...
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...Intensive First Year Seminar* HCS100 Hum Comm Studies HIS101 World History I* HIS106 World History II* MAT108 Finite Math MAT181 Applied Calculus I ________ General Education elective ISM142 Business Computer Systems* BSN101 Foundations of Bus Admin (2 crs.)* ________ General Education elective or a General Education elective* or ECO113 Principles of Economics (4 crs.) SECOND YEAR Fall Semester (16 or 15 credits) Spring Semester (15 credits) ACC200 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting ACC201 Managerial Accounting SCM200 Statistical Applications in Business* BSL261 American Legal Environment* ECO113 Principles of Economics (4 crs) ECO280 Managerial Economics or a General Education elective ________ General Education elective ________ General Education elective ________ General Education elective ________ General Education elective THIRD YEAR Fall Semester (15 credits) Spring Semester (15 credits) FIN311 Financial Management FIN313 Advanced Financial Management (SP) MKT305 Principles of Marketing FIN333 Applied Comp. & Security Analysis (SP) MGT305 Organizational Behavior SCM330 Supply Chain & Operations Management ________ General Education elective ________ Free elective ________ General Education elective ________ General Education or Free elective FOURTH YEAR Fall Semester (15 credits) Spring Semester (15 credits) FIN312 Investments (F) MGT497 Strategic Management FIN314 Financial...
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...yet released Warner Brother DVD movies. Gift cards and toys are given to current residing and alumni children. Food and music help solidify the night along with memories and surprises. Other on-site amenities include a fruit and vegetable garden that is maintained by residents and volunteers. Every Thursday there is a career and education meeting where those who are unemployed have to meet. Resume writing and building are offered, job search, assistance applying to jobs,...
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...Yam 1 UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature Man and Nature- A dialogue among scientists through the ages Notations: (I: Myself, J: Joseph Needham, C: Rachel Carson N: Issac Newton) I: Welcome to the seminar ‘Man and nature’. I am honoured today with Mr. Needham, Mr. Newton and Ms. Carson. J&C&N: I: Our pleasure. The relationship between man and nature is one of the most vital relations human is currently handling. Humanity’s progresses are largely dependent on the resources our mother nature offers us. From ancient times, nature is human’s best friend and greatest foe. Human is suffering from natural disaster. Meanwhile, many of our daily essentials, such as water and food, are obtained from the nature. In my view, the relationship between man and nature has evolved from ages to ages. To examine the relation, I believe we should first inspect on the advancement of human understanding towards nature. The explanation towards natural phenomena starts from supernatural power. At ancient times, human understanding towards nature was limited, thus resulted in belief of deity. Ancient Greeks used different deity to explain astronomy and natural phenomenon, for instance, Zeus is the God of thunder, Apollo is the God of sun and light, while Poseidon is the God of ocean. Also, different Heroes and Heroine are involved in respective horoscopes. Greeks were not alone. Various primordial civilizations also reflected their incapability of understanding nature in creating...
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...EDUCATION, THE BEDROCK OF THE NATION Education in an expansive sense is a procedure by which an individual obtain the numerous physical and social capacities requested by the general public in which he/she is naturally introduced to capacity. In a perfect sense, instruction is an extreme worth and consequently, through the procurement of social administration, it is a specialists of progress. It is to a country what the psyche is to the body, generally as an ailing personality is impaired in the co-appointment and bearing of the substantial exercises. In this manner, the absolute most noteworthy complex of social-control devices for national advancement is found in the instructive framework is it formal or casual. As it applies to human,...
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...General Certificate of Secondary Education 1 General Certificate of Secondary Education The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14–16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is equivalent to a Level 2 (A*- C) and Level 1 (D- G) in Key Skills. (In Scotland, the equivalent is the Standard Grade.) Some students may decide to take one or more GCSEs before or afterwards; people may apply for GCSEs at any point either internally through an institution or externally. The education systems of other British territories, such as Gibraltar,[1] and the former British dominion of South Africa, also use the qualifications, as supplied by the same examination boards. The International version of the GCSE is the IGCSE, which can be taken anywhere in the world, and which includes additional options, for example relating to coursework and the language used. When GCSEs are taken by students in secondary education, they can often be combined with other qualifications, such as the Business And Technology Education Council (BTEC), the Diploma in Digital Applications (DiDA), or diplomas. Education to GCSE level is often required of students who study for the International Baccalaureate or to GCE Advanced Level (A-level). GCSE exams were introduced as the compulsory school-leavers' examinations in the late 1980s (the first exams being taken...
