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Free Cuba Committee Summary

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“Chief Curry decided to make Oswald available for a press conference (11 pm – 11/22/63) in a small basement assembly room. Shortly after midnight he was brought into the room, which was packed with one hundred police and press. Although Chief Curry had warned the press to maintain strict order, when Oswald arrived, they became frantic, and according to Curry, immediately they began to shoot questions at him and shove microphones into his face. Curry, fearful that the press was about to overrun him, took Oswald from the room after a few moments. District attorney Wade remained to answer reporters' questions. In answer to one, Wade said that Oswald belonged to the “Free Cuba Committee”. A few reporters corrected Wade, pointing out that …show more content…
He didn't say that the other reporters had the name wrong and Ruby was the last one to shout out the correct name. Now, wouldn't this be a big deal. The guy who shuts up Oswald forever is the only one in a room full of professionals, who are paid to know such things is the only one to get it right. See, dad, this is empirical evidence. It cannot be denied even by the Warren Commission. But nobody finds this curious. Posner is clever and only says that Ruby spoke – not what he said, or how he knew. To me, this is a game changer. The only way Ruby could know this was through previous contact with Oswald. If that is the case, the murder meets the criteria for a conspiracy. Also, in addition, District Attorney Wade answers a question and says that Oswald's pistol had been fired twice. Now, wasn't police officer J.D. Tippett hit with at least four shots? This appears to be cut and dry, though the witnesses saw different things. Most of them couldn't pick Oswald out of a line-up. D.A. Wade indicated Oswald was shot with a 45 automatic pistol. Dad, you know that an automatic, ejects its shells and leaves a distinct mark on the shell casing, caused by the ejection mechanism. In addition, there were two different makes of ammunition – very unusual to use different makes, since bullets come in a box of twenty, or so. Okay, big deal, right? Tippet was shot with an automatic. The problem for investigators

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