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...Effective study skills are the sole foundation of a sound education. What are study skills? They are different approaches applied to learning they are essential for successful grades for schools and colleges. They help you to learn and study the right way by studying a subject correctly using study skills you can only improve on the subject. Before starting out on a course generally one would not possess much knowledge of study skills but by Learning about learning one would feel that studying has become easier. By following tips and reading manuals personal progress would flow more fluently in study. "Seven approaches to learning, Learning can be an adventure, Use many senses, Identify what attracts you, use active learning, to take responsibility for your learning ,trust in your own intelligence and to personalize your learning" .(Cotterall, 2013). These headings are the Imperative to studying and they give a positive foundation. Study skills as a sole foundation to a person that is completing a course on-line are invaluable as there is no lectures as such. The person has to manage e time and source all information themselves so having a good study structure in place is important. You must learn to discipline your study habits set up a schedule and keep to a rosta or timetable just as you would if you were attending a regular day time college. If one does not have good study skills it is more difficult to sustain any information. One will not move forward with a lack...
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...304 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 Aligning Instruction with Federal Legislation includes: View the video Foundations: Aligning Instruction with Federal Legislation (login.cengagebrain.com/cb). This video presents a roundtable discussion in which teachers, specialists and an intern reflect on how the legislation for IDEA and No Child Left Behind directly affects their teaching. Based upon your viewing of this video and your reading of Chapter 6 in the text, please respond to the following questions: What is the best advice for a new teacher who finds himself or herself in an inclusion classroom as a general education teacher? How does the inclusion specialist express the sentiments behind the idea in Chapter 6 that one size does not fit all? Education - General Education Aligning Instruction with Federal Legislation . View the video Foundations: Aligning Instruction with Federal Legislation ( http://login.cengagebrain.com/cb/). This video presents a roundtable discussion in which teachers, specialists and an intern reflect on how the legislation for IDEA and No Child Left Behind directly affects their teaching. Based upon your viewing of this video and your reading of Chapter 6 in the text, please respond to the following questions: § What is the best advice for a new teacher who finds himself or herself in an inclusion classroom as a general education teacher? § How does the inclusion specialist express the sentiments behind the idea in Chapter 6 that one size does...
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...Coalition 1. Background. Asha Foundation a nonprofit social organization collaborating with municipal school system in Chattisgarh in order to improve the educational ambiance and school organization as a whole. The improvements need to be mainly concentrated on improving upon teacher’s absenteeism, student’s performance and irregular attendance of the children. Towards this municipal school system is contributing by providing classrooms and program staff. Asha Foundations, founded by entrepreneur A.B. Khaitan around 2. Executing agency profile. 1910. Working policies include “efficiency and experimentation”. Won many awards for low cost with excellent service. 3. Challenges and Objectives. Grey Areas (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Objectives (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Create an experimental after school program which is financially self-sufficient. Develop a new agency which will draw resources from both organizations. New program to operate with current educational policies. An operating handbook with overriding principal for the new program. An inspirational message for the new program. Absenteeism among teachers. Low student performance Variable attendance among children Physical condition of schools very poor with no basic amenities Illiteracy among parents Absence of motivation among teachers Possible Conflicts (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Conflict among different stakeholders. Asha foundation should not be dominant. Program complexity shouldn’t dilute current education policies and procedures....
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...The Impact of Primary Education in Today’s Society Sabrina Robinson Eng/102 November 24, 2013 Philip Bacon When you think about education, do you think it is necessary for children to have the educational background in today’s society? In this essay, touching on the importance of primary education has on children in today. Giving children a strong foundation in elementary through sixth grade, they learn the foundational skills to be successful in middle and high school. Also, touching on the advantages of having primary education, learning the basics of language, culture, math, and writing and even learn how to read. Primary schools set the tone for a child perceptive allowing them to learn their abilities that will remain with them throughout school and life. To conclude, you will understand the main purpose of primary education, it allows teacher has to help identify at risk kids academically and behaviorally before they move on to the upper grades. There are many ways to define education, but to understand how primary education helps children understand and maintain that strong foundation. Primary is where kids learn various subjects and this starts around age five or six, and continues to eight years of age. Building a strong foundation between children and teachers are essential to both parties. In a classroom setting, it is the teacher, who has the opportunity, and indeed, the responsibility, to...
